You dont know what / how they teach stuff in there so this is completely baseless. For me, 50$ is worth just for the crypto/stocks plays alone, not taking into consideration all other courses they have there
Alright man lets not argue anymore about this sht, after all it doesnt matter.
If you have time / bored, watch some of his longer original content, not the flashy clickbaity short videos promoted by youtube algo to get clicks, maybe you will change your mind. Stuff you wrote about is not his main message at all, and the MLM take on his ,,university,, is completely fake, its just people applying stuff they learned from Affiliate Marketing course on this product, thats it :) Cheers and have a great successfull week
Dude, you are getting this ,,info,, from random gamer geeks like hasan on the internet and its completely false. Do your own research pls.
At the moment, they are teaching copywriting, amazon FBA, ecommerce, crypto, stocks and personal finance courses. Thats it :D
If you just said the stuff/materials they teach is sht and not worth the 50bucks, that is a completely valid opinion. But instead here you are spreading completely false info from internet haters / geeks :D cheers
What about it ? Its complete opposite of trying to get men into debt :D
How does he encourage men to get in as much debt as possible ? Lol what a take
Study says cow farts bad, study always right. If there is a study that doesnt agree with my opinion, shreek ,,corellation does not equal causation,, and find another study that agrees with my opinion, study always right. Npc_script_studies_v2.exe
0 good info in the link, just trying to get ppl to invest in some random shitcoin.
The miners/users decide what is the real BTC.. that is the beauty, everyone and their momma can fork btc (its opensource) and if majority of miners flock to it, you got the real BTC
Craig created a fork of a fork of bitcoin, that noone uses/mines, thats it.
And he is claiming to be Satoshi for years, all he has to do is move any amount from satoshi wallet.
But many ppl will invest in his coin because he is wearing punisher shirt :)
Just a few months ago, all tv stations worldwide were providing daily statistics about how many unvaxxed are getting the chiflu. I wonder why they all stopped doing that ??? :D :D
Time to dabble in a bit if you wanted to. Dollar cost average over the next months/years while all talking heads are screaming crypto dead
Wassa wasaa wasaaaa
It is tragic bcs they got pulled into failing project after it went up thousands of percent based on some random youtubers or ,experts,, advice, yoloed money they cant afford to loose and now that shtcoin went to 0 Ppl who are not seasoned traders or ivestors should not be yoloing money without own research, if they want to dabble in crypto just start small and with established projects/protocols
If someome takes loans to invest in highly speculative assets this us gonna happen
If you find a shtcoin you believe in why invest your house, just dabble in with couple hundreds or thousands and if the project moons you still get lifechanging money
Energy usage concern is fake and gay
Proven by big banks kek.. we talking about crypto and decentralization amd you are really using big banks as authority here lol :D
Anyway xrp is mega u dervalued if you dont buy on the pumps which most ppl do :D just buy when everyone is doomimh about xrp problems with SEC or whatever if you are paying attention that is the only time to buy
If you dont wanna make money the n listen to news about xrp prpblems with SEC and sht and sell when its already down a ton
I dont like XRP as its a fake crypto but I own a lot
I like BTC bcs its OG and most secure and I also own a lot :D
when the ruble dipped against dollar, worldwide media was spamming in all countires nonstop that russia economy is dead, showing graphs of ruble against currencies every day etc.... Why are they not reporting the currency charts now ?
Crypto debit cards are super easy to get so basically you can buy anything and everything with it. Ofcourae at that point you are loosing privacy but you can just send small amounts you need to the card withou anyone knowing how much you rly own
Crypto ATMs are a thing, you can just withdraw what you need
LOTS if not majority of big online shops / services now support direct crypto payment
There are MANY options how you can spend crypto if you want..
Regardimg security, wallets are completely safe if you spend hour or two researching how to store crypto safely
Regarding tracking, you are correct that if you buy crypto via credit card o any exchange, it gets tracked all the way even if u send the coins from the exchange. To be anonymous buy locally from a person/miner via services like localbitcoin or use crypto ATM without KYC. Also dont use mobile / browser wallets as the main storage
Dont put all eggs into one basket. The truth is noone knows what is gonna happen in 10 20 yeats.
Good land and property is probably the best bet but obviously not easy to get into depending on location
If you want my 2c, whatever you do dont go all in. Start dabbing periodically in small chunks into different assets. Gold, silver, crypto, traditional assets like index funds... dont have to do anything crazy and super risky and dont have to invest all at onc. Slowly build your positios over the years.
F.e. crypto the last two years is super high, everyone and their momma is borrowing money and yoloing savings into it. The risk is just too high atm with limited growth potential. But if in the next couple years crypto drops 80-90 percent again you can afford to be a bit more agressive with it
Gold drops a lot again in the next years ? Dabble in a little more
Stock market droos 30-50% again ? Might be time to dabble a bit more into SPY :)
You get the point... build the wealth slowly over time while trying to keep risk as low as possible
Daily reminder: DO NOT store your crypto on any exchange, especially exchanges with KYC. Use your own wallet preferably hardware wallet.
If you dont know the private key and seed, you dont own the coins and they can be taken from you at any time
Also if you buy any crypto on exchange with KYC, everyone and their momma knows how much u own and can easily track them even if you move them out of the exchange
Cant wait for the moment lil jeffrey resurfaces with som juicy infos
There are ppl that still to this day drive alone or exercise outside with a mask on. Its crazy to know there are ppl that did not gk outside for 2+ years now without a mask.
Never selling, never buying worthless monkey pictures nor shtcoins, holdimg strong for years now and will continue to do the same :)
It started with the xmas tree on the crossing of 17nth and Q streets
Unfortunately libtards memory only reaches 3-6 months into past, or until cnn uploads new hotfix
Be THE MAN in your family and organize it yourself im sure most will come. Prepare some nice dinner, treat the men with nice shot of quality alcohol and have a great time together. You will gain tespect from all family members with brainz.
Yea man I dont care about his/any content about woman and buggatis, I am married dude always looking to better my family situation in terms of freedom / finance :)