Rpaddymac1 7 points ago +7 / -0

Agreed! POS Maximus! Back when TS opened up I railed against him on his lack of anything said about 2000 Mules and a few other things even about being a narcissist. I wish Patriot XM would drop his useless show. I listen to the Classic Radio show or Jeff and Larry’s comedy network instead of vannity..

Rpaddymac1 4 points ago +4 / -0

Don't think "resign" means you get to just walk away from all this

Yes, but that’s exactly what they think as it’s been working in the past for decades.

Rpaddymac1 4 points ago +4 / -0

When they said pro-choice it was to feed both sides, ie playing the middle. They need the pure bloods support for true forward action and to lull us into non condemnation, but also they need the jabbed’s support for more to come forward as a new victim tribe, which you know how the idiots love to be part of a victim class.

Rpaddymac1 8 points ago +8 / -0

What was done? I watched the whole clip, I didn’t witness any “boom”, perhaps you could enlighten me to what I missed.

Rpaddymac1 8 points ago +8 / -0

Kim, I’ve read your posts before with admiration and respect. Stay strong, take a leave of absence, you’ve been on the frontline a little too long. This was never going to be quick. That is something that happens in all wars…”Home by Christmas”. How many times in past wars was that mentioned. We are in an actual war and most don’t even know it and it will/has drag out longer than our comfort zone allows most of us. Look back at our past wars, the dog faced solders, in it for the duration. We are in just as deep without most of the blood and carnage. Good luck, stay strong, take a break!

Rpaddymac1 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s networking from other anons on this site that brought it to my attention. But I agree with your assessment!

Rpaddymac1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here is a YT video I just viewed last week, it’s an eye opener. The news corps is covered somewhere between 22 - 37 minute marks. Well worth the hour watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuSpEgFkW94

Rpaddymac1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Didn’t have or look up that nugget, like I stated, it was a random thought, however, it could still play out if they decide to sacrifice kamela to the courts for ineligibility after the fact and swoop ol’ hillbags in….I’m trying to think like a scumbag here, it’s not easy..

Rpaddymac1 3 points ago +3 / -0

I believe the same thing. The question again begs to asked all the time: what business of ours, is theirs outside the boundaries of the US? That’s why we have a state dept…

Rpaddymac1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Great question, I was going to try and drs all 12, but like you ask, and like data said, it should be a 3:1 split when I got a 4:1 split.

Rpaddymac1 1 point ago +1 / -0

It never stopped Obama…..”Yet”…, perhaps this could be the opening. So many levels of things happening. I’m wondering if “think game theory” as to do with games like Red Dead, GTA, The Witcher. With these open map games one thread leads to many others and you don’t really work through them linearly.

Rpaddymac1 5 points ago +5 / -0

Expand on the scenario of Nancy getting rid of kamela please. Other than arkanciding her, how would they remove her? By the same court that decides she is ineligible to be POTUS? It’s a possibility that I don’t know, maybe technically she is ineligible to be VP as well by birth.

Rpaddymac1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hahaha! I was trying to work backwards from the amphibious tanks on the beaches of China, this is where I ended up.

Rpaddymac1 2 points ago +2 / -0

More thought on that scenario is: This is exactly why they picked her as VP and why piglousy brought up the 25th back when Trump was still POTUS…. This was always their plan. We all got stuck on how they would lose camel to allow Nancy in, well it was right there in front us the whole time. This IS why she went to tie one on in defiance of China. To show she has no fear and that she is a leader, China was just playing it’s part, it really had no intention of shooting her down. Bread and Circuses….it’s all a ruse to prop her up. Expect FJB to go down soon.

Rpaddymac1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Technology is not my fren, what I don’t know about it would fill volumes…

Rpaddymac1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just tried to post this as a shower thought from my iPad, not sure if it went through. I’ve only posted a few times through the years. If it doesn’t show up, please feel free to post it if you want.

Rpaddymac1 5 points ago +5 / -0

And/or, the Kamel toe issue will be resolved by SCOTUS that she has to remain VP due to birth right issues and that Piglousy would ascend to POTUS by default….

Rpaddymac1 22 points ago +22 / -0

If I go to Brazil, I will not rent a motorcycle, don’t want to be mistaken for one these guys while asking for directions…

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