RexBibendi 2 points ago +2 / -0

If I post links I think I get shadow banned.... so here is the update from some lefty POS site:

"Four rail unions have aligned on a potential national strike date of Dec. 9, with the Signalmen’s union agreeing to move back its date in coordination with other unions that rejected the labor deal."

You can google cnbc and here is the title for the source: "With unions aligned, timeline for rail strike and railroad emergency prep is now clear"

So combine that with diesel shortages and the 15 million barrel release from the SPR (which I found one article that has the last of the delivery on the first week of December, take that with a grain of salt) and this is all gearing up for an interesting Winter. IMO, this show is just beginning.

RexBibendi 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yup, I agree that there is a catastrophe around the corner... I'm in a blue/purple state and the idiots here have no idea what is going on... no clue. I think there are going to be major events that need to wake them up. These events need to happen under a Dem president (imo).

Here are events that I am still waiting for:

  1. Scare event
  2. Taiwan
  3. Ukraine/labs/Vax/Russia (is this part of the scare event?)
  4. Diesel/Gas/Trucking issues (gas prices, supply chain issues, SPR)
  5. Financial Meltdown (Car loans, housing, FED/BRICS/Gold, US Dollar, credit cards, pensions(?), certain banks going out of biz)

Other Event Possibilities: 6) Railroad strike 7) Climate change lock downs? 8) Renewed calls for vax

Also, from what I am seeing, this is international... not just limited to the US. So I'm expecting events in China(Taiwan) and Brazil(elections). And all of these events are primed and ready to go after this last "election." I hope it is sooner rather than later. Until 1-5 is complete, I don't see any other action being taken.

I expected the steal but I think our turnout in person was able to throw them a curve ball. Stay Alert, Stay Safe.

RexBibendi 10 points ago +10 / -0

It could give Elon a good place to start looking... Hey, Steve just handed in 500 pages of code and Joe handed in 1 page.

I would start looking at Joe's code first...

EDIT: Look at Joe's saved revisions on the servers... obv what he handed in is probably trash

RexBibendi 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm in agreement that we need to take everything with an open mind (ie is it a hoax or is this real). This was mentioned a long time ago and then disappeared.

If this is true...

  1. What are these things made of? Here is one article that has some strange elements that could support the theory of circuits in the shots: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-08-17-elemental-analysis-results-released-vaccine-clot-composition-not-blood-clots.html#

  2. The structure in the video is similar to another video which is making the same claim. Goto the 3:50ish mark for photos: https://rumble.com/v1g4dcl-exclusive-horrific-images-circuits-in-covid-jab-internet-router-causes-circ.html

When stuff like this is ignored, my spidey sense starts going haywire. All I'm asking is that the existing lots need to be analyzed across all existing lots. We need reputable teams looking at this. I am missing an old video link that mentioned frequency and (possibly) heat may add to the ability for these things to self assemble (if this is true). Why did Japan call the manufacturers to explain "dirty" lots (https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/japan-finds-stainless-steel-particles-suspended-doses-moderna-vaccine-2021-09-01/)?

Could this be what leads to riots?

I hope that I am wrong.

RexBibendi 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't have the end date of the current withdrawal from the SPR (Strategic Petroleum Reserve) but I believe that if they are keeping with the original plan, they were taking out of the SPR about 1 million barrels per day and this would end around Oct 31.

Now OPEC+ just came out today and said they are going to CUT production by 2 MILLION barrels per day (they had a previous increase of around 600k/day but that was going to end soon).

Hurricane was not used as an excuse in the reports I read. However, in the current reports for the 2 mil reduction, some outlets were mentioning inventory levels (shortages?).

This is not good imo. I did see a post here that said some of the SPR oil went to China... could that be the reason for the recent rise in prices? Stay safe and keep the tanks full.

RexBibendi 28 points ago +28 / -0

I would like to think that this is not a dog and pony show but evidence for military trials... bring it. Anything brought to Congress or Courts should be backed by evidence (for the later military trials). Just my thinking.

RexBibendi 1 point ago +1 / -0

As you can see from the other comments to your post, there seems to be funny stuff going on in the markets. From what I could research online, if there are margin calls a company may have to sell collateral to keep a certain amount in their account or get liquidated by the entity with the margin call. This MIGHT be why gold/stocks/crypto are all falling at the same time.

I was curious because typically you see gold go up in bad times, but if margin calls are close, you may see selling in all categories at the same time. I have not heard of any margin calls being made, but some Hedge Funds (either the whole company or one of their funds) have closed or closed positions. This is just my guess as this really makes no sense to me.

RexBibendi 2 points ago +2 / -0

I tried to make a post about this earlier but it never showed up in new. Here is part of the post.

