TapDatAss 3 points ago +6 / -3

Lmfao I love how some of you are judging her and claiming this isn't good enough 🤣 guess who's going to hell?? You people, not her. Next time check your arrogance at the door and go back and read the part in the bible about the prostitute and throwing stones. You people are hateful judgmental and you have Satan in you!!

TapDatAss 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pretty sure the reason is 9/11...

TapDatAss -6 points ago +3 / -9

You probably still wear Nike shoes. And you still use Google, and you still use Chrome, and you still use Gmail, and you still use YouTube, all satanic symbols

TapDatAss -10 points ago +1 / -11

Wow you're so smart and witty and clever

TapDatAss 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well just like with Elon Musk saying that WEF invites people and post individuals on their website without their permission, is it so farfetched that the cabal exposes people to their symbolism that they have no idea what it's about? It's very simple to have some cabal photographers tell every single celeb they come across, "Ok, now cover one eye with one hand" "Ok sure? Like this?" It doesn't mean they're ALL literally in on it lol. To many of them it's just random stuff that everyone else does that they think is normal - that's the whole point, the cabal wants crap like this and their symbolism normalized in a way that no one would question it.

Same thing with the vax propaganda. Does anyone with half a brain really think that James Corden of all people is part of the club? That fat useless talentless irritating unlikable faggot fuck? Do you think that idiot knows any insider knowledge? LOL. He's just an idiot that somehow failed upwards. Maybe he sucked off the right producers and got the gig that he did. Honestly, they don't even have to threaten some of them with blackmail either. Some of these people are so shallow and predictable that they can simply sell their soul and be bribed. Wouldn't be surprised if Corden was paid a large sum of money to do that cringe worthy Fauci Vax musical. Of course he won't turn it down for money, and because he's so fucking stupid, stupid enough to blindly believe in the narrative. In order to be "awake" and aware of what's really going on and pick up on symbolism and be aware of the cabal in general, people need to first be willing to look. "The choice to know will be yours" and all that. The only thing Corden has ever researched in his fat useless life is a Denny's menu.

A lot of these people really are just useful idiots and oblivious to what's really going on. Although some of them are definitely in the club, like the really bad cases like Lady Gaga and Sam Smith. Those clowns are undeniable, they smugly and proudly flaunt their "master" that they worship.

But as for others, I'd give them the benefit of the doubt. Even Q has said there are more good people than we think. We might be quick to assume that EVERYONE with a blue checkmark is an evil pedophile devil worshiper, but that is simply not the case. Evangeline Lilly seems genuine to me. She clearly doesn't have all the answers but then who does? The fact she feels this way about the vax shows there's hope that she can be an ally to the Great Awakening, especially if she were to find out the Truth.

TapDatAss 5 points ago +5 / -0

Oh I cannot wait to see everyone complicit in this get the death penalty. 😎