RobinGoodfellow123 24 points ago +24 / -0

I personally heard from my doctor that our Governor (Cooper, NC - rat bastard) wrote doctors weekly telling them to NOT prescribe Ivermectin and HCQ as it was not FDA and CDC approved. That every prescription would be checked and verified by the pharmacist filling it. If the prescriptions were found to be prescribed without approval, they would be pulled.

After the first letter, she called a local pharmacy that she worked the most with and asked them what they were told. The pharmacists told her they were to report all prescriptions.

She said this was the first time in her 30+ years of medicine that she ever received government memos.

RobinGoodfellow123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks! His most recent one just ended. He's recharging and will be back.

I kinda feel like I now know the guy since I've been walking around Ottawa with him the past two days. 😉

RobinGoodfellow123 3 points ago +3 / -0

I stumbled on this guy's feed yesterday and really liked it. He's out for about an hour at a time and then has to go inside to warm up and recharge his phone. He said it is so cold that it's draining the batteries so quickly. He does a pretty good job of walking between Parliament Hill and up and down the streets where the trucks are parked. He hasn't started a live yet this morning, from what I can tell.


RobinGoodfellow123 2 points ago +2 / -0

I stumbled on this guy's feed yesterday and really liked it. He's out for about an hour at a time and then has to go inside to warm up and recharge his phone. He said it is so cold that it's draining the batteries so quickly. He does a pretty good job of walking between Parliament Hill and up and down the streets where the trucks are parked. He hasn't started a live yet this morning, from what I can tell.


RobinGoodfellow123 6 points ago +6 / -0

Right. And, that's just one guy, with one phone. I have to believe there are streams going up everywhere.

RobinGoodfellow123 7 points ago +7 / -0

Here's the latest feed. Began around 3:30 p.m. EST


(So glad Canada is holding their real revolution on a Saturday because I am getting absolutely no work done today.)

RobinGoodfellow123 22 points ago +22 / -0

This guy has a decent livestream going. He said he comes and goes as he charges his battery. The trucks aren't even there yet, but every time the crowd gets sight of one or two, they go crazy!

RobinGoodfellow123 5 points ago +5 / -0

The more I watch these videos the angrier I get that they have purposely kept us out of DC for 55+ weeks due to their fake fed-surrection footage from J6. They've intentionally done that to drag this on. I just want to rent some Penske 22-foot truck, park it diagonally across the Mall and tailgate out of it until they stop masking children in school.

My husband and I actually went last weekend for the Defeat the Mandates rally, and it was the first time I had been back in the city since the 6th. We kept thinking why should we feel so unwelcome in a city that we help fund and once loved. It's become the Whore of Babylon.

RobinGoodfellow123 9 points ago +9 / -0

I totally agree with this!

I was watching videos all day (instead of working) and I thought: we all need to just up and stop what we're doing for a week, form the convoy, drive to DC, and circle the White House like sharks.

RobinGoodfellow123 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have a few spreadsheets that I can't attach.

But here's a link for a source that some douchebag PhD from Raleigh sent me IN DEFENSE of how the Dept of Ed is spending their billions of COVID dollars. Click on the second tab, Summary and Allotment per ADM, and you'll see the Allotment, Expenditures, and Balance as of 10/31/2021.

REMINDER - This is COVID dollars. In addition to your tax dollars. What are your taxes paying for if Covid dollars are paying for teachers' salaries and bonuses?


RobinGoodfellow123 2 points ago +2 / -0

In all seriousness, I wanted to do something with my Jan 6 pictures for Christmas. So, I used Shutterfly to order playing cards and their Memory game.

I love my shots of the Capitol building with the Trump banners hanging from the front.

RobinGoodfellow123 1 point ago +1 / -0

I came back to change this. Realized it was in regards to CC and not all of homeschooling.

Yes, we loved CC for the early years, up until CH A + B. I was a tutor, director, trainer, etc. Our community was incredible. We had a major move during our children's middle school years and the community we became a part of wasn't quite the same. Then, we had the opportunity to help build/grow a co-op solely for middle school + high school homeschoolers, which aligned more with where we were headed academically.

RobinGoodfellow123 1 point ago +1 / -0

Great thoughts!

