As with all things, the devil is in the details. It depends on how the law was written/amended to handle e-signing, and how the courts view it. Ultimately, it stands until it is challenged in the courts. Then it depends on how they rule on it.
Tariffs and other taxes, sure, why not? In addition, gov't expenses are to be going down soon, or so I've been told. DOGE!
Lower expenses don't need as much income and we end up with a surplus, pay the national debt down, if it doesn't get canceled. For other reasons.
My thoughts on this with no real backing, I'm assuming to make such a power play as to end the IRS, he'll have to prove the revenue can be generated elsewhere first. The ERS can go a long way in proving that is possible.
I'm guessing if the IRS ends during the trump era, it'll either be next year, or very quickly this year, but i think the former is much more plausible.
I'm in DC now for the march. We're part of a group of schools going, and it has been a blast. I'll see if I can give a followup report afterwards.
Depends on the area. We get farm pigs all the time, easy peasy. Tons of supply. The last few years demand shot through the roof and supply took about a year to stabilize for the new demand. They're handling it easily.
We also have a big Amish population, so that may have something to do with it.
Yes. If they thought it would help, every day of the week.