Tellstruth 2 points ago +2 / -0


Sep 7, 2024

In this eye-opening interview, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sits down with healthcare reform advocate Calley Means to discuss how the food and pharmaceutical industries are profiting from chronic diseases at the expense of public health. Calley shares his personal story of losing his mother to cancer, revealing how this tragedy inspired him to expose the corrupt practices that prioritize medications over preventive health measures. Together, they explore how TrueMed, Calley's company, is helping Americans use tax-free savings for health-boosting products.

Tune in as they uncover shocking details about how the healthcare system, regulatory agencies, and even the IRS are complicit in keeping people sick and reliant on drugs—while true solutions like better nutrition and exercise are often ignored. This powerful conversation also touches on the devastating impact of these policies on marginalized communities and what can be done to turn the tide in the fight for a healthier future.

Tellstruth 2 points ago +2 / -0

Alchemical Science https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_x8t8Fdgh8&t=100s&ab_channel=AlchemicalScience

Everyone is suddenly talking about the rediscovery and suppression of advanced technologies. Malcolm Bendall isn’t just talking about them, he is building them. Let’s try and connect some of the dots. The landscape has changed now. When will Joe Rogan re-interview Malcolm Bendall and Randall Carlson? Will Patrick Bet David come and join us at Cosmic Summit to check out the Thunderstorm Generator in action and help us prevent another Stanley Meyer situation? Is Terrence Howard talking about the same things we are on Alchemical Science? (ohhh yeah. Walter Russel was a huge inspiration for Malcolm’s work on his own Plasmoid Unification Model. We will get into that more next time..). How did I meet Malcolm Bendall? And much more… This is a bit of a fun video. A celebration that the DISCLOSURE IS HAPPENING, and everybody is talking about it.

Tellstruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

And these poliiticians were there to tell the world who really masterminded and facilitated the 9/11 False-Flag Psy-Op.

NOT. There to perpetuate the myth.

Tellstruth 4 points ago +4 / -0

The planes that took off landed in Cincinatti and the passengers disembarked. What happened to them we may never know.

Those planes were replaced with drone planes loaded with incendiary material.

Two were guided in using remote control and found their targets which were prepped for their arrival.

One was shot down over Shanksville and left a 7 mile debris field. We are told it nosedived into an abandoned strip mine. This one may have been headed to rendesvous with BLDG 7.

A missle hit the Pentagon.

Tellstruth 2 points ago +2 / -0

****William Rodriguez talks with Firefighter John Schroeder for the first time since William saved his life on 9/11/2001 Wiilliam at 10:00 in

"Best 911 Interview We Ever Conducted" - Jack Blood With Willie Rodriguez & John Schroeder

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJMQtstLE9genter text

Tellstruth 5 points ago +5 / -0

William Rodriguez stayed at my house around 2009' while he was touring the US speaking. From my house he made a phone call and for the first time spoke with a firefighter (there were 15) whom he rescued by opening doors in stairwells. I will look for the audio as the call was recorded.

Tellstruth 2 points ago +2 / -0

Founded in 2008' by Richard Gage AIA Archetect. Ousted a few years ago because he went beyond the established perameters of the group with talk of the PLANDEMIC.

Tellstruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

The 24th Hour-- 9/11: Yesterday and Tomorrow AE911TRUTH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSkzO7E040Q&ab_channel=AE911Truth

AE911Truth is proud to bring you our most illustrious online conference ever!

The 24th Hour.

This free online broadcast will feature some of the most important voices in our society – including those who are not only calling for a new investigation into the events of 9/11 but also challenging the establishment position on the most impactful issues facing our world today!

Our guests will include:

Presidential candidate Jill Stein

Comedian and podcaster Jimmy Dore

Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies

Bio-terrorism expert Meryl Nass

Historian Daniele Ganser

Also participating are Alex Stein, Sean Stone, Ian Crossland, Roland Angle, Madhava Setty, Kelly David, Kamal Obeid, Craig McKee, John Schuler, Barrie Zwicker, and Anthony Hall.

Be here for this special broadcast on Saturday, September 7, at 2 p.m. EST, 11 a.m. PST!

