The reality is that for future generations to prosper in a fair world! There needed to be collateral damage! Millions were saved by operation Warp Speed! How could you convince the world that the 'vaccines' were a biological weapons if no one died? You cannot tell them the truth you must show them!
Real education should be free! Knowing of our short visit to this plane, our goal should be teaching the next generation, how best to coexist! False narratives because of material greed have poisoned the well of knowledge!
The top leadership of all organizations, even the terrorist ones are playing a part in the system of control! ISIS was wiped away in months when Trump took over! The powers that be always wanted perpetual war and created these percieved bogeymen to maximise their profits! The first Trump presidency quashed their game of enriching themselves using strategic narratives to promulgate war! War has always been one big hustle by the powers that be! Millions of young men and women die yet they sit on tables and sign surrender agreements! The proof is right Infront of us! The Axis of Evil countries have better economies, transportation, etc than those who sent men and women to halt their world conquest! Go figure!
As soon as Trump did this, it was confirmation that he was setup! They have done this to millions around the world! Their secret societies controlled law enforcement, judiciaries and media! Anyone in this club could get away with murder! Law enforcement heads, setup the evidence, media reports and the judiciary convicts! Many innocent people are languishing in jails all over the world! This pardon was an eye opener for me. It showed that patriots were now in control! These moves convinced me to have faith in the plan! Wasn't Obama's opponent charged for some crime to disqualify him and charges were subsequently dropped after Obama won the Senate seat! These is their MO to keep statesmen out of their corrupt chambers!
I can only imagine when the world is made right, how all these hoaxes will seem to people who are thought facts about our existence! We will look like a superstitious bunch that believed everything the snake oil salesmen told us! History repeats itself! We looked back at some of our ancestors the same way!
They lied to us about everything! Our reality is based on a never ending series of lies! The Zionist Khazarian Mafia and the NAZIS seem to be two wings of the same bird! They kept their dominion by creating narratives that the masses gullibly believed! When a power structure owns all mediums of information, they can shape the masses' reality! This is the matrix, that some have shattered but some still cannot get their minds to understand! Cognitive dissonance is real!
The American Revolution was intended to free people, not only in America; but worldwide! It was the first salvo against an entrenched enemy that had ran the world by using power and wealth to corrupt and control the way of the world! Americans achieved the greatest breakaway from the powers that be and formulated a Constitution that would hopefully protect their people from falling back into their system! Individual politicians sold out for their own personal gain!
Knowingly! Remdesivir had been tested in Africa and it was deadly! Hydrocychorine and Invermectin kills no one but Its cheap! The media conflating that using hydroxichloroguine was just Trump telling you to drink chlorox will go down in history as some of the most blatant lies ever perpetuated on the masses!
At this point in the movie; whoever is still trying to stop Trump is using their last resource, clutch at straws!