Nice to see another Patriot who gets it.
There is no Enemy #1. All enemies should be treated as enemies, whether or not they agree with us that some other douchebag is an enemy.
By "welcoming" them it legitimizes their argument. Don't do that. Probably should take this down.
Also, why the fuck are we praising PETA... can you think of a more liberal organization? They don't want you to eat meat, did you know that?
PETA = People Eating Tasty Animals
Source: Military
REAL PATRIOTS would rather die of cancer or covid than take one of those mind-control jabs.
Memes are almost as damaging to the left as if we were to take up arms and remove them from society.
Just remember: Right-meme + Libtard Snowflakes = Lots and lots of tears (and Lulz for us)
Meme those dumbfucks till it makes them cry. Then Meme some more.
Memes are the primary weapon of 21st century warfare. How do you think YOU got here?
President Trump says POST MORE MEMES! Take down the libs with MEMES! They make them cry.
Who the fuck cares? He's british.
No shit, what a stellar FAIL.
According my family, the C in crazy should be capitalized.
This would be a really telling and emotional picture if it were not fake.
Anybody know if Ron Watkins is eligible to run for US VP? Him and Trump together would make an unstoppable force.
I tend to lean the same. MTG really says dumb things often and doesn't seem to have any discipline or self-control.
Do you know any who could fill those shoes?
Yeah, it is up to us to take from the good things they did and avoid making the same mistakes they did.
Lol, knew you couldn't do it.