This is my first post and I think I was able to successfully include the link!!! Anyway, this came across my phone, general left news preloaded into my phone, I don't usually read them but something lead me to check this out and I was amazed by the terms used, just seemed like I couldn't possibly be reading what I was...
OANN is the best news station!!! Pearson Sharp does some great investigations, all the news people really seem to care... we tried to call DirecTV yesterday and complain but got disconnected... we are gonna try again, since that is the reason we have DirecTV... I am gonna try Kloud and see what that is like, need to have a backup if this goes thru...
I believe 100% Trump won Minnesota and Keith Ellison is total pile of shit cheating MFer... We need an audit so the sheep in the cities can see how they are lied to all the time, oh and also so we can prove Omar is not legit either... If I knew how to search for that tweet I would be looking, sorry I can't help there but thanks for posting so I could vent a smidge!!!
TRIGGERED!!! Oh my it was fantastic!!! I wear a rhinestone MAGA pin everyday on my work shirt collar and naturally I had to vote on my way to work so I had my pin on, the only lady there with a mask on checking in people was next to the lady checking me in, well she looked at my pin and I could see it on her face instantly!!! She was trying to figure out a way to tell the lady helping me that I couldn't have that pin... Well she didn't have a chance to say anything and then off to get my ballot I went and she jumped out of her seat to run over to another table to tattle on me... Well no one said anything because my pin is not political and there is no rules against wearing it at the polling location, but boy did it have her in a tizzy!!! You could just see her having a melt down about my pin... It was great!!! Thanks for letting me share my story!!! Have a fantastic day!!!