SkepButOpen 1 point ago +1 / -0

Vice President Rogers has a ring to it

SkepButOpen 2 points ago +2 / -0

That’s extremely bold for him to say, good for him. He’s actually relatively main stream compared to most people that I would think would say something like this. Takes balls. Well done.

SkepButOpen 5 points ago +5 / -0

Would have been nice if they also mentioned that no compromising information was found but instead invented.

SkepButOpen 4 points ago +4 / -0

Dig up Russia connections? No, MAKE UP. Invent. Pretend. LIE.

SkepButOpen 2 points ago +4 / -2

Well, I mean, it’s a lot to process. I’m still struggling with it. And I was obsessed with the drops from the very beginning.

For illustrative purposes I refer back to me becoming a Christian. I had a lot of smart people to guide me through my questions, my doubts, etc., and I was lucky most of the people around me made sense.

One of the things that took me away from Q for a while were the completely basless and outrageous theories and comments and predictions, which of course never came true. That made me begin to doubt more that I had before. Like if all of a sudden all the Christians around me started saying that the sun was green when I can clearly see it was orange, I would question them and everything they believe, which would include their Christianity.

Again, from the perspective of a new Christian. That would’ve really turned me off. I might’ve made brought assumptions about Christianity in general based upon those people who I saw as it’s representatives. That wouldn’t have made my doubts real or true, but it probably would’ve happened because I’m human.

I’ve tried to turn a lot of people on to the great awakening and to Q in general, and had trouble because they see some of the stuff that’s been spread around that’s completely ridiculous and stupid about holograms and adult fully formed clones, and I don’t blame them.

Rubber airplanes, stand-ins for politicians who were supposedly executed, “Trump will be re-instated by February and if you don’t believe it you’re a commie!!!”, “the fences around DC are for mass arrests and if you don’t believe it you’re a shill!!!!!” and so forth turned them off

The couple of friends that I have successfully turned onto this idea, I was able to get them to come to places like this that are more rational and more realistic. That helps. You guys have absolutely no idea how important this place is, although think some of you do know.

I used to run a very small message for him that was based almost entirely on Q and on drops. But it pretty much fizzled out because of all of the wild speculation going on in December, January, and February after the election. I probably should’ve been a little tighter with moderation, but I let people say whatever they wanted to say and there were a lot of Deculus theories and ideas and tons of bullshit and you had to believe it or you were an asshole. It fizzled out and I closed it. I was at a low point then.

I know everyone here thinks I’m a Doomer, but I’m really not, I want to believe more than any of you will ever really know because you have more faith than I do that this is all real.

As far as Sundance goes, I don’t know what his personal experiences are, but if he has seen some of the things that I saw, I don’t blame him at all for not wanting to hear about Q anymore. It really is a lot to swallow. And some of the representatives aren’t exactly… Mentally stable. I know I get a lot of hate for saying that, and I do wonder if some of them are plants made to look the movement like a bunch of cultists. But it works if that’s what it is.

I’m sure that pisses off a lot of people here, but they don’t understand what an outsider thinks at times, and I think it’s instructive to realize that we need to get all the little things right. If we are the arbors of truth, if we are the ones who see truth when others he lies, then we have to be on point with our facts. I’ve seen people say things that are utterly ludicrous.

For example, I think that I have a pretty good grasp on why the vaccines are so dangerous and so destructive, but I’ve seen people spew some of the worst scientifically asinine bullshit I’ve ever seen to try to explain why they are dangerous and deadly. That would turn off, for example, a virologist or an epidemiologist, who has a deep understanding of how this shit works, and they aren’t going to have a good impression of the movement if that’s all they see.

That’s why I always question everything, because I wanna make sure it’s right. Not because I am a Doomer, but because I want to make sure we have all of our facts straight and all of our ducks in a row because we say some things that are really difficult for people to believe unless we are completely on point with our facts.

I know I make people angry with it sometimes, but I don’t toe the line for any narrative, even our own, unless I can verify it, question it 50 million times, and still come out at the other end believing it. Even to the point of stretching credulity to the breaking point just to make sure we are correct.

I would rather take the default that the things that we think or the things we decode, or the messages we receive, are complete bullshit, and then prove it from that perspective, overcome it with overwhelming facts, instead of just accepting it. I know that rubs people the wrong way, because I questioned them, I questioned things they say, and they think I’m not on their side. But I’ll take it.