The next "statement" I am waiting for is "Trump is responsible under Operation WarpSpeed...". He isn't a scientist that worked in the lab, all he did was free up money and gov't resources for a vaccine, but whatever... let's look at the timeline.

-Operation Warp Speed was launched 4/30/2020 | https://www.cdc.gov/museum/timeline/covid19.html#Mid-2021 . IMO, he needed something to get around the lockdowns that others wanted.


-5/11/2020, "President Trump holds a briefing in the White House Rose Garden to claim that anyone who wants to get a coronavirus test can get one and encourages businesses around the country to reopen. He does not wear a mask."

-5/12/2020, "Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), testifies before the U.S. Senate that experts believe more people have died from COVID-19 than have been officially reported and warns against “re-opening” too quickly."

-8/12/2020, Obesity is found to be a factor. NOTE: THEN WHY CLOSE GYMS?

-11/20-21/2020, CDC recommends Americans stay home for Thanksgiving and revises the Travel Health Notice system for COVID-19. (After the election). NOTE: I also think it is important to remember that Trump made 2 hospital ships available. I don't believe that anyone died on these ships. This article was written on 4/30/2020 showing that fewer than 200 patients were treated on the NYC ship, https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2020/04/30/hospital-ship-comfort-departs-nyc-having-treated-fewer-than-200-patients/ . I find it interesting that no deaths were mentioned in the article for that ship.

-Trump "leaves" office on 1/20/2021.

-5/10/2021, FDA expands the emergency use authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to include all adolescents ages 12–15 years. AFTER TRUMP.

-8/11/2021, CDC releases a statement assuring the public that COVID-19 vaccination is safe for pregnant and breastfeeding people. CDC studies have found that an infection with COVID-19 during pregnancy increases the risk of developing severe illness from COVID-19 and that there is no evidence that any vaccines, including the COVID-19 vaccines, cause fertility problems in women or men. AFTER TRUMP.

-8/23/2021, FDA fully approves the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for all people ages 18 years and older. Full FDA approval further reinforces that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine has been shown to meet the agency’s high standards for safety, effectiveness, and consistent quality in manufacturing. AFTER TRUMP.

-9/29/2021, CDC issues an urgent health advisory to increase COVID-19 vaccination rates among people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or who are trying to become pregnant. More than 22,000 pregnant people have been hospitalized with COVID-19 and 161 have died. COVID-19 in pregnant people carries a two-fold risk of admission to intensive care, a 70% increased risk of death, and adverse pregnancy outcomes that can include preterm birth, stillbirth, and the admission of a newborn into the ICU with COVID-19. AFTER TRUMP

The timeline is kind of messed up once Trump "left". They are trapped in a corner and will try to blame Trump for this as I think the vax info is starting to hit main stream news. But if you look at the CDC website, it shows who mandated things.

RexBibendi 6 points ago +6 / -0

I didn't see anything under [V], to complete the "W". (double check me) [W] did return two posts, 144 & 4951.

144 talks about the MSM. Worth a read. Here is part of it: "Who does [i]t hurt? Who control[s] the MSM? Primary objective from beginning: POTUS discredit MSM. [W]hy is this relevant? How is information transmitted? How are people inform[e]d?"

Maybe a narrative shift coming re MSM?

ps I looked for Divine, didn't see it mentioned in any of the posts.

RexBibendi 2 points ago +2 / -0

What are the current theories?

If I remember the movie correctly, Sean C's character defects to the US with a new sub and America plans to reverse engineer it.

Could this movie title be related to a certain email server? Maybe that server had secret drawings or software that was given or sold to an enemy state.

What if some sort of tech was taken from an enemy foreign country (plane, ship, sub, tank) and brought to the US where they were able to show that the software code or hardware configuration was stolen directly from the US (ie taken from a server). This was then used at trial to show treason (but the timeline would have to accelerate for this). My issue with this is that the timeline doesn't seem to fit this (for this Oct), and I believe that all movies are playing now. A quick google search shows the sub's name was Red October... Q post 4815/2333/4800/(few more), just says Red October, so do we take out "the hunt for"?

My second thought is that there is a bunch of good news (ie through trial evidence) that the MAGA (red) movement gets a lot of good press (Red October). I'm just guessing tho.

I like your idea, could definitely fit with the "scare event" that is discussed.

RexBibendi 1 point ago +1 / -0

imo, I think things are being timed with the midterms. Just a hunch. Election/Vaxx/Labs/Epstein/Financial Markets/trafficking/border/energy (oil) ... seems like the November time frame might be pretty hectic. They need to time it with the midterms so that the local states can catch the low level people. Let's see what happens.

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