Well, nothing, if you're dead. Looks like my comment is in the wrong post, apologies. I believe I was trying to comment in one talking about vaxx injuries/ batch toxicity? Think I need another covfefe...
This is how UBI Is gonna happen.
Magnesium oil is a great base for deodorants. You get your mag and stop the stink. Add fragrance oil and witch hazel, and you can get mag oil with aloe already in it.
Magnesium oil is a spray and its not oil. Dissolved magnesium will make the water feel slick and slippery. Thus, mag oil. You can make it yourself by dissolving mag flakes in water, at least 1:1.
"Justin from Canada"
I can tell you havent done a lick of research. Intermittent fasting has shown to repair mitochondria.
You need Gymnema Sylvestre. It is natures metformin. The indian name for it means "sugar destroyer".
Gymnema Sylvestre.
I went to an Art Basel one year where an entire hotel on Miami Beach had been taken over by storm troopers. Life sized cardboard cutouts on balconies. Some would be rearranged every day, doing normal things like reading the newspaper, having a coffee, etc. And that was the artist's exhibit.
You don't really think its something that simple, do you? You dont really believe tptb are going to kill their supporters and leave only their resistance, do you? Does that really sound right to you? Nothing seems odd about them doing that? No, it's going to be something like Marek's for the vax free. The vax isn't suppose to work. That's how you get.... https://archive.is/dSkfI
This is what Gates and his polio vaccine have been up to. It "eradicated" "wild" polio, and created a more virulent strain. This is called a "rogue vaccin-derived virus".
I don't know why people think Florida doesn't have seasons! We DO!! There's-
Not As Hot,
Love Bug
And she's sitting on something in the photo
So I'm not the only one to call bs on this post.
Thankfully, it seems.
We have yet to put away our flip flops.
"...put to death" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7TJvfZvgtwU.
"...you can't kill him again" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=I2vHiZTzlXc
I kinda feel like he's always done this, been controversial. Always thought he'd say or do something to draw attention to a topic and start convos about it. Or, to distract while things get done in the background. Like his fight with the keebler elf, distraction in part because the elf was setting things up behind the scenes? I'm not sure of anything anymore other than this show is a wild, wild ride and don't where the next sharp corner or steep drop off is gonne be. Whew lad!
I'm intrigued. This also gives me a new perspective on the war on carbon.
It's advertised as protection and sold as carved pendants, beaded necklaces and bracelets, etc.. I don't buy into the crystal craze in general, but now I'm curiois. There may be something to the legend of shungite.
It is beautiful as jewelry.
The description sounds like shungite.
"All the rage about Shungite is in its buckminsterfullerenes. A fullerene, for short, is the only thing we now know of that is composed entirely of carbon. A multitude of different types have been discovered, each distinguished by their number of carbon atoms. All fullerenes have atoms that are arranged in a lattice that can form either a ball (buckyballs) or tube shape (nanotubes). They are tiny, and measured in nanometers (one billionth of a meter, 0.000000001 or 10-9). The smallest stable fullerene of them all is C60, the same found in Shungite stone. Buckyballs (fullerenes) contain 60 carbon atoms that connect together and take on the same shape as a soccer ball."
"Studies carried out years later reveal that natural fullerenes derived from Shungite normalize cellular metabolism, increase enzyme activity, stimulate tissue regeneration, fosters the exchange of neurotransmitters, neutralize toxins within the body, and speeds healing of burns and wounds. Natural fullerenes show no toxicity or effect of harm to the body. As stated by IPAC, “Many pathological changes in a living organism are eliminated and it returns to its normal, healthy condition.”
It's been sold as jewelry for quite some time and touted to be healing and protective, even from EMF. What bunk, right? Jist another crystal in the 'crystals heal everything' fad, right? Well holy hell, maybe not.
"At the end of the year in 1991, the fullerene was proclaimed “molecule of the year” by the AAAS journal Science and to be the most significant development in scientific research. By end of 1996, the Nobel Prize in chemistry was awarded to 3 of the 5 men: Robert F. Curl, Harold W. Kroto, and Richard E. Smalley. The following is an excerpt from Smalley’s Nobel Prize address:
This discovery was one of the most spiritual experiences that any of us in the original team of 5 have ever experienced. The main message of my talk today is that this spiritual experience, this discovery of what Nature has in store for us with carbon, is still ongoing. So the title of my talk is not “The Discovery of the Fullerenes” but rather “Discovering the Fullerenes”.
It's true! Let all the poisoned get together, make each other sick, then realize the poison-free had nothing to do with it. Fauci, on the other hand, is rightfully worried about what the poison-free would be spreading to the already poisoned - Truth, Facts, Data, Treatments. Scarey stuff indeed!
This whole thread is fooqing crazy. We went to the local Tractor Supply yesterday n picked up 5 tubes for under $10 a tube. Each tube contains about 7 doses AND it was the apple flavor. You guys don't have any farm fleet or feed stores near you?
And DeSantis went to Israel to sign an anti semitism bill for Florida. He also now has an exchange program for Israeli professors to teach in Fl colleges. And I'm sure Israelis just HATE the reparations to black he's making Floridians pay now. Tell me, how much, is 4 years of college for those 50 blacks? And what will those Israeli professors be teaching them? But at least the way he confiscates planes off loading foreign invaders has been goo- ...oh wait. That hasn't happened either.
Is ANYONE on these boards gonna start looking past the curtain on this guy??
Baphomet worship.
LOOK what a dumb fuck you are...
There are no safe vaccines and you fuqing know that.
Operation Lockstep