TNBanjoMan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Along with abolishing the DoE, the DOGE team should use it as an object lesson, a teachable moment. They should go to great pains to show how a once-successful system of education run by cities, counties, and states was turned over to the Federal government and the system went from #1 in the world to #24 in education.

People need to understand that government is costly, inefficient, and ultimately the worst means to regulate and improve something. Next DOGE should move on to other inefficient, bloated agencies.

The bottom line is to teach citizens that local city, county, and state governments are better equipped to handle their own issues than any distant bureaucratic federal government.

TNBanjoMan 8 points ago +8 / -0

Sounds like the good citizens of Britain should rise up, en masses, and attack every building that Blackrock has and make the fleeing employees run a gauntlet of clubs and pitchforks.

TNBanjoMan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can no one simply watch a movie anymore and enjoy it or hate it on its own merits? Who needs a "trigger warning" to see or not see a movie? Idiots.

TNBanjoMan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Since she was trafficking in a quasi-official position, the new DOJ under Trump should demand a full accounting of all those children... who they are, where they went, what their current living conditions are (if they're living at all), and it should be made public.

TNBanjoMan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh... well, OK then. So I'm almost loathe to ask, but do people "hook up" there on PH? Or is it that kind of chat?

TNBanjoMan 3 points ago +3 / -0

So how was she "selected"....and can she be UNselected? Who makes these decisions? As the ancient and now irrelevant philosopher Obama said, "Elections have consequences." I'm beginning to wonder, "Do they really?"

TNBanjoMan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is it because PH is NOT a social media site? Maybe I don't know how PH works (not a fan), but it seems most social media are places where people go to exchange ideas, to chat, and to interact with other people. I always thought PH was just a place to peruse porn. Am I wrong about that?

TNBanjoMan 5 points ago +5 / -0

At the very least, he is subject to the UCMJ regulations about sedition and giving aid and comfort to the enemy. I expect MPs will be knocking on his door very shortly.

TNBanjoMan 9 points ago +9 / -0

After a lifetime of increasing disappointment with our government, media, and declining culture, I discovered the Q drops in early November 2017, a couple of weeks after Q started posting.

At first I was skeptical, then intrigued, then accepting, and finally a convert. This has been one of the most significant journeys of my life, especially how it all culminated on Nov. 5 in the election of Trump.

But now the real fight begins. The evil Left is not simply going to dry up and blow away, they are going to fight like wounded, cornered animals with nothing left to lose. We must resist the temptation to go back to sleep as if we have "won"... all we won was the chance to fight for our future, and now we must engage in that fight.

TNBanjoMan 11 points ago +11 / -0

An apparent breakdown of the victim selection process. Things like this don't happen very often here in east Tennessee, we are a Constitutional Carry state, and about 70% of my friends carry daily.

TNBanjoMan 3 points ago +3 / -0

From the article:

"Each war head in turn contained six separate submunitions, consisting of metal slugs forged from exotic alloys that enabled them to maintain their form during the extreme heat generated by hypersonic re-entry speeds. These slugs are not explosive; rather they use the combined effects of the kinetic impact at high speed and the extreme heat absorbed by the exotic alloy to destroy their intended target on impact."

I would certainly like to know more about these "exotic alloys" the Russians are using. Reading between the lines, I suspect that they might be either depleted uranium billets (like we used in Iraq) encased in a rare earth casing, or perhaps a combination of some of the 17 rare-earth metals on the Periodic Table.

Anyone have an inside knowledge of the "exotic alloy" he's talking about?

TNBanjoMan 25 points ago +25 / -0

I think that one event led to what eventually was revealed as Q and the Great Awakening. Yes, it's taken this long for it all to unfold. I'm glad to have been alive for all that time to have witnessed what is happening now.

TNBanjoMan 25 points ago +25 / -0

So Pete has been married three times but had a consensual sexual encounter with a married woman who apparently threw herself at him. Well, you know, none of us are perfect in the eyes of God, we do live in a fallen world. Still, I trust Pres. Trump and his cabinet picks.

Had this happened to anyone on the Left, the media would have laughed it off as a resume enhancing event, boys will be boys and all that. But because Pete is on the right, the media will try to portray him as a predator. Pete's personal life (while not the kind of thing I would do) has nothing to do with his potential usefulness as a member of Trump's cabinet.

TNBanjoMan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank God that Russia knows this, they can buy time until Jan. 20 to not fall into Biden's stupid trap. I am convinced that Trump and Putin have been in secret talks about the future and Trump's coming administration.

Of course both of them would deny it, as we have laws in place to prevent establishing foreign policy by a private citizen... I think it's the Hatch Act. Trump could not be seen in violation of that law, so any back channel contacts would be illegal, but at this point, VERY necessary.

TNBanjoMan 5 points ago +5 / -0

McConnell is as much of a traitor as No Name was. Maybe we need to start calling Mitch "New No Name."

TNBanjoMan 14 points ago +14 / -0

So the logical conclusion to that is that Democrats were NOT a threat because they were NOT COMPETENT?!! Hmmm, this doofus might have a point.

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