TNBanjoMan 15 points ago +15 / -0

"Malware" my ass, more likely an Israeli operation. It would be interesting to know how and from whom these devices were sourced. However it was done, it was very cleverly implemented.

TNBanjoMan 6 points ago +6 / -0

In the line of duty, did he ever refuse to show his official ID like these guys did?

TNBanjoMan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Clever! So how did Hezbollah acquire these devices? Who sold them?

TNBanjoMan 11 points ago +11 / -0

Someone should capture that license plate number and run it. Is it an official vehicle or a civilian one? Anyone can buy a badge for their belt on eBay.

TNBanjoMan 1 point ago +1 / -0

More recoil too, but I loved that rifle. I have the civilian version from Springfield, called the M1A1. I take it out about every 2 or 3 months to re-bruise my shoulder. 😆

TNBanjoMan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, as I recall about 11 or 12 pounds, then add a 20-round full magazine and you're talking weight.

The replacement M-16 was much lighter, but it lacked the ballistic power of the M-14. Two different calibers, .308 [or 7.62x51 NATO) in the M-14 and 5.56mm in the M-16.

The M-14 could punch through a moderate size tree, but that same tree would simply absorb the 5.56 bullet.

The M-14 was designed off of the old M-1 WWII battle rifle, which was superior to the German 98 Mauser in fire power, but the M-14 was inadequate for jungle warfare or urban warfare.

All of these statements are my opinions, but I'm pretty sure I'm right on most of the details.

TNBanjoMan 5 points ago +5 / -0

You mean besides the resting bitch face? ...and the dead eyes?

TNBanjoMan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is she saying that it's "unfortunate" that Trump might use this second attempt on his life to bolster his campaign? Why, the NERVE of that guy!! How dare he even MENTION this going forward, right?

TNBanjoMan 10 points ago +10 / -0

Speaking as one who has actually shot at 500-yard distances (USMC Parris Island, using an M-14 with only iron sights, under favorable weather conditions, from a prone position, and carefully taking my shots), I can confirm that it is a challenging thing to hit a target at that distance. You have to gauge wind, control breathing, focus intently, not jerk the trigger but squeeeeeeze... and every element has to come together, to even get on the target board.

Your average AK-47 is a loose fitting rifle that (IMHO) simply doesn't have the kind of build that would make it a good sniper rifle at long ranges...and the 7.62x39 round is also inadequate for that distance. It's POSSIBLE but UNLIKELY that the dude had the rifle tuned with floating the barrel, but since AK barrels are either pinned in or screwed into the receiver, this is unlikely. And that particular round after leaving the muzzle at approx. 1,600fps (feet per second) is going to lose velocity at a rapid rate, and at 200 yards lacks much penetrating power.

AK's (and their earlier rifles the SKS) are more for close-in combat or urban combat. Very effective at 50 to 150 yard ranges, but not much beyond that.

When I heard that the would-be shooter was at about 500 yards with an AK-47, I realized that even with a scope, hitting anything accurately would be mostly a matter of luck. Florida in general, and West Palm Beach in particular (I've visited there several times) is a rather windy place. At 500 yds the winds would do incalculable things to a ballistic trajectory, and unless you have a fine-tuned rifle, know sniping methods that most humans don't possess, and have trained for such a shot for many hours, that shot would be mostly impossible for an AK rifle and that particular ammo.

Your mileage may vary, others may have different opinions, but take all that as you will.

TNBanjoMan 7 points ago +7 / -0

Don't worry, Hakeem, people are keeping their own lists, and I'm guessing you're on quite a few of them.

TNBanjoMan 6 points ago +6 / -0

Better yet, some enterprising American investors (maybe even the cattlemen themselves) could start a new bank, the main purpose of which would be to provide banking and credit services to cattle ranchers. Of course other depositors would be welcome, but anyone who deals in cattle would get preferential rates and terms.

I would certainly invest in such a bank.

TNBanjoMan 3 points ago +3 / -0

My GP acquiesced to my refusal to take any of the jabs or boosters, didn't put up any fight. To his credit, however, he DID ask me why I wasn't taking it, and I told him what limited amount of information we all had back then, before all the horror stories started coming out.

I told him the role of mRNA and the unpredictable genetic outcomes, the lack of human clinical trials, the rush to produce the jabs, and about how the pharma companies were indemnified against lawsuits if anything went wrong. His response was, "OK, I understand."

Since those early days I feel MUCH more vindicated and can now point him to better resources than we had back then. BUT (!!) I think the biggest reason he did not fight me is that on my last visit he told me he's going to retire in October, so that might have been part of his escape plan all along.

TNBanjoMan 2 points ago +2 / -0

I respect your right to take charge of your own health matters. I 'trust' my doctor only enough to refill a couple of prescriptions and tell me what my labs mean. Other than that, I too have refused all injections for the past 6 years now.

Your mileage may vary.

TNBanjoMan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, starting off by quoting the FBI dude Wray is a bad start. Who can trust ANYTHING he says? But the sheriff is probably right, the Biden-Harris regime has let in millions of sketchy people and We The People will pay the price.

TNBanjoMan 5 points ago +7 / -2

Good digging there, anon. Thanks. Chiropractic has always been a fairly controversial field, and while I do understand most of the criticisms of the CV jabs and their multiple downsides, I do prefer the information we get from people like McCullough, John Campbell, and Robert Monroe than from outliers like Glowaki.

TNBanjoMan 17 points ago +17 / -0

What was the context of these slides being shown? Who was presenting this, what is their credentials, and so on?

While these claims are interesting in and of themselves, they would carry more weight if we knew who is making them.

EDIT: I see the Anthem BC/BS logo at the upper-left of slide 1, but is the whole presentation by Anthem representatives?

TNBanjoMan 10 points ago +10 / -0

Never eat that s#/t, it will kill you.

By in bulk at Costco or Aldi's, learn to cook healthy meals, and eat at home. Find farmer coops and local meat sources. My wife loves my cooking and we rarely dine out.

TNBanjoMan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe she was one or two questions off and was 'answering' questions that had not yet been asked. Just a guess....

TNBanjoMan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Given the questions, and she STILL made a hash of the answers. What a brainiac.

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