Restore 1 point ago +2 / -1

Up to you. DNA not mentioned before.

You could also have said Q mentioned DNA and WWG1WGA in past drops and would be equally true. You judge the relevance.

Restore 0 points ago +1 / -1

These new posts actually are the first time Q ever mentioned DNA.

DNA doesn’t mean what you think, though it does relate to ascension and changing of the guard.

Restore 0 points ago +1 / -1

Thanks for coming. This is comms. Time will tell.

But if you are worried, padlock your DNA while you wait.

Restore 3 points ago +4 / -1

Maybe Semitic doesn’t mean what we thought?

Restore 1 point ago +2 / -1

Ascension refers to the MAGA GOP and to the House Speaker race. Watch and you will find this verified by future events.

Look at drop context if you can center your being to do so.

But sure. Thanks for splaining.

Restore 3 points ago +3 / -0

Or you titled a post about ascension and how people are missing the point, yet failed to mention the word in your “explanation.”

by penisse
Restore 4 points ago +4 / -0

We will pilot it at Gitmo first.

Restore -1 points ago +3 / -4

Yeah. It’s too much work to vote.

Restore 0 points ago +1 / -1

What’s wrong SD? I’ve never seen you use as much foul language in aggregate across all your posts as you crammed into the first few lines of this one.

You likely have great thoughts here but I don’t know that I can read this as your language has gutted the typical sense of credibility and intellectualism that’s otherwise characterizes your posts. Sad!

deleted 6 points ago +6 / -0
Restore 1 point ago +1 / -0

We’ll have to agree to not understand one another’s logic, though your multiplication is exemplary.

Restore 1 point ago +1 / -0

You may also be intelligent as well, which is why I’ve engaged to this point.

A good measure of intelligence is directly related to one’s ability to learn new things, particularly when novel information comes into conflict with that which was previously Known (e.g., reactions to cognitive dissonance).

Here’s to learning new things.

Restore 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have a few reasons for thinking this way. One involves some (minor) degree of knowledge of comms, and particularly how outer space is used in comms. Secondarily is the lack of evidence, and also how the government occasionally stirs up interest in aliens and topics such as this while: sending comms, distracting from other events / pricing the population with entertainment, and asserting with certainty the things claimed as “proven by Science(R) and Math(R)” despite the lack of any actual data. The Science(R) provided in this particular field is much as what you have cited - nonsense articles with “formulas” occasionally asserted that are illogical (no explanation why or how a simple series of multiplication of data points answers an Elusive Question of the Ages) and where the data to plug into the formula is: not provided, not known, and / or - best yet, not knowable (but random assertions of fantastical data points can be thrown out in other articles to pretend more is known than is true and to contribute to comms / messaging). Please also don’t forget that even the “big” data points change - x IS A PLANET!, actually found to not be a planet but an asteroid, just realized x is a moon and not a planet or asteroid. Actually - we discovered the first PlAsteroid! (Note disputes over things suggested as Knowable and Known such as the number of planets in our solar system has changed multiple times in our lifetime and at best that data today could be Known only through Consensus Science(patent pending).

With that said, I’m happy to stay grounded and within the bounds of the one simple article you sent, and the Math(R) referenced therein, so I’ll keep an open mind in reading your future post and spreadsheet on this.

Restore 3 points ago +3 / -0

I couldn’t make it past the first 30 seconds. And why do people like this record from their car?

A reason for sure.

Restore 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m sure you’ll get around to it, given the significance of being the first to prove life exists on other planets.

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