Sand313man 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look at my new thread... look at his Twitter...

This is going to be a fucking crazy rabbit hole..

He was exposing government social engineering to public.

That crazy motherfucker was upto something.

Let’s go Q army..

Figure out the enigma.

Let’s find out more.

Sand313man 1 point ago +6 / -5

Shut up idiot. The post explained he needed to for his family.

And no - the vaccine doesn’t instantly kill everyone.

I know I can die every time I get on my motorbike.

You’re the dunce. He didn’t want to take it - and he was on the verge of losing his home and his wife and had medical bills - and couldn’t afford to lose his job.

Some of us will saw off our own arm if it meant protecting our own family. Sacrifice ourselves our health and sometimes that entails taking risks. Snowflakes will bitch and moan about what people should do - but some men used to sacrifice their own lungs in a coal mine to put food on the table for their families. You’re a sub species of the lefts snowflake generation.

Taking the fucking shot - isn’t instantaneous death... but he was co-erced taking something he didn’t want to. Still - for him and his given circumstances- he had to do that and be able to take a risk in order to provide.

But still - your comment is so fucking obnoxious.

I’d rather you fuck off from this forum, and go in a fucking corner - if you’re going to mock the death of good people and people just like us on this forum.

You’re not part of us or the great awakening or anything... you’re just a clown with a big mouth.

Sand313man 1 point ago +1 / -0

How does it not appear authentic?

Also these sources are harder to find than you think.

Here’s the background to that clip: https://operationdisclosureofficial.com/2021/04/17/jim-caviezels-sound-of-freedom-is-finally-bringing-the-truth-about-our-enslaved-children-to-the-world-kat/

I watched it some days ago - and posted here days later.

Trailer https://youtu.be/7oZE2nod4i0

Jim caz update on film: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ixcpKGhO6DTr/

(I don’t know where the first part alone is without the edited at end - trying to find).

Sand313man 14 points ago +14 / -0


Do you have a high quality image I can save and spread?

Seems to be unclear when I save image from here.

Sand313man 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well if you are elected - I hope you have the courage to shut the entire thing down, if you experience any anomalies. And you guys need an “authority” you can immediately radio in - and request a freeze if you see any funny bussiness.

Sand313man 6 points ago +7 / -1

Are you guys intentionally trying to discredit yourselves? 2018 - Q did not predict the death of the duke in 2018.

What’s wrong with people.. and why is this stupidity stickied?

Why are people sticking threads that have clearly lost the plot from reality.

Some 99 year old dying is not some “sacrifice” or conspiracy.

FML - you’re the one creating a distraction from a non event.

Sand313man 1 point ago +1 / -0

You guys are going in circles.

You’re treating the tweets like a bible.

Q isn’t god manufacturing the time line 3 years ahead. Especially in randomly connected happenings.

Sand313man 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whose giving them subscriptions lol...

BBC for example goes door to door trying to force subscriptions and TV licenses just for owning a TV in the U.K. that’s plugged into wall.

But they are failing miserably. Many people in U.K. even unplug the TV or straight out refuse paying it. BBC wasn’t always so cucked - 30 years ago it was quite respectable journalism.

End of the day - it exists - and you must see the game.

Look at my last post on patriots.win - and you will see why observing what they are doing is important.

Sand313man 5 points ago +5 / -0

Cutting your cord to it doesn’t solve the problem.

It must be disseminated - their agenda exposed - and why they are doing it understood.

Sand313man 3 points ago +4 / -1

The comms of 2018 were mostly for 2018. You’re creating false narratives in your head with this method.

Sand313man 2 points ago +2 / -0

Only gene altering shot I’ll be taking is one that cures my old injuries and knee arthritis. Until you have that. Not interested.

It’s about risk/return. I’m willing to take a risk to fix my arthritis. Not to avoid the cuties, flu. Especially when one of the risks is an autoimmune response that can litteraly make my joints worse.. lol.

Sand313man 2 points ago +2 / -0

Id pay for a fraudulent certificate more than getting a valid certificate.

Start up your businesses you people who are good at photoshop and whatever digital bussiness.

Sand313man 2 points ago +2 / -0

He actually said that to Biden administration not Maxwell.

Sand313man 7 points ago +7 / -0

Asians like the hunger games 3 finger salute for resistance.

Sand313man 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is from 2018... and a repost...

So where is the big thing... reply back when it happens.. so you can say you told me so..

by Evspra
Sand313man 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bad policy again.

Next you censor YouTube? Yes we get it - YouTube bad..

Yes we get it - you don’t support all channels.

But in the time of media censorship - these are just merely platforms that banned media live on.

If you believe these accounts are “real” general accounts - you’re all morons. And frankly you think real little of us - if you think we can’t think for ourselves.

These acount names is just keywords to be able to find telegram channels. That’s it. If you can’t understand this... comeon.. think people.

And stop adding to censorship problems.

Our media is disappearing. And people who take initiative to save this media... you censor.

by Hazzmat
Sand313man 1 point ago +1 / -0

Epic times seems to be hosting also.

Sand313man 3 points ago +4 / -1

Pedophiles don’t deserve sympathy.

But jumping the gun and assuming guilt for such an agregious crime is also inhumane.

Imagine being labelled a pedophile - without being one.

I think an investigation is warranted.

Still think he should be fired for his fuck up. But going straight to “confirmed pedophile” - creates a danger of superficially destroying peoples lives before all evidence is in.

As for the “still on the clock”... I mean - you’re working from home... it’s hardly the same situation as taking a wank break on school grounds - which would be absolutely disgusting and unacceptable.

Sand313man 1 point ago +1 / -0

I want this as my ringtone.

Spread this far and wide..

This is brilliant.

Sand313man 2 points ago +2 / -0

The article says he thought the lesson was over.

If indeed that statement is true... and his job was over. And the lesson was over...

He might have been jerking off to just porn and he is unjustly vilified as a pedophile.

by Blurpy
Sand313man -2 points ago +2 / -4

Dude... rocket ships are used for everything that...

Damnit man. You’re trying too hard.. and you’re misleading people.

Some people here will believe the shit you say.

You’ve correlated completely different things based on pure coincidence. Your P value that this is a mathematically by chance is close to 1.. aka... you’re shooting blanks in the dark.

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