Are you sure about that? What are the average numbers per 1000 racers? Is that information that you used to track before vaccines? What makes you such an expert on what the average number is?
Or are you just going on what you think sounds high? We aren’t them. We have to get our numbers right. I’ve raced, multiple times, collapses are not uncommon. Deaths are, but also not unheard of.
It’s concerning to me what has happened, and it’s gotten worse in recent months, that we just “say things” without any supporting evidence. It’s getting worse. A five second search shows that many races have had more people collapse than 16.
Were those races significantly larger than this one? The same? Smaller? These things matter. Getting it right matters. This is why I don’t send people here to red pill them. I don’t. There’s too much bull crap floating around on a daily basis. It’s embarrassing sometimes.
Yeah, this is what I was getting at in other comments. Context matters.
What an interesting phrase you just turned, “get our hopes up” about billions dead.
And did you notice that the timeframe for those billions of dead people keeps getting pushed back? You know, I miss the days when we were about research and having our informational ducks in a row before popping off. We aren’t “them.” We’re supposed to have it right.
I agree for the most part. But do you know how many runners total? The experience level of the average participant? What the weather was like?
I’m not a particularly experienced runner but I participated in a number of races where collapses approached double digits and those were not large races.
Yeah, the narrative behind the article was clear. And there’s a reason it was published when it was. But it doesn’t make the information wrong.
Runners collapse. It’s not uncommon. Soccer, for example, kills more people than one might think.
That’s why context matters. Sixteen seems high, but it depends on what caused the collapses, how many runners total and what the weather was like and the average experience level of the participants. Once we know those things, we’ll know just how high it was.
Just because I’d wager it was pretty high (it seems like a lot) doesn’t mean we don’t need context.
Without context this is meaningless. How many normally collapse during/after this race? What was the weather like?
Having participated in a number of 10K’s and half marathons, I can tell youmultiple racers collapsing is not uncommon at all.
Not even in the least.
16 sounds like a lot, but I don’t know how big this marathon is. I was in a half marathon once where nine people collapsed. But it was a relatively small race. So I don’t know if 16 is a lot for this particular marathon. The race I was in was on a very hot day, it might’ve been cool in Brooklyn during this race which makes the number even more alarming.
Or the opposite.
I hate that we’ve become so similar to the left in that we just take sensational stances, with numbers and factoids and rush out with them right away before doing any research. I mean we are the ones who are supposed to be all about truth, discernment and research…
This is the shit that makes me roll my eyes.
Let me guess - she’s been replaced by a robot, a clone or a body double?
I’d go even farther than that. Even many of the people who DO know would be shocked. I would be, because I’ve become very skeptical over the years and now default to “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
Her arrest would be a giant shock to most of the country and most of the world.
Because that’s part of it too - she’s globally famous. Literally one of the most famous people on the planet.
Her arrest would be YUUUUUUUGE.
I agree and am incredibly active in these ways, particularly outside of my state (TX).
Now… does that change what’s happening in GA? Did your comment change reality?
OK, then I think it’s still worthy of discussion on a discussion forum. Condescendingly denying reality or putting caution tape around a topic and calling it DoOmiNg because the reality isn’t positive isn’t helping either.
You can’t just brush off reality as “dooming” and think it’s going to do anything.
To be honest, it looks like someone just trying to deny reality.
That would be great. But the last thousand times somebody asked “is this real” in reference to reports of arrests, how did it work out?
You are being downvoted, but it’s a legitimate question. All you are asking is for people to stand by what they are implying. ”Suicide” was clearly pointed out in the post. So the question remains. The people who are claiming this must be a comm, BECAUSE OF THE SUICIDE REFERENCE, are you predicting suicides?
You are leaving that inference open, so do you stand by it? Will there be suicides?
Just say no if you don’t think so. But if you do think so, then suicides by what people?
It’s funny that you get so defensive when you’re asked for specifics. Almost is if you want, later, to be able to move what you meant.
