Rubieroo 11 points ago +11 / -0

Until I read your post it never clicked in my mind that "we're not gonna take it" could also mean the VAX.

I had previously assumed it to mean we were not to put up with any Cabal dictates.

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry you're going through this. Just tragic all of these family splits. They aren't forever, and this will pass... And all of this division will end. But plenty of us get how wearisome it can be in the meantime. Praying for you, fren ❤️

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's your house. She has no right to demand you leave. If she is THAT serious about it then let's see if she's willing to back up her bullshit TV beliefs with actions.

STAY WHERE YOU ARE. And if you left? Go back.

by BQnita
Rubieroo 11 points ago +11 / -0

Yep. Fished out a lot of people who later went straight back to slurping TV vomit.

I don't bother with liberals anymore and only nominally reach out to TV-watching conservatives.

Most of my time is spent keeping truly red-pilled people up to date on what's really happening, as opposed to trying to rescue TV addicts.

by BQnita
Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

And they don't even bother acknowledging people who recovered from what they SAY is a "pandemic" illness.

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or could we say

the Cabal Globalists and the CCP?

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's a thang isn't it? As it should be. Who do we trust? I dunno. I know who I can trust. And that's a VERY short list.

This board is fully comped and we all know it ;-)

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

And also just wondering: is "Juliette Kayyem" another dude? Cuz it looks kinda like a dude.

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Before that even happened there were some of us who did not believe there was a way for President Trump to appear neutral while the big stuff goes down if he were president.

Not to mention - how many did Obama pardon? How many evil people had to be allowed to commit more crimes?

I think some of these guys are controlled by white hats and because of former black hat control they were ordered on Jan 6 to fall on their own political swords, so to speak. Graham and Grassley are two that top the list of "doing what they are told to do" by white hats.

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's still there, and fun to visit. Some of the mopier whiners have rediscovered their spines, so that's good.

Rubieroo 0 points ago +0 / -0

For one thing, I'm watching pedos and child sex traffickers get arrested STILL in number.

Biden doesn't fly AF1. He flies on "N/A".

Q posts that came true, including the McCain execution (30 days after Q said it would be 30 days).

Watching the Q400 event from the perspective of knowing what was happening.

Watching the deaths of Un's clown handlers....and seeing that what came next verified those deaths as being puppetmasters for NK (strings cut).

Seeing the warning to Antifa about their new idea to have "death squads"...and then subsequent on camera death of the first Antifa person to try it, having ignored the warning.

Seeing Trump looking as confident as I have ever seen him look, all the while making air Qs. The military sending coded (but easily deciphered) messages in coordination with Q and President Trump.

So many evidences it would take more time than I have to list them all. ;)

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

On the bright side, if we have to squish them ALL like sardines into one facility? I wouldn't feel too bad😜 It's not like they're all going to need long term housing😉

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Similar example: I've been studying medical research from facilities all over the world for a couple of decades now. Dunno, it just became a huge interest. As a result I know how to fix a lot of things. You would not believe how much info about cures is ALREADY available.

Trouble is, a lot of people really are addicted to doctors and won't do anything unless it's from their doctor. There are cures out there for a lot of diseases. But I have learned that people I like and even love WILL sometimes insist on dying. I've watched it happen, and had to learn to detach and be okay with them asserting their own will even in the face of death and disease. You cannot help those who do not want to be helped.

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Asking honest questions is good. But shills and even the inadvertent disciples and evangelists of shills don't need to be catered to. This topic always brings them out, and since these numbers are climbing pretty regularly now? The "arrests or GTFO" crowd should be shut down to make room for actual discussion.

It's a bit late in the day for that. People WILL wake up. Some of them the hard way. The sealed indictments are a BIG DEAL, and that's why this information is posted for the Q community. I highly recommend people stop wasting time on both shills AND people who have already fallen - by choice and lack of study - to shills.

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agreed. Watching MilSpecOpsMonkey for a good while, seeing the traffic into Gitmo....and other sites....makes me think there are some Cabal minions/members that have been long dead without us even knowing.

The Cabal thinks it's very valuable and that our lives are worthless, but THEY might find themselves being cleared out like flotsam (in the most terminal sense) to make room for incoming prisoners.

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