To learn more about this exciting event, visit:


Tellstruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

The fact the so called "Holocaust" was nothing like we were told LED TO "HOLOCAUST DENIAL" on campus.

People are removing their blinders!

Tellstruth 1 point ago +1 / -0


AUDIO 1 hour 25 min, : https://www.unz.com/CONTENTS/AUDIO/runz/Unz-AmPravda-10-7-9-11.mp3?_=1

The eleven month anniversary of the October 7th Hamas attacks on Israel passed two days ago and in two more days we will reach the twenty-third anniversary of the September 11th Attacks on America.

Both these events have become so infamous that they are now among the tiny handful that can easily be identified merely by the date on which they occurred, and they are both likely to be remembered for their world historic significance. The 2001 attacks unleashed a long series of devastating Middle Eastern wars, and last year’s Hamas attack now threatens to do the same, perhaps drawing in the United States. There are differences as well as some significant parallels, but taken together they may have combined consequences that are too controversial to be widely discussed.

From almost the first hours after the huge October raid by Gaza militants, Israeli officials and their media allies had declared that the attack was Israel’s own 9/11, and I believe that in many respects that analogy is a very apt one.

Back in 2001, the newly installed administration of President George W. Bush had paid little attention to foreign affairs and almost none to the Middle East, with its focus overwhelmingly upon domestic political projects. Bush had actively courted Muslim support during his 2000 campaign while promising Americans that he would pursue a “humble” foreign policy. All of these plans were transformed in a single day as tens of millions of Americans watched the towers of our World Trade Center collapse and the newscasters reported that the Pentagon had also been attacked and seriously damaged.

Not since the Pearl Harbor attack of 1941 had America suffered such an enemy assault on its own soil, and nearly 3,000 Americans were dead, so major military retaliation was inevitable. But with our top leaders reeling in dismay and confusion, uncertain exactly how to respond, a tight network of fervently pro-Israel Neocons situated in various sub-Cabinet positions quickly sprang into action. These individuals took advantage of the sudden, unexpected crisis to convince their superiors to undertake a long-planned agenda of regime change operations and wars across much of the Middle East and other portions of the Muslim world, a project largely intended to reshape that region for the benefit of Israel.


Tellstruth 8 points ago +8 / -0

*"was never to convince the extreme left to agree with us" * though some will have a gradual reversal of attitude or some a sudden epiphany.

Educating the left and them joining our team is also our goal.

Tellstruth 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dr Lee Merritt: The Twin Scams Of 1918 & 2020


Remember the alleged Spanish Flu of 1918? Well, hold onto your seats cause we’re going for a bumpy ride with Dr. Lee Merritt as she tells you the truth behind that scam and relates it to the CONvid-1984 scam of 2020 and beyond. We’ll cover a lot of ground in this interview as Dr. Merritt presents a wealth of knowledge on the subject and what we are facing right now. However, we won’t leave you without hope as the solution, as always, is the people standing against the criminals and tyrants and executing the very justice that God has demanded for such things as we are seeing today.

Tellstruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am dismayed at the ignorance of the targeted populace that this is meant to appeal to.

For some ABORTION ON DEMAND FOR EVERYONE is the only issue.

On the other hand, these people are victims of their culture and oblivious to the influence.

Those behind abortion studied us and figured out how to manipulate the damaged psyches of the weak.

GOD help us all.

Tellstruth 6 points ago +6 / -0

Tucker and his guest discuss the mythology of WW2 history HOLY CRAP


Tucker and his guest discuss the mythology of WW2 history and how ridiculous it is they will jail you for questioning it

This conversation would have been unthinkable 6 months ago

It shows the power of Twitter

Me and a few dozons random accounts shifted the Overton window

Tellstruth 3 points ago +3 / -0

I love molasses!! with peanut butter and banana on ancient grain bread.

Tellstruth 5 points ago +5 / -0

Almost all the juices, carbonated beverages, and many bottled waters contain added fluoride (hydrofluorosalicic acid- TOXIC WASTE) SO DO YOUR HOMEWORK.

Tellstruth 2 points ago +2 / -0


Shilajit or Fulvic acid for the minerals you need.

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