If you don’t think there will be literal suicides, just say so. If you do think there will be, please be specific. It’s really really really really really a simple question.
Oh no you don’t, don’t start preemptively moving the goalposts. We’re not going to go from placing so much importance on Durham and his work to all of a sudden pretending it doesn’t matter or is a feint.
Go get some more ice cream you senile old fuck.
Or the ones who warp sped them?
There’s a reason why our founders did not desire a direct democracy.
Except our population is getting dumber by the minute. You get one emotionally charged story that goes over with a majority of the American people, they vote emotionally on some thing and we are screwed. You think media manipulation is bad now, wait until you see what happens if we have elements of a direct democracy.
What do you mean fixed? We allowed the election to be stolen. Remember? We are in control, and these things are necessary, not everyone’s gonna love a report of this, but we are in charge. We are in control. We allowed this to happen. In order to set them up, and open up eyes, and to wake people up, and to show them how bad things can get. Don’t you remember?
It was only stolen if we allowed them to steal it. Remember?
So I’m not sure what the problem is here. As soon as the stolen election has served its purpose, the good guys pounce, Trump is back in, and there are no more stolen elections. Why stress out about it? We’re already in control. All of this happened on purpose and for a reason.
Maybe. But this is a representative republic. Not a direct democracy. That does begin to open the door to a direct democracy, however, and I’m not happy with that. But it would be nice to be able to check these freaks before they screw us. So I’m torn, this is actually a really really good question it’s worth a healthy debate. Excellent job man. I’m looking forward to reading this thread.
The same people who have all the motive in the world for lying about Hitler are the ones who literally write our history books that we give to children.
Our own generals were worried we were on the wrong side during the war. What did we die for on that beach? Gay marriage? Degeneracy? Transgender ism? Do you know the books the Nazis burned were filled with pedophilia and homosexuality, right? I mean one of the greatest tragedies of all time, apparently, Nazis burning piles and piles of books about raping children and being transgender and gay pride. Race mixing, whore mongering, those are books that were burned.
What did we die on that beach for?
The men in my family, they made a sacrifice for what? What did we prevent? By the way, who wrote those books? Can you take a guess? Take a guess at their ethnicity/religion/tribe. Take a guess. Guess what their last names were. Guess who writes the history books now.
Guess what major event wasn’t even mentioned in writings from the time, or even 10 to 15 years after, but magically appeared in encyclopedias when it was expedient, a massive atrocity that, all of a sudden, all of the people there remembered even though they didn’t talk about it for the first decade and a half after the war. Take a shot of that one. Take a shot.
What mainstream media outlet told you he had k porn? Look, maybe he did. He might damn well be guilty and a piece of shit.
But if the idea is he was set up by the media to take the fall, what’s one more lie on top of all of the other ones?
The only thing I’m certain of is that the original accuser made everything up and his father was responsible. It’s incredibly clear that it was the case, even based on their own shitty testimony. And if the original accuser, that got the entire ball rolling, was lying from the start, it makes me question everyone that comes after him.
What an amazing coincidence it would be that this man was falsely accused of molesting children and actually DID turn out to be a real child molester! Even though many of the children that stayed the night with him never reported anything out of the ordinary except that he was, basically, an adult child himself.
The thing about it is, he’s a weirdo. I wouldn’t doubt for a second that someone who looks like that, and talks like that, and behaves like that, was deeply mentally ill and/or disturbed. He clearly wasn’t a normal human being. It’s obvious to everyone. If you came out tomorrow and proved to me that he did this, I believe it. But we know for goddamn sure the media loves to cover for pedophiles. They didn’t cover for him.
He went out of his way to accuse those “certain people“ who run the media of running the media. He accused those exact people of stabbing him in the back, he exposed those exact people for their bullshit. And then, presto, he’s a child molester.
