Be prepared for another stolen election. Their playing the popularity contest to soften the blow. This could get way worse before it's really over!
Bonus footage
If time were a letter...and only time will tell!
Meme War Gold right there!
1 too many com
Bad link
I fairly certain that level is Q
I love that Dude! No Homo
Saw the one hauling ass in slo mo from right to left from behind 45 maybe 2 frames.
Zip gone....
I wouldn't know otherwise. Keep up the great works peeps cause I can't watch that crap!
It would be even better if another state sued!
States sue other states it goes directly to Supreme Court
Article 3 Section 2 Clause 1
Federal courts have jurisdiction over disputes between states, and the Supreme Court is tasked with handling these disputes under Article III, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution. States can sue other states in federal court for a variety of reasons
Watch the first few seasons of The Apprentice
You'll see it
How do you think she made it to the top of the fortune 500?
Not by being nice and that shit wears on a ceo
1700 to 0500 ?
12 hours
Should be like Kashoggi going to Saud embassy
Bibi walking into Mar a lago like Kashoggi walking into Saud embassy!
Colossians 1:20-22) He will make your enemies your friends and your love for others will grow. You will be blessed because you kept your friends close and your enemies closer!
That precipice comes when Harris is declared winner!
She was heavily involved in Secret Service oversight!
Instant potatoes
It time was a letter.
When the guy who's been thru the shit tells you to buckle up. Makes me think it gets way worse for someone.
Stroke could really make him a potato instantly
Eli Crain last week in congressional hearing told us that.