There are a number of times that I see people drawing red boxes around one set of numbers and drawing a line to another set of numbers and drawing a line to a picture and then there’s three more lines that draw to different sets of codes and numbers and letters and all the other shit and I can absolutely see how it’s just a coincidence and people think I’m stupid or a shill or a communist for not buying right in.

But when I see something that I buy into, I know that it’s coming from a place of skepticism that’s turned into belief. I’d rather have that than just eat up everything that’s fed to me. Again, I know that pisses people off, but it makes me more comfortable than ever that I know we’re onto something. Because I don’t just swallow everything. That’s not for everyone, they prefer to do it a different way, and God bless them.

For this place? I think most people here have more discernment about Q than other places I’ve been to. That’s why I love this place so much. I see people correcting inaccurate posts and inaccurate theories and they survive.

I’m sure at some point I’ll get temp banned again like I’ve been before, because I just come across as a dOoMeR, but I’m OK with it. I’m a guest here, I understand the rules.

But knowing this place exists, with these people who have discernment and judgment, makes me happy.

SkepButOpen 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you, good info. He strikes me as one of the few guys who we absolutely know for sure is on the right side. I’m only slightly familiar with him but I’ve never seen anyone calling him out for anything.

SkepButOpen 2 points ago +2 / -0

Me having a Swiss cheese brain and memory doesn’t help! But thank you for setting me straight.

SkepButOpen 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you, my memory ain’t what it used to be!

SkepButOpen 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wouldn’t that be the ultimate twist? But I don’t think he would out himself that way.

SkepButOpen 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yeah, this is the stuff I love. The Durham stuff, devolution, which I think are inexorably tied together. Not the clones and the holograms and the secret messages in movies from 25 years ago type of stuff.

How the Durham investigation isn’t the most important thing going on right now is beyond me. I think it’s at another level compared to everything else.

Once you force the MSM to cover arrests because we actually have some of these people in real handcuffs, I think the whole thing breaks open. Most of the normies and left I know would absolutely pay more attention to what’s going on once you get these people behind bars. That’ll open everything else up: Election fraud, trafficking, the whole 9 yards. I think this is the way we get their attention. And then I hope the MSM is next. Traitors.

SkepButOpen 4 points ago +4 / -0

Rogers was director of the NSA at one point? Innnnnnnteresting. Didn’t the NSA receive the high-level Chinese defector we heard about, and hid the fact from the CIA?

Is the NSA on our side?

SkepButOpen 4 points ago +4 / -0

And not a self-aggrandizing grifter. Agree he’s great.

deleted -3 points ago +4 / -7
SkepButOpen 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who reported that? Every report I read was that he fell and experienced blunt trauma but didn’t get help. He went to bed and died in his sleep.

Broken bones? You mean his skull? Baseball bat? Where are you seeing that?

by BQnita
SkepButOpen -3 points ago +3 / -6

No, this is like creating its own problem to get to a predetermined answer. This explanation is a stretch too far. I’m sure he had his reasons for the things he did, and we’ll find out someday, but this is not it.

SkepButOpen 11 points ago +11 / -0

Wow. He just keeps working on projects close to our heart, love the man. I don’t care if it’s good or not(it will be) I’ll watch it. And I never watch anything. Man deserves our support.

The fact he didn’t win an Oscar for Passion is all I need to know about Pedowood.

SkepButOpen 1 point ago +1 / -0

So this skate boarder (of all things) that many never even heard of was a targeted kill.

WHy DoN’T peOpLe tAke Us SerIOUSly?!?’

SkepButOpen 2 points ago +2 / -0

Check local glory holes. He’s probably there.

SkepButOpen 4 points ago +4 / -0

Other people have hit on it in this thread and there’s nothing I can personally do for you except for pray. I’m going to pray right now. I’m actually enjoying some time with my family I’m going to include them in it. Please update. I don’t know you, but you’re here, so I like you.

I’ll say this, be calm, one of the worst things you can do at this moment is panic and gets stressed out. That’s not gonna help you. Listen to the great advice of other people in this thread that are smarter than I am. Hang in there. You’ll be fine. I think you know that.

SkepButOpen 7 points ago +7 / -0

I mean we are all tired of these hoax is by now. But he specifically named two people to blame? That’s even worse. Maximum punishment. I’m tired of this shit.

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