Powerful. I couldn't help but cry listening to this story. Good for you Nancy Mace for your bravery and God Bless You. Anyone who can help, do it NOW Those who are doing these crimes, have to be stopped. Fight, Fight Fight.
So far fed funds amount to about $3.8 B https://hsr.ca.gov/about/funding/federal-grants/#:~:text=The%20ARRA%20grant%20provided%20HSR,one%20year%20ahead%20of%20schedule. while Cal drained $13B from state infrastructure programs with nothing completed. NOT ONE CAR ON A TRACK.
It will extend to all the "family" in california.... Pelosi, Newscum (her nephew), the Browns (i.e. Jerry) and Getty's .... all intermarried. Hope this brings down the whole group that has stolen California. No other way to reclaim the state.
I believe it is because it involves a state, not a federal agency, Musk may not be able to be involved. Hope they look into the construction contract given to Newscum's Auntie Pelosi's husband's construction company. Just a rumor. Let's see where this goes. I have watched this horror show too long for it to be just abandoned and given to the railroad. The southern end is now underwater. No section is operational. They don't even own all the land for the right-of-way. Cleared a lot of farm land, and built a number of bridges. All to no where.
Set up SWF for social security, and other programs, eliminate income tax. Fund them with o&g, $ taken from corrupt politicians that get money from USAID, foreign aid kick backs, etc. DOGE has eliminate $1T this year.... 2nd week of DJT. Take back money from Biden alone would probably fund SS by itself (haha). DOGE is locked, loaded, and rolling.
The F-35 was in a flat spin stall; the Lear appeared to be straight nose down configuration which would be much faster if not stalling. Think of just pointing nose down and full throttle. Most airplanes have a built-in design to enter a stall if you take your hands off the stick, rather than just nose down, which causes a spin. This Lear just nosed over and went almost straight down.
My heart goes out to you my friend. I love NZ and its people. I have many relatives there. I met most during a month long stay after spending a year on the ice at the south pole. Everyone treated so kind. Will pray for you. This political trash has to stop. We are so blessed to have Trump. I am sure he will give your MP a good spanking given the opportunity. Take care of yourself and may God keep you.
Not to say "medicine" was not traded along with other minor spices but pepper was the main commodity, and it was used for many things including medical reasons. I highly recommend reading the history of pepper. It is inexpensive and excellent dive into trade during history along land and sea trade routes.
Pepper: A history of the World's Most Influential Spice, by Marjorie Shaffer: https://www.google.com/books/edition/Pepper/BGCiDfaFgwUC?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=A+history+of+Pepper&printsec=frontcover
From web: Known as the “King of Spices”, pepper is and was the most important spice traded internationally." I find conflict with this origin.... most web history say Malabar Coast, but the above book provides evidence that it was actually Sumatra with minor amounts in india. India was actual the trading port, not the origin for most pepper. Early history of India, South East Asia, China, and others, fighting over ownership of Malaysian islands was for the pepper.
Pepper was one the earliest commodities that was traded between the orient and Europe. "During medieval times, black pepper was used to purchase land, pay taxes. A man's wealth was judged by how much pepper he had in his household." Owners of pepper would include pepper stocks in their wills.
The cities of Alexandria, Genoa and Venice carried on brisk trade in pepper during the middle ages. In fact, they owed their prosperity to this priceless commodity. It was brought to Europe via the "silk road" which included spices and silk from China.
Europeans originally sailed to Asia to buy pepper and spread Christianity. From most accounts on the web "Vasco de Gama’s discovery of a sea-route to the spice lands of Malabar Coast in 1498 was triggered by his obsession with spices, particularly pepper. Gama’s feat had two results. One, it gave Portugal a secure monopoly over the spice trade. Two, it destroyed the economies of Alexandria, Genoa and Venice, which were built on the prosperity which pepper had brought them.
Again, this appears to be where pepper was bought or traded, not its origin. Also, Romans were trading for pepper back in 408 A.D. as evident by "... barbarian army led by Alaric the Goth swept into northern Italy from the Balkans and made its way to Rome.... the barbarian demanded the riches of the imperial city, its gold and silver,.....and its pepper." It was used with "other spices" for medical uses and flavoring.
Many a war was conducted trying to gain access/ownership of the plants that would not grow elsewhere. It is said that when threatened to have plants removed to grow elsewhere, the King of islands with pepper told the British "go ahead and take the plants, they won't grow." With modern botanical methods, they now grow in many places with Vietnam and outlying areas producing the most by far. This adds to evidence that it grows best in SE Asia. Two major spices from that area that were fought over are pepper/cinnamon.
After reading about this spice you will want to put pepper on everything!
With Fauci being "pardoned" in US and the evidence being presented to UN/US on biolabs in Ukraine from Russia, I think Putin will ask for Fauci to be extradited to Russia for trial on crimes against humanity for development of virus to kill Russians. All part of Ukraine peace agreement. Hope to see him hang.
Yep.... been there. but see https://banned.video/watch?id=675ca59756227e8713d99b7d
Understood. Fully appreciate as one is over three zones. The idea is to have continuity as you travel from zone to zone going in one direction and not boucing ahead and back. Everyone would understand cross zone and move clock in one direction depending on direction.
It is all a psy op to make us think they are of alien origin so they can invoke COG and prevent Trump from taking office. IT IS ALL BS.
view all to end: https://banned.video/watch
Like elDJT said, the govt know and are sending them up. shoot em.
Should revert to God's time. Each zone time is centered on time over that 15 degrees (360 deg/24 hours) of longitude. If one zone is artificially set, say hour ahead or behind, then you are always confused as to what time you set your clock as you travel. DO THE RIGHT THING AND JUST LET EACH ZONE PROGRESS ONE HOUR. PLEASE.