Not liking this at all...
Is this a Gowdy/Chaffetz move?
So gay
Imagine showing this to a great grandfather who stormed Normandy.
To quote a classic "bunch of slack jawed faggots"
Honestly, I'm embarrassed for them.
This is beautiful and mirrors a very similar path that myself, and I believe many many people have experienced.
Doesn't mean it's a bad investment. 60 cents and has actual inherant value. Is partnered with many global baking and financial institutions and is very likely to be the bridge currency of the future.
The open source ledger is ridiculously cheap, fast and scalable... ripple net is what banks will use for reducing the cost of cross border money exchanges.
It's at the forefront of CBDC... I'm Very anti that but then again investing is not about emotions.
Xrp is the way
Why is he an idiot?
Who's splitting hairs friend ;)
Only a top tier fren could say such a thing!
Cheers fren
Well, he's been condistent about fast trials and quick deaths for perverts, very consistent.
I drop may not break a damn.... a hundred million might burst it. This is a very solid drop, and it all counts!
Or "like, you know"
Sorry for your unfathomable struggle... beautiful words. ❤️
Get this man a coat and a spot along Elon in the new administration!
It aligns with a certain Friday announcement we've heard is taking place this week. "Biden" 😁😁😁🤣
A+ for comedy value, yet important and sad undertoned truth.
That is why I dip in and out of this glorious place daily... people like you and the many other amazing patriots who understand the burden but appreciate the awakening journey we are on. It ain't always pretty but where else would you rather be? Thank you BTW!
I'm going to have to educate myself further, but I'd love to reuse/ borrow your phrase... top shelf.
He's a DNC asset and his wife's Twitter history is no longer available for public viewing.
We all know what this pair is up to.... shudder
This is bad and the outlook is very bleak for our friends across the pond.
Although, maybe this will kick start the same genealogy that took over 2/3rds of the planet.
I have faith for our fellow brit patriots!!
No matter what anyone says... this is beautiful personified...
God will smile and thank you for this.
I feel like you absolutely nailed it... but I just wish a had a stronger phrase to emphasize how right you really are. Tip o hat good patriot/citizen
Oh I wish they would try it...I legitimately can't think of anything I'd rather see more (gitmo live stream maybe) than the UK police coming to our shores.
Im from Birmingham,AL but moved to England at 5, lived there until 24, came back to the US in 2013.
British cops think they are the bee's knee's... would love to see the looks on their faces when they realized how badly they FAFO trying that tyrannical bollocks over here.
We should start a gofundme page, help em out a bit... it would be glorious!
I've always believed in the Q movement, the irregular warfare, seth rich, Julian assange and the white hat operation.
When I began to understand the true depths of evil... adrenochrome, human trafficking and SRA... it turned me as a life long ardent atheist to a humble servant of the true lord and savior.
Yeah I've been frustrated at timeliness, buying into the alt media personality predictions and I've struggled through the last 4 years, seeing what our great country has been reduced to, the unveiling of the rotten core.
I can say proudly, and without reservation.. what a time to be alive... even though my friends and family cant/won't understand what's been going on... I do. And it's glorious!!! Amen.
Our mothers taught us well!! 😁
I've watched documentaries in the past about the globalist previously pushing for Canada, Mexico and America to become one country/trading block called the North Americam Union (think EU) and then them pushing to create a new currency called the Amero. Bad for America, good for globalist power.
I'll try to find a link.
For some reason this came to mind, maybe Trump is trying to instill Americam supremecy to avoid such a situation from ever occurring.