RedPillQ17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump went after Vivek heavy at the time that video came out of Vivek telling a voter that voting for Trump will lead to Trump’s demise. It was really ominous sounding like a warning of assassination. That conversation solidified my gut instinct on Vivek - Total swamp creature.

Then the time when Vivek was allowed to speak on stage at a Trump rally and GEOTUS literally gave him a 60-second time limit (per Vivek). Bombard’s Body Language did a recap from that Trump rally calling out how obvious Trump’s disdain for Vivek is. Vivek was trying to hug and get close to Trump and GEOTUS literally blocked him by putting his hands on Vivek’s shoulders, pushing him back further away from him. I think Trump knows he’s Vivek is a plant.

IMO, Vivek is just another Obama who’s simply posing in a MAGA hat, and has eerily similar speech lines as Obama did. Vivek showed up out of nowhere and got ludicrous amounts of press for someone with zero cred - just like Obama too.

No way Trump would ever pick someone as a VP who ran for Prez AGAINST him, from my point of view. Loyalty is far too important to Trump to even entertain that thought, IMO.

RedPillQ17 1 point ago +1 / -0

1981–Reagan being shot by John Hinkley supposedly to win the heart of (lesbo) Jodie Foster. Then the OKC building bombing and the Branch Davidians being slaughtered by the FBI on AG Janet Reno’s order.

RedPillQ17 4 points ago +4 / -0

Totally agree! As Stephen Miller pointed out on Benny Johnson’s 5/23 show, there is zero justification for ANY form of raid by ANY entity over a “document dispute” (a civil - NOT criminal matter), especially when it involves a former POTUS. Miller explained that The Presidential Records Act allows any POTUS to take ANY documents they want when leaving office “full stop” - no room for conversation or debate whatsoever.

RedPillQ17 1 point ago +1 / -0

I recorded the same video clips off my TV and sent them out to my Patriot friends last night - LOL!

RedPillQ17 1 point ago +2 / -1

Please let GEOTUS pick Stephen Miller as his VP! Still praying for that. :-)

RedPillQ17 5 points ago +5 / -0

I saw a very compelling interview this Ivan guy did with David Nino Rodriquez a week or so ago that did really impress me. He showed his master spreadsheet of his 350 Deep State target list on Nino’s show. It was very detailed with links and which treasonous activity / operation they were involved in. This guy knows his shit - I’ll give him that.

Nino posted his interview with Ivan on Rumble at: https://rumble.com/v4uz8nx-ivan-raiklin-deep-state-target-list-exposed-350-names-on-the-list.html

RedPillQ17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whoever that crappy courtroom artist who’s drawing POTUS every day needs to be FIRED!! He’s so much more handsome than any of these terrible drawings. :-(

RedPillQ17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Putin was clear about the enemy Russia is fighting from the jump when he kicked off the Ukraine kinetic warfare. He described it as a De-Nazification operation. It doesn’t get any clearer than that, IMO.

RedPillQ17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is “Stormy Daniels” her actual legal name? The document that Trump posted was signed “Stormy Daniels” so it wouldn’t be a viable “legal document” unless it had a signature by her using her legal name, no?

RedPillQ17 1 point ago +1 / -0

IMO, no way is this short list legit. For starters, Trump would never pick anyone who’s ever run for President AGAINST him (e.g., Rubio, Tim Scott, DeSantis, etc.), nor would he choose someone who’s a reformed anti-Trumper (e.g., JD Vance). How many times has Trump emphasized loyalty being THE most important thing to him?

That leaves about 2 people, IMO. Dan Scavino (the longest-standing Patriot by Trump’s side) and Stephen Miller (who’s logged the most hours at Trump’s side after #1 hours logged person - Scavino).

RedPillQ17 1 point ago +1 / -0

And the quantity of citizen journalist videos showing a multitude of different angles is a biggie too. So many times the CCTV cameras just so happened to NOT be working and/or they won’t release the footage (or only give us 2 seconds of video).

RedPillQ17 2 points ago +2 / -0

At a minimum Paxton as Trump’s Attorney General. :-) Although I’d hate to lose him in my state as TX A.G.

RedPillQ17 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’ve been paying attention to things you say on GAW for a long time and constantly find myself agreeing with everything you post. It’s so nice to find like-minded people, such as yourself. :-)

RedPillQ17 6 points ago +7 / -1

The only person I want for VP is Stephen Miller. Benny Johnson openly admits he wants Vivek for Trump’s VP. What a misguided fool he is!

RedPillQ17 5 points ago +5 / -0

It slays me that these guys trotting around in matching FBI color-specific attire are so clueless that they’re literally identifying their agency every time they go marching around. And them wearing face diapers is a yuuuuuuge give-away as well. How can they not realize all this??

It’s as if they WANT people to know they’re a “front” - the “Patriot Front” (fake patriots). Reminds me of that song by The Who called “Eminence Front” - LOL!

RedPillQ17 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’ve lived under Gov. Abbott’s regime in TX ever since he took office. He is 100% RINO and ANYTHING he does that appears like it’s helping is all optics and no teeth. Every EO and bill/law he’s signed that appears like a ‘win’ is NOT once you read the details.

The whole National Guard deployments at Eagle Pass and El Paso were mere photo pops and they’re merely routing illegals to entry points, letting them all in, and then depositing them into our country.

The TX National Guard’s presence at the border doesn’t mean diddly shit when their orders / rules of engagement are to serve as an an Uber service for the illegals. If anything, they’re adding manpower to process MORE illegals INTO the country faster. It’s a total disgrace, and oblivious Texans are falling for the propaganda all the time. Last # I heard is 1.7 MILLION illegals have been added to the Texas voter registration list. Thanks worthless Gov. Abbott! :-(

RedPillQ17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some of the guys in Trump’s security detail here look pretty old and quite fat - hardly what I would picture as being a group of military hot shots, actually.

RedPillQ17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, since USSS is run by DHS (border-buster Mayorkas right now), how trustworthy are those Secret Service peeps anyway? I wouldn’t trust them one bit.

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