CPAC is way too mainstream for anything real to happen. I expect nothing big to happen. Maybe an announcement of some social media platform, but even that would be a stretch.
Ideally, I'd like to see him reading off a list of RINO's while US Marshalls walk into the room with handcuffs and parade them out in front of the cameras. But naaaaaah. I'll save my popcorn for later.
"FUCK YOU I WON'T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME!" is a valid quote, regardless of who says it
FLOTUS: Donald, you said he'd only be staying for a few days, until he found his own place
POTUS: I know, I know. But with the COVID economy being what it is, he's going to need a roomate to share expenses. It's just really tough for him right now....just a few more days, that's all
FLOTUS: No Donald! Either he goes, or I go!
Of course I know that, but yes, your question is better...why is he still a 'tweetin'?
Thanks for the sauce. Haven't seen it in over a year, but it seems more relevant this year, than last! Cheers!
Yay! And then we get to wait through another weekend for them to say "nothing to see here" on a Monday morning. Then what? Some other bullshit to wait for on the next Friday? Fuck them
Here's my two cents. I'm a little hurt, but at the same time kind of glad things transpired as they did today with SCOTUS. As we know, every legal avenue had to be pursued. If they had ruled to hear the cases, we'd be spiraling downhill until God only knows, waiting for the case to be heard (later this year? Next year?). There may be white hats among the judges still who knew that a vote in favor would only delay the inevitable.
He is on paper, but not in reality
I'm sure those on board with 'The Plan' will weave their way through promotion boards with amazing adeptness....they are the good guys, and the future knows this!
I would love to have access to all his archives, can you imagine what a historical reservoir. I think it would be fun to just pick random dates and remember what politics was like in a simpler time.
But Iiiii'm a nooooormie....I don't want one. My friends will tell me I'm a conspiiiiiiracy theorist. Waaaahhhh!
Buuut...optics. I hear that word so much it's starting to drive me crazy. People are not changing. 80% of my family remains, and will always be retarded. Nobody else will change.
When the crime scene needs a cleanup, call the FBI. We need to interrogate these whistle blowers and hold them to account.
Scrote-throat...yep! That's what I'm going with from now on.
AR stands for Assault Reeeee-fle
Don't forget to leave a 'dislike' while your there. I've still never seen a video of him on YouTube that wasn't overwhelmingly ratio'd
Thank you! Never misspell a good meme, because then it's a spelling error and not a good meme.
I've seen the book, but like 'Mein Kampf', it's not something I'm sure I have the stomach for. It's like allowing satan in your home to sell you stuff, LOL
This either HAS to be something, or not. After this impeachment sham, Gina Carano, countless accounts suspended on social media...if people aren't awake yet, then they are beyond saving. Best to present them with the new reality and work them into it over time.
C U Next Tuesday
I can't count the times I've seen an otherwise perfect tweet that was soiled by a grotesk misspelling. Get it together people!!!
A lot of people wondering if we should still "trust the plan"
From #5 - 'American Thinker' article:
What could be the meaning of this string of collapses for the Democrats with all of this bad news for them rolling out?
I think we know the answer. For the first time in a long time, I feel the Patriots are REALLY in control!
I don't know how long it will take, but I hope to God we can start scoring some victories and seeing pedophiles being trotted off to gallows poles
*If you didn't vote for Joe Biden, you ain't black (his words, not mine)
I'm sure 70,000,000 attempts at accessing the site in a 30 second period had something to do with it