I read one the other day: 6,000,000÷365= you've been banned from Calculator..
It's the Geniuses who live amongst us, that helps make life worth living.
That looks like a smile from a Beast who thinks we are a Conquered Nation..
I share your big disappointment..
The Maternal Instinct gone wild..
How many NATO Nations have been in the Ukraine and how many total troops have been lost so far, I wonder? I just read that the Ukraine recently lost 2000 Troops in 1 day. It's turning into a Battle of Attrition sausage grinder. What will a 3000 troop addition have in the whole scheme of this War?
Please be this.
Point taken. Judging from my down votes, you're not alone.
You're sounding more defensive than rational. I've laid out valid points. You can have an opinion but it does not erase the facts I've laid out. I've designed new City concepts that offer a new beginning and hope for next Generations. I'm seeing past the road blocks and aiming for the future. Let's hope and pray there is a brighter future for Americans with a Trump Victory.
Are you a major shareholder in Video games? Modern society distracted men while they stole their futures away from them. Video games helped with the distraction.
There were huge reasonable grounds to suspect those two women were up to no good. Now every two bit election cheater is going to be encouraged to get accused of election fraud, so they get their big payoff.
There are a finite of hours in a day. Compare how they are used today verses 50 years ago. Videos games are huge numbers today. Yes, focus on videos games. You can believe whatever you want the numbers are there to prove my point.
We are talking large numbers of young people who don't have any skills or life experiences to leave their parents home. Many of these people ARE feeling they have no purpose. That is the topic of discussion. Maybe they need to design a new game called "Building a Militia and then rebuilding a Nation".
Huh, that is skewed logic. No offense Fren. Show me one person who spends 100 hours a week shooting a gun in their basement.
In moderation and in times of Peace and Prosperity you are correct. But currently, the collective damage is greater than the collective good of video games. There are young people who's entire lives have been squandered in front of a video screen.
Stay away from video games. Stay away from Sports ball. Start gathering in the public square and discuss positive and productive solutions to your collective futures.
Israel is also one.
This seems like a parody.
Thanks. Best success with all your election endeavors.
Seize his wealth and use it towards sending all the Haitians back to their Country.
A friend in Florida has the same insurance company for 30 years and never made a claim. They cancelled his insurance this year. No reason given.
When do the Company Directors see jail time for defrauding the Tax Payers?
Better HOP to it. FloridaFROG.
Looks like they are having a gay old time.