List is international, but mostly US.
Link to list (airtable):
Can download as CSV file if you right-click the ellipsis at top of page.
Above link seems to have recently been moved. I believe this is the same article:
Also, same topic, a discussion:
So your contention then is that Protestant bibles are even more lacking than the Catholic ones?
Curious how your idea of biblical revisionism tracks with that outlined here:
Will pray for all your family.
A related red pill for 9/11 is, look how quickly the so-called "Patriot Act" was passed,
When you start to consider how many ways the patriot act impacts us and compromises our freedoms and privacy, and how many ways it has been used as an excuse to roll out programs and curtail liberties of all kinds, it becomes clear what one of the goals of 9/11 really was.
The clergy were instituted by Jesus himself - you can find mention of three orders (deacons, priests, and bishops) in acts of the apostles, and further clarity on their roles in earliest writings of the church fathers.
This SternTD (Todd Stern)?
Good job