RobinOfTheHood 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why yes. I'm sure they'll have to face the wrath of the one that they are meant to worship.

Or at best, be lovingly shown the error of their ways.

RobinOfTheHood 2 points ago +2 / -0

From Wiki: Personal life

Robinson married her wife, Becky George, in 2020; they have one child together.[1] Robinson is Catholic.[18]

Don't see how she can be Catholic...or have a child for that matter.

RobinOfTheHood 10 points ago +11 / -1

Interesting choice of words there.

The natives have attacked some hotels housing these invaders, I don't know of any looting being carried out by them though. They're certainly not burning our cities to the ground, as far as I am aware it's the hotels and a police station. And a few bins.

RobinOfTheHood 3 points ago +3 / -0

So, an actor or the UK equivalent of being MKUltra'd?

I've also been told, on no authority whatsoever, that the residents of Southport and the teachers at the school where he was taught have been paid off by the local council to keep quiet.

The plot thickens.

RobinOfTheHood 9 points ago +9 / -0

Russia's politicians are in a different league to those of the West, by and large.

You'd get more sense out of 10 minutes of Sergey Lavrov, Vladimir Putin or Maria Zakharova than in a lifetime of listening to those that claim to represent the USA, UK etc.

RobinOfTheHood 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also, I believe that this is why Putin/Russia has been so restrained despite all the provocations thrown their way - they know that the leaders don't represent the people. Otherwise Europe would be taking hits by now.

RobinOfTheHood 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have to say I totally agree, and the people at large have absolutely no idea that this is the case. The 'rulers' deserve everything that's coming but the people are gonna suffer too and as you say, it sucks. Big time.

RobinOfTheHood 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well the weather's been shite here in the UK all year. Do you mean to say it's gonna keep raining until the bankers are gone?

We're all gonna need vitamin D tablets.

RobinOfTheHood 3 points ago +3 / -0

Really? How could you time that to happen just as the shots were fired? Unscrewing a valve would cause a leak whose severity would depend on the amount it was unscrewed, surely?

The pipe had to be struck by something, and it stopped as soon as the boom had dropped at which point there'd be longer be pressure in the hydraulics.

As for steel vs lead, has he never shot a dustbin?

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