Sunshines09 12 points ago +14 / -2

I have actually met someone who very aggressively denies that COVID exists. They feel a need to remind me of this every time I see them.

Sunshines09 2 points ago +2 / -0

People definitely die because of cancer, but I see what you're trying to say with cancer is a healing process. Perhaps in the same sense how allergies are an immune response, but it's an over reaction by the immune system. So I believe you're implying that as tissue is healing/regenerating, it gets out of control which becomes the mass that we know as cancer.

Either way at the end of the day they are cells that are malfunctioning.

Sunshines09 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, I've seen this mentioned before also. I don't see how even a normie could support this one. It's not like the COVID vaccine is any good, why use this technology in others?

Sunshines09 6 points ago +6 / -0

I recommend the vaccine book by Dr. Sears. He goes over every vaccine and what we know about adverse effects and likelihoods of catching diseases and their severity. It's non fear mongering, just straight knowledge so you can make your own decision that you're comfortable with.

Sunshines09 1 point ago +1 / -0

The fact that a newborn needs 4 doses for HepB to get full immunity, meanwhile most get 5 doses because of how the vaccines are combined so it's easier. Meanwhile, there's absolutely no reason to even get the HepB vaccine until teen years, when one may become sexually active and at which age they would only need ONE dose to be fully vaccinated.

Sunshines09 1 point ago +1 / -0

As in through pregnancy and/or breastfeeding? Something is definitely being passed through breastfeeding, too many stories of babies getting fevers when mom gets vaxxed. Certainly something is passed in pregnancy also. Could have compromised the liver maybe.

Sunshines09 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow that's quite the turn around. I'm sorry to hear that about your sister.

Sunshines09 3 points ago +3 / -0

We're in a pretty conservative area, which is why it's even more surprising.

Sunshines09 5 points ago +5 / -0

They've been making exceptions for a while for COVID vaxxed close friends but they know we aren't so they won't even get near us in the street. It's so sad because they are absolutely the nicest people but just not handling this very well mentally. I'm willing to bet good money this Mom doesn't know her kids classmates are allowed to go to school without getting childhood vaccinated in our state.

Sunshines09 18 points ago +18 / -0

We have neighbors who are still quarantining. Saw them a few days ago (safely across the street from us) and they said they look forward to having playdates some time soon. I don't know how some can STILL be in quarantine.

Sunshines09 2 points ago +2 / -0

This was my first thought too, that the vaccine is causing the strange hepatitis cases reported in children in Europe and US (Georgia I think), but those cases are in the 1-5 age group and they are not eligible to be vaccinated.

Sunshines09 1 point ago +1 / -0

Absolutely nothing to be scared about. Please check out Scoro29's comment for clarification on this post. Also, a crown doesn't require sedation.

Sunshines09 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same. I also won't let dentists fix something unless it's actually hurting. I had a dentist retire and he was the only one who's never found anything to fix. Dentists now a days will always find something to do.

Sunshines09 2 points ago +2 / -0

My friend used to get severe stomach aches. After many useless trips to doctors, she went vegan and her problems went away. She recently had a good sensitivity test and found out she is severely allergic to beef. Like another person said, elimination diet could be the way to go.

Sunshines09 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you! I'll try to take a look it this week if I don't forget.

Sunshines09 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was also surprised when a pediatricians office that checked our temperature at the door and handed my two year old a face mask didn't offer to test for covid right away even though we came in with a respiratory infection. I was very surprised since everywhere else they always like to say that they will test for COVID before you even see the doctor "just in case", which I politely decline.

I also don't understand the reasoning of doctors "let's rule out COVID and the flu because otherwise it's just something viral and there's not much we can do for it." Ummm.... Do they hear themselves? How does this even make sense to them.

Sunshines09 4 points ago +4 / -0

This right here. If you follow their mammogram schedule that's a sure way to get breast cancer.

Sunshines09 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't disagree, but I wouldn't say the two are mutually exclusive.

Sunshines09 1 point ago +2 / -1

Also found this interesting regarding how snake venom affects the body.


"A classic sign of this is ptosis, where people can't keep their eyes open". This happened to everyone in my family when they had COVID. They couldn't stay awake. My husband literally commented he couldn't keep his eyes open. And other venoms trigger "tiny blood clots", definitely sounds like the vaccine. Perhaps one type of venom was used in COVID and another in the vaccine? On the other hand having ptosis of the eyelid and not being able to stay awake are similar ideas but not the same.

If this doctor's theory about snake venom is correct, then we should see huge similarities to how snake venom affects the body and COVID when we subtract out symptoms for the common cold/flu.

Sunshines09 0 points ago +1 / -1

Came across this


looking for similarities between COVID and snake venom bites. Yes, like the documentary mentioned, snake venom affects the lungs by paralyzing them and "your life can be saved by putting you on an artificial respirator" BUT this is very different from how COVID causes lung failure and difficulty breathing from pneumonia (confirmed by x-ray) and not lung paralysis. COVID doesn't seem to have any neurologic affects, right?

Editing to add that if COVID perhaps "paralyzes" the lungs to a much smaller degree than a snake bite would, could it cause shallow breathing which then leads to pneumonia? I did hear doctor's mention that if you keep moving when you have COVID then it won't progress to pneumonia, so this could be plausible. Not a biologist though.

Sunshines09 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can you share the link to the data? Is it on the CDC website?

Sunshines09 2 points ago +3 / -1

The snake venom in water theory indicates it's not contagious. Maybe they bound some snake venom particles/dna to the flu 🤔

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