SquirreleeDan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Really nice job knowing facts, while I can understand them and do research to verify what you are saying, I believe that to many coincidences is to much to look past. Some call it god or karma, whatever it is, coincidences can’t keep happening that really look obvious. Depends on how you think and believe as much as anything, your comment really made me ponder.

SquirreleeDan 2 points ago +3 / -1

What this means is be prepared mentally because only if you are lucky you get to see the end of it all, but most likely bad bad things are coming and it’s not going to turn out good at all for most of us. Maybe we do win, but how many die and suffer before then…

SquirreleeDan 4 points ago +6 / -2

we won’t do anything, until it is realized and that will be to late, that’s my new belief

SquirreleeDan 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know it sucks being awake, I have lost most all family and friends as I choose not to be around people who are sheep. It’s been a long journey friend, I wish you the best.

SquirreleeDan 10 points ago +10 / -0

Imagine actually going to war for this country, and now living through this.

SquirreleeDan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Words hurt to much? Do you think the internet is your safe space?? Don’t like supporting the first amendment that I went and fought for? To fucking bad.With your comment you reaffirmed what I believe, you sure as hell won’t do shit.. you can’t even take different thoughts or opinions. People like you push patriots away from this forum… great plan.

SquirreleeDan 1 point ago +1 / -0

I see things coming to light, what I do not see, not even a pathway… is justice or change. I’d rather be wrong than right here, but I have lost faith that anything will actually be done.

SquirreleeDan -5 points ago +4 / -9

Yeah except nothing will happen, nothing matters if we the people are not willing to hold accountability. It has been proven more than ever the past few years we think magically someone is going to fight for us and save us while we are to busy living our lives, we are doing what generations did before us and passing it on to our kids. There are no such things things as rules or laws if they aren’t enforced.

SquirreleeDan 1 point ago +2 / -1

60k CIA agents working... 100k volunteer ... working the internet like a job.. I can assure you there are mods who are one of the two. Between this board and patriots.win it is entirely to popular and critical for them not to have infiltrated. People need to wake up.... even awakened ones.

SquirreleeDan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well what did we expect when 2 years go by and we did honestly nothing about it.

SquirreleeDan 1 point ago +2 / -1

Anyone who is comfy is by my standards rich and an asshole and most likely part of the problem. The average American is suffering. I’m not a combat veteran because I wanted to see America suffer, and it really pisses me off so many people enjoy watching Americans lose their livelihood. It is affecting all of us mormons assholes, enjoy your movie cocksucker cia implant. Funny part is I’d rather be wrong than right.

SquirreleeDan 2 points ago +2 / -0

get off facebook tard

SquirreleeDan 9 points ago +10 / -1

I fucking hate influencers, I’m a self thinker, the entire thought process behind people need to be influenced and not think for themselves is a huge problem and I’m not ok with it. I don’t care about reaching the normies if it means this… Everytime we get a big nothing, hyped up, telling us not to do shit, and 60k cia agents flooding everywhere. Our side is such a target for profit people and grifters….

SquirreleeDan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not just once either, weekly.

SquirreleeDan 1 point ago +2 / -1

Why can't someone just get a hair from him and prove that it's a fucking man? It isn't hard.. so tell me why hasn't this been done? Why do we let our country fall? Why?

SquirreleeDan 2 points ago +2 / -0

What I find funny about these posts is how many CIA agents are working right here? How many of them are the mods to shadow and move posts around, controlling us, making sure what we see what they want, keeping us calm until cattle cars come… for people to not be thinking this is fucking stupid. They are everywhere, this place is to popular for one of the mods at the very least to be undercover. I’m just countering the argument because we are being played, sit back and watch you can see it. If anything ever happens it will be huge because it will take something to flip people, unlike third world countries, most Americans are far from that point still, but we headed there more rapid than people realize.

SquirreleeDan -1 points ago +2 / -3

what a stern phone call, just like a strongly worded letter, man’s kid is going to die probably before it’s ever an adult and he made a phone call… world is fucked

SquirreleeDan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well if you live in Maricopa County and you know you did nothing the first time why are you shocked this time? You DID NOTHING but voted harder..

SquirreleeDan 2 points ago +2 / -0

You should listen to his music, he does problems and he doesn’t hide from them. Man produces his own music because nobody would let speak the way he does. I’m from small town midwest, they are not the looks for me, but sometimes you miss judge people, we all do. Tom is a favorite of mine, listen to his music, guy is a walking redpill.

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