I'm ignorant of the minutiae of citizenship when the parents citizenship is in question.
All I've ever heard is that if a child is born on US soil they are a born US citizen regardless of their parents citizenship.
However, I find that highly suspect, it has never set well with me, and many here believe that not to be the case.
I've not researched into if that is actual law or a hoodwinked the dems are doing (probable), and I've not researched it.
Possibly, but not necessarily, and most likely not. Each unit in each State must be given a specific mission, specific orders, when activated. There is no general muster for all the states as one would think with a branch of the armed services, even with a so called national emergency.
The NG is paid not out of the federal military budget, not in the same way as active duty (IIRC) when the Feds request them. Also, they do basically go to the Governor and request them.
I do know whomever activates them pays for them, whether it is fed or state.
The part everyone is missing is the two concepts are separate, but they're not treating it as such.
MARRIAGE is different from a CIVIL UNION.
A CU is a legal status recognized by the government which confers recognized benefits, such as relational status, certain rights, and tax benefits.
Marriage is a religious function with explicitly defined frameworks with religious and spiritual concepts, and real life implications as to expectations of behavior , living conditions (together), family orientation, having kids, raising them, and bonds and relationships.
The CU gave married people the nuts and bolts of a relationship as to how it functioned in a governed society.
Marriage itself is a religious device and should not be defined by any governing body.
THIS is the example and fight that should be happening.
Let the fans have CU all day long. Go to the judge and say they are living together in a civil union, I don't care.
However, they are not married in the eyes of God. They CANNOT get married, as that is anathema to the very concept and nature of marriage. Government has no business defining or regulating Marriage. They are required to recognize it in conferring CU, that's it. Stay out of it
I am 100% with you on this.
Having said that, there is absolutely somthing to frequencies. Harmonic vibrations, in relation to both sound and physical are definitely something to study.
There is absolutely somthing to study as to the nature of sound waves and how they interact with nature. Have you ever seen how sand, for example, will dance and form geometric patterns when exposed to various sound frequencies?
IMO that is an example of the complexity and interactions between the world and God's design.
That is a tiny example of one of the areas of study that Tesla was fascinated by.
Likewise the concept of everything "vibrates" at a certain frequency, I find to be worthy of investigation and was also the basis of his "earthquake machine" study that could cause buildings to collapse (inadvertantly, as that was not the nature of that study).
In addition, if you research MKUltra and other CIA programs, they believe attunement of the brain to certain frequencies would allow the individual to break some certain barriers between the physical and spiritual and be able to access some form of gestalt field, the location where the experience of memory and time breakes down and you can experience any time from your life, future or past.
Obviously there are major flaws to how/what, etc. To their approach, but I get what they're trying to do. This one always struck me as a pandoras box one.
Anyways, I believe most of these fields of study may be worthy of pursuit, as long as scripture is kept in mind. Obviously activities which opening up one's mind to demonic incursion needs to be prevented, but I'm not sure how much of this going on is specifically related to that.
I believe the proven existence of these interactions is, in part, what has drawn people like the OP to come to many of these oddball conclusions as to how the physical realm works. It feels like he's trying to describe the nuts and bolts mechanics of how he believes the world works and make it some kind of philosophical path to which we should devote to. Maybe that is where the mistakes end up in understanding how it relates to our lives.
Even if that were part of the underlying mechanics of how everything worked, it doesn't seem to be the experience, I think, that God wants us to focus on.
I know and sympathize with you greatly.
Not to be gross, the first time I realized it I about puked in the middle of a managers meeting. Seriously depressed and almost called in the next day.
Didn't want to be around them.
Good news you get over it, and for me, I was filled with disgust, yet sympathy for them. Over time I got a few of them to be more open minded. A few others were hopelessly lost and i/we at least knew who not to talk about it in front of them.
The problem is that is how they are. In their heads, full of hate and intolerance, they know that just on impulse if they held a gun they would have no self control and would start blasting away.
Therefore, as they see themselves as normal, it must be that way for everyone.
I've known quite a few and that is exactly their rationale.
I think that is the idea. Either way it is a win-win.
1.The money is already spent.
2.May as well also drain the IRS ar the same time.