He's not who you think he is. Be careful who you follow.
As well as DC gets a per diem for storing federal inmates in DC JAIL.
Marshall service is responsible for all federal pretrial detainees no matter where they store them. I'm sure this has alot to do with what was stated by Judge holding the jailers responsible. The judge is federal and the Marshall service works directly for him.
I have been inside DC jail many times in the past. Not inmate but in a delivering product capacity. Straight up shithole. Super dangerous. Very lacking security. The jailers were more like buddies with the inmates. A few times I had been inside with my manager who used to make the deliveries and the inmates knew who he was and all told him how much they missed him and asked if he could stay a while. They were mentally torturing him and the guards played along.
They don't work for federal government. It's a DC run jail. The feds don't have a jail in DC.
Took long enough.
The 4th shot heard around the world 🌎!
They can't figure out how to change a flat. I'm not worried!
10 years from now doctors will be obsolete.
That's a revelation
They fuck with many different animals and have many different site to do so. They have offsite locations hidden in the middle of nowhere outside of the DC area.
16701 Elmer School Rd, Dickerson, MD 20842.
High security
Trucks cannot be older than 3 years if they are to pick up or deliver containers at those ports in California. It's their green new deal.
Everything on you link after the ? Question mark is tracking you can just eliminate it and it will still work.
Somebody sucks at pretrip inspections!
My take is this. The white house staff have documents pertaining to criminals that may have been emailed to 1 another during the morning of January 6th. They get those documents they screw themselves.
Set The record straight. Gupta is towing the lie line. What a bitch.
The whole time I was wishing for a faceplant!
Well we know he can't use that right arm considering Kyle blew off his bicep.