Taran77 2 points ago +3 / -1

I have an even more fun question for you. Are these really the Jews? 100% conspiracy here with little to no evidence to back it up, but if Satan runs this world(and the bible says he does) would he not try to rewrite or make up history as he goes? Remember that CIA interview in the 70s? They said their goal was to make it so everything we believed was a lie. Is this Israel or is it just another country like Ukraine and it is just there to serve our purpose? Assuming this is Israel, i do not blame the people at all. Their leaders are evil and corrupt. This has been going on throughout all of their history. Evil Kings and Judges that lead them into chaos and destruction through the entire old testament(Chronicles and Kings goes into detail about their history)

Taran77 3 points ago +3 / -0

Want more fun? Quite a few pastors and church elders have come out and said that the point of the last Eclipse(where it drew symboles across America) was to give us 40 days as a country to repent. May 18th is day 40. Keep in mind though that throughout the Bible change,punishment,blessing, it all came after day for on day 41. So May 19th.

Taran77 8 points ago +8 / -0

Wife and I talk about this constantly. Q is still a mystery to all of us. There is quite a bit that is just gibberish to throw off the enemy, proofs happen after the fact(impossible for us to accurately guess which also makes it impossible for them to guess). My Wife believes that It will be BIBLICAL and NCSWIC means nothing can stop The end times from coming and Jesus from coming back. I believe this to be a real possibility. I honestly believe they are trying to FORCE or FAKE the end times to confuse and turn more people away from Christ.

Taran77 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why would i call God satan or allah? The Bible tells you what to call Him. Your responses make absolutely no sense. I have said my peace

Taran77 2 points ago +2 / -0

Names can be changed when there are many. Would you like a complete list of what the Bible says about the names of Jesus? You can pray to every single one of them. I pray to Jesus and YehWeh. I could call YehWeh God, while i pray, and HE would hear and accept both of them.

Taran77 3 points ago +3 / -0

I despise this kind of argument. Lets assume the Bible was translated wrong on the name of Jesus or even take it a step further and say that satan changed the bible some to deceive us. If we worship, pray, live our life and treat others like we want to be treated, and we do all this in the name of Jesus(who we also know to be our Savior, the Son of God), do you really think God doesnt know who we are praying to? You think some of these tribes that have found God out in the middle of nowhere and have never seen a bible are going to be punished for getting a name wrong? Jesus goes by many names. Satan and demons flee from all of them. That is how you know they are the real names.

Taran77 5 points ago +6 / -1

We are spiritual beings stuck in these 3 dimensional bodies. Bible talks about us having perfect bodies in heaven(no aging, no hunger, nothing). This would be possible because Time(the 4th dimension DEATH) is cast into the lake of fire at the end.

Taran77 5 points ago +5 / -0

I have not seen a chemtrail since this passed. Skys have been beautiful

Taran77 36 points ago +39 / -3

I believe we are 5th dimensional beings, that because of our sin, were cast down to a 3rd dimensional world, which is controlled by Time(the 4th dimension) and is also known as DEATH. I have believed this for a good part of my life. Our spirit is lost in this dimension and the only way out is through Jesus

Taran77 5 points ago +5 / -0

Some say we are currently in that time period. Christ already had His 1000 year reign and we are in Satans timeline currently. Everything we are currently experiencing is a lie by Satan to pull us away from God one last time. The mud floods(they say) explain this. My biggest issue with this is they are so bad at hiding stuff. Even if Satan tried to erase it all (the 1000 years that they say happened), we would be able to find records of Christs return and some that happened. The Bible is an example of this, how easily we found scrolls and books even though history has attempted to destroy it. Brought this up because my wife and i talked about it the other night.

Taran77 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am kinda hoping he is arrested. We know it is coming but ohhhhh how liberals will think it is the end...then BAM BAM BOOOM right in the kisser lmao

Taran77 4 points ago +4 / -0

It is going to get worse and worse leading up to November.

Taran77 2 points ago +2 / -0

My state is rocking out these new laws!! I love it!

Taran77 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why though? They literally do things the Bible says not to do.

Taran77 15 points ago +15 / -0

Reddit is obsessed with Trump. 1 out of every 5 topics on the front page is about him and all of them are blatant lies. It is quite sad to watch the TDS that goes on there. I swear half of the people that post the topics and speak on it are just BOTs

Taran77 12 points ago +12 / -0

Could def be a FF. Another way for DS to smear Trumps name in a very public setting.

Taran77 10 points ago +10 / -0

Oh i def do not take what he said for face value. To me, setting yourself on fire just means you are insane. I do get how it could get the message out and make people listen but you get the same effect if you lied then set yourself on fire. I just figured we needed to dig

Taran77 6 points ago +6 / -0

Election day is going to be insane. I am still on the fence if it even happens or not but if we actually do hold an election then make sure you watch your back. I have a feeling quite a few False Flags will go off that day.

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