I have no idea if he did those things. But it wouldn’t shock me at all to find out he was set up. A lot of those interviews have disappeared over the years, but quite a few people close to him directly blame those “certain people“ that Michael himself had pointed the finger out. You know… Those people who, even today, destroy your life if you criticize him? He was the biggest star in the world pointing a direct finger at those very people.
There isn’t even a celebrity today half as famous or beloved as Michael was at his peak. Go ahead and name one. At his peak, he’s only comparable to Elvis, the Beatles, and maybe one or two others over the last 100 years. And he was pointing a finger directly, unflinchingly, at those people.
It makes you think.
Well, I’m not going to say there was no evidence. There was direct testimony from first-hand witness who claimed to have been abused. That’s actually extremely compelling evidence in almost every case. That doesn’t mean they were telling the truth, however. I am starting to lean towards the idea that he never did any of these things he was accused of. But we can’t, with any honesty or credibility, claim that there was no evidence. Eyewitness testimony is considered the best evidence of all aside from having a videotape of the crime being committed, or something similar. Eyewitness testimony has been the gold standard for a couple of centuries now.
I like this. At least you’re consistent. Stick to your guns.
At least you’re not changing your story. This was allowed to happen. It happened on purpose. When the purpose of him not being in office is done, they’ll put him back in.
Sing? Simple as pi. We are either in control or we are not. There’s no two sides of that coin. We are in control. Or. We are not. Unambiguous. Direct. We are or we aren’t.
At least you have the stones to be consistent. Good for you man.
We are in control. Through the thousands of unnecessary Covid deaths from suicide, we were in charge. The border leaking thousands of immigrants every single day, while we are in charge. The dead in Afghanistan, that’s on our watch. The destruction of our economy, children literally starving to death, we are in control during all of that. These are just examples of collateral damage. We’ve got to wake people up! You know, the people that refuse to wake up? Well we’re waiting on them. Got to convince them, certainly can’t just do what needs to be done and say fuck off to the people who’ve never been on our side. Nope, we’ve got to wait until they are all awake.
I am 100% on board! All those vaccine deaths that I’m told will reach the tens of millions any day now? We are in charge. We are in control. This is to wake people up.
Look man those children? All the ones that could be saved right now and could’ve been saved over the last five years from trafficking if we had just done what we needed to do on day one? Collateral damage, man. It’s necessary. Sorry kids, this is a necessary operation that needs to take place before we can just go ahead and do what we need to do. I know, we’re in control, but we have to wait. No no no we’re definitely in control. But we have to wait. Sorry kids. Sorry trafficked kids for five years plus, sorry! We’re in control though. Totally.
That’s the very definition of collateral damage. Acceptable loss. For the greater good.
Patriots are in control.
Wait - what does it matter? I mean it was allowed to happen, that’s what I was told. It’s not that the previous administration was so fucking goddamn fucking stupid that they allowed an election to be stolen right out from underneath them even though they had four years to prepare for it.
So if it was allowed to happen, it was allowed for a reason. So whoever controls that can also control putting Trump back in whenever it’s time. Whenever it’s appropriate to the plan. So why are we even stressed out about it?
He is supposed to not be the president right now. When he’s supposed to be put back in, he’ll be put back in. Right? I mean we are in control, right?
I mean at some point we’ve gotta pick a story and stick to it, right?
To each his own. I think all of that, the cloning, the body doubles, the actors, it’s all a pile of fucking childish fantasy bullshit that makes us all look like fucking idiots.
Those are some of the things that keep new people, people who could be convinced, about real life things like Durham and possibly devolution, it keeps them away from places like this because we look like fucking crazy people.
We need to stop calling them RINOS. No, they are not. They actually are real Republicans. That’s the fucking problem. Republicans. They are the problem. Democrats are bad enough, but Republicans aren’t any better.
This crippled faggot governor down here in Texas has done absolutely nothing of any substance to protect the border. Nothing. He’s a real Republican.
Bushes are like cockroaches