No accent?
Eventually, if the dust settles. I am in no way to gamble in our shit worldstate and economic outlook.
Large red suppositories.
Sorry to hear this especially for your Wife's sake. Maybe eventually you can try to find out more information about how many shots he actually took, as I have noticed that people are dying with as few as 2 doses from those that I know that have died, although some of the other deaths have involved people having more doses as well.
People were dying with far fewer doses than that. Father in law had 2 or 3. Just learned that one of my Neighbor's husband got a huge clot after 2. At least 10 of my neighbors have died from December 2021 through December 2022, and those are the only ones I am aware of on our block alone. Aged early 70s to mid 80s typically. Strokes, deaths, heart attacks. Died suddenly. Fire Chief of the next city over who taught a college class I was in recently died suddenly too, I think he was in his late 60s, also a chubby guy. I think that anyone who already had some kind of an imperfect body or heart issue is definitely a goner eventually if they have received at least 2-3 boosters at minimum, that seems to be the way it is going.
They NEED a terrorism event here to increase enlistment in the military. They'll do that before a draft and before removing the exemption for selective service and females.
They get thrown out but just with no parachute.
110% of them if I was King.
I wouldn't mind getting my first fix and flip for cheap. I might actually be interested in inheriting that kind of risk. Bus them out, stat! I'll even mow the lawn myself.
The sanctuary cities and states will mobilize their NG to protect their "new citizens" I am sure. You can nearly bet your ass on that actually occurring if push came to shove. Think about Illinois - Chicago's marxist black Mayor and the Illinois huge fatass megarich Governor are tight and in total agreement with this shit.
Citizen snitches? The only folks I wouldn't cry about if they got snitched on - illegals, cheats, corrupt, marxists, and politicians.
Not sure, I haven't thought about that event too much.
A similar incident occurred in Minneapolis back during the burn loot murder riots of 2020.
SpoonySmalls was talking about Boston's marathon bombing "shelter in place" nonsense. I added in that during the shelter in place event, the Police were attacking citizens and civilians who dared stand outside at their front doors. That's what my comment has to do with Boston, and not to Maine's more recent incident.
Everyone tells me how different I am when I exclaim to them how it is that they are so clueless?
I built a few computers in my day, fixed things, cars, house shit, dating back to when I was a young teenager. Am I that much different, god forbid I had an interest in interesting things I suppose? I learned to solder wire when I was around 13 I believe, but I wasn't the type of nerd to do anything with a circuit board.
Then again I believe it was 2001 when I was 13 or so, we went to central Louisiana to visit my Great uncle. HE told me it was a real travesty that the black people were called such a derogatory term as "african american." Do you want to know what he told me we should call them instead?
That was my Father's joke, and he's not a racist guy at all, he says all people have faults regardless of race (even though I know it's not an equal spread of failure and fault.)
I was surprised that kids (shit, I'm saying KIDS are late teens, early twenties ADULTS!) don't know about updates or settings on Windows, yet they use tables and phones since they're single digits old. WTF? I used computers since Kindergarten, yes - maybe that's the difference, they are only savvy with staring at text and videos? That's not what I initially expected.
I was surprised - one of my neighbors the other day, a woman in her late 70s or early 80s, whose husband died about a year and a half ago. I saw her at the post office, and I told her my condolences. I mentioned that I also had a relative also pass away, and also asked her if she knew that about 10 of our neighbors on our relatively small suburban block also died between December 2021 and December 2022. Her first question was "how many vaccines?" did my relative have who passed away? Suddenly I realized that she knew. It was remarkable really. I mentioned to her that I remembered her telling me in March or April 2020 to "do not wear the masks, they are unhealthy!" to which I agreed with. My Fiance can't figure out how a woman who would initially be anti-mask would get any vaccines, though? How?
Anyway, she mentioned that her late husband ended up with a massive clot in his leg. But the obituary mentioned "cancer" as being cause of death, I recall. I never asked her about that - Didn't want to pry. She told me they got 2 shots and immediately stopped. I spoke with other people who stopped after 1 or 2 shots too due to complications or feeling unwell. Seems to be the triggering point - either people stopped after 1 or 2 or they kept going through the entire charade. It's one or the other, really (besides the relatively quiet sector of our society who never got any but doesn't like to talk about it.)
These days I do not give a fuck at all if people think I'm nuts. I'm over it, if I see people dropping dead all around, I'm going to tell them what I think it is and if they think I'm a loon for it, they can get fucked!
It wasn't his heart stopping that killed him - it was the water, obviously, you science denying bigot!
He was Gay too? I did not know that. Is there anyone in Hollyweird who isn't insane?
Why else do you think Private Pyle went Postal???