Mine are now 20 + 18, and I homeschooled them all the way through. I always considered myself a Classical Unschooler. A few additional thoughts:

It's easier to pull them out the younger they are as they really won't have the framework of "missing school." They'll be used to being at home and blending in with the family. It's doable, when they're in middle school + high school, but know that for every year in school it takes at least a month at home to adjust (i.e. - 7 years in school, will take 7 months to adjust to being home.)

Know that curriculum companies are also businesses trying to sell you products. You don't need to buy new books/curriculum every year. In fact, I'd advise against it. For the high school years, I recommend buying one or two text books for Math and English Grammar and working through those books multiple times, instead of buying more books. The first year you go through the book, aim to do a quarter of the lessons. The second year, start at the beginning at then go half way through, etc. The third year, try to finish it all. The concepts don't change. There is no such thing as 6th grade math. Multiplication and division are the same if they're being done in elementary school or in Algebra 2. I highly recommend completing Saxon Algebra 1/2 many, many times. This set both my kids up for their college math better than any of the Advanced Math they had. Easy Grammar 180 Daily Lessons is phenomenal, too. I tutor ACT Prep and both Saxon Algebra 1/2 and the Easy Grammar lessons give students a more than adequate base for that test.

Read aloud to your children every day. Start young and then keep reading. My husband and I read aloud to our children well into high school. (We'd still do it, but they're never around. 😉) My daughter is helping to nanny some school-aged children in our neighborhood, whose parents think they have high educational standards. They never read aloud to their children. My daughter has told me more than once, I don't even think they have any books in the house. Do it when everyone is fresh, first thing in the morning if possible. Don't put it off until all the other work is done, because all the other work will never be done. Read out loud, then pause periodically and have your children narrate back to you what is happening.

If you read aloud to your children and do some Math every day, your children will turn out fine. Trust me. Some days we even did less than that, and mine are fully functioning adults.

Look into dual-enrollment programs if your state offers them. We're in NC, and NC has THE BEST community college partnership. My children had (will have) their Associate's Degree by the age of 19, which transfers into any 4-year NC school. Most of their first 2 years of college was free. My son is now finishing his 4-year degree while working fulltime (since he has his AA) and his tuition for the upcoming spring semester was $1840! That's it! And, he was able to pay for it, in cash, since he's working.

Middle schoolers + high schoolers want friends -- a peer group of their own. If your children are involved in activities not stemming from school (dance, martial arts, community theatre, working, church, club sports, co-ops, 4-H, etc.) they'll be fine.

If you have any questions about high school curriculum, or transcripts, please reach out. I have helped dozens of families write transcripts and complete college applications through the years.

RobinGoodfellow123 1 point ago +1 / -0

We did CC for 7 years !!

RobinGoodfellow123 2 points ago +2 / -0


He travels a ton for work and hasn't been wearing one in the airports for months. Occasionally, he's approached and he pretends to be getting it out of his pocket to put it on while he keeps walking.

RobinGoodfellow123 2 points ago +2 / -0

American. He was in Business Class, and he said it really depends on the Flight Crew. Some are sticklers. Others don't seem to care once they've done their cabin check. He had an empty seat beside him during one of the flights, and that time he kept if off.

He does have some of those not-real mesh masks that he puts on for appearances sake when he has to.

RobinGoodfellow123 1 point ago +1 / -0

My husband just flew across country four times in two weeks for business. He went through multiple airports and didn't wear a mask once. I fully expected to see him in one of these pictures, in which case I would have been crying with laughter. 😂😂

RobinGoodfellow123 5 points ago +5 / -0

Agreed. And, I'm from North Carolina.

But, everyone should know it's incorrect because grammar. The apostrophe is placed where letters are removed.

You + All

Remove the "ou"


Common sense, even if y'all ain't Southerners.

RobinGoodfellow123 3 points ago +3 / -0

John Taylor Gatto is the main reason we homeschooled our children.

It's probably a good thing he didn't live to see 2020, although he foretold much of what was going to happen.

RobinGoodfellow123 6 points ago +6 / -0

Do you find it weird that none of the people in the background are wearing masks nor filming these marchers?

Have any candid shots of this even turned up anywhere?

(Has this already been discussed?)

RobinGoodfellow123 9 points ago +9 / -0

The flags! Why is no one talking about the flags? They were all the same!

You're telling me there's going to be a "Patriot" event, and we're all bring the exact same flag? Look at the flags from Jan 6th .... thousands of styles.
If we're meeting in DC again, there will at least be one Let's Go Brandon flag.

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