Th3reaper0518 2 points ago +2 / -0

They could refuel in the air maybe but yeah I couldn't find them but my buddy was outside and called me and he seen then as well my fiances dad lives in a town about 40 minutes south of Columbus and torando sirens been malfunctioning? Things just seem weird timing

Th3reaper0518 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is this why 4 f16s just flew low and fast in a 4 pattern tight pattern over columbus ohio

Th3reaper0518 5 points ago +5 / -0

Completely agree act as if they don't exist we start here! We gather as one, we make our forefathers proud! We don't WE DONT COMPLY! Their way of life they want for us Is not how it was suppise to be. We have to unite out everything aside ND take back what us ours, not to mention for our kind and future generations

Th3reaper0518 3 points ago +3 / -0

I got a feeling things are gonna start ramping up Stay prepared patriots and as always be observant of your surrounding

Th3reaper0518 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah that worked out well for japan dude still made and home made gun and got the job done

Th3reaper0518 2 points ago +2 / -0

Kinda scary yall ever sit back and watch that show called " the 100 " on Netflix bunch of countries use nukes on each other earth becomes unliveable use ai and take humans and prisoners to space you got to watch it then come back and lmk your thoughts

Th3reaper0518 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's what I was wondering as well or just to mess up our vehicles in general 😅 maybe I think too much but usually gas get raised for 4th of July not lowered insanely I mean I'm happy that it is but with everything going on it surely raises a few questions for me

Th3reaper0518 3 points ago +3 / -0

Been a lot of activity this past month in ohio from c17s chinooks and I believe yesterday was a c5 was bigger than the c17 but been practicing a lot of low flying maneuvers last week at the osu new build were doing numerous black hawk helicopters kept circling low around the building while we was at work I just don't have a good feeling lately about a lot of this