@Joys1Daughter you are always a Joy to me.
VAT stands for Permanent Bookkeeper Employment.
it's Incomprehensible.
I'd never ask a woman to handle that list, it's a mans job if I ever saw one.
By fire war I meant something DEW is happening and we don't know what it is.
For a very long time, wood frame houses have had a cinderblock foundation wall several feet high above the ground for mold And for Fire Protection to the wood structure above. The grass burns but the house doesn't is the plan.
Volunteer FF long ago in the Rocky Mts. for 20 years. None of that prepared me for what I see in these new fires. Dry trees and brush will burn easily compared to houses which are always designed to reduce the fire hazard. That's fire under natural conditions. Seeing unburned nearby vegetation while the house is vaporized, that's off the chart nuts!
We are in a fire war, that is clear. Who's doing it is not clear.
He's a Jersey type guy. Likes the beach and chicks. I used to live there. Politics is for over in New York. He's cool. Wish I'd known him.
We did some serious Perseverance eh?
It's been eight years riding this out-a-control 10 ft. toboggan.
God Bless everybody reading this.
I'll bet a MONTH from now it's going to be EASY to GET!
Same. It takes patience 4-6 weeks, which is a good thing to exercise. Order before you need it. Cures the common cold in a day.
"Musk is a force multiplier for Trump."
Epstein, same deal as Hoover. Same old same old.
Trump has nerves of steel.
YES... KASH is IN. $$$
Mel's once outrageous claims are aging very well.
Damn, I've hoed a lot of weeds. Got 25cents an hour.
The question before us is: Will the hubris of the West destroy the World?
Switching between WW111 H B_mbs yesterday and B_mb Cyclones today has my head spinning. This feels like a pre-scripted disaster movie. I hope it B_mbs!
At the sometime I'm trying to watch humanities largest liftoff at 4:00 pm. That much I believe is reality, it's not a movie.
Send in the DEI recruiters. Any young She/He can easily collar old Shiffy.
It's run by Big Pharma, a full time ad agency for the leftist agenda. Do it Elon.
Wow, not a single mumbled phrase, totally coherent. ??
It's all funny. He's got a humor gift for sure. How come the right can watch leftist video but the other way around just doesn't work? Satire in public spaces must be allowed to cut both ways, that's roughly the first amendment.
Since I heard about Carter's Liver Pills... it's been about 60 years. Was that "Cures what ails ya!" ?
Trump, who is straight as well planed oak board talking mano e mano with a known Public Inhaler, it's mind-blowingly Cool. That makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over, like somebody who could fit in. Trump. He for everybody.
I been waiting since H.S. back in Michigan to see this revealed. I'll know if it's Honest right away. Odds aren't good.
Dick,,,,,, here's looking at You You You.