ThaDeplorablz 2 points ago +2 / -0

The GOP is completely f****d. 95% of elected GOP officials are only in it for themselves.And that's being kind.

ThaDeplorablz 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, Graham is truly one of the worst senators out of all of them. Honestly, I have MUCH more respect for a RINO like Mitt Romney. At least he is somewhat honest about his contempt for Trump. Graham is just a dishonest opportunist like McConnell and honestly, most of the rest of them.

We should make a list of actually good GOP senators. Unfortunately it will be a very short list. The house is a bit better, I guess.

ThaDeplorablz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, they did in 2004, when they believed that voting machines were fixing the election for Bush in places like Ohio.

ThaDeplorablz 3 points ago +3 / -0

In person voting on paper ballots with monitored counting is the way to go. Not sure why more people are not pushing for this?

ThaDeplorablz 6 points ago +6 / -0

I really hope nobody buys this BS from Mitch. He is only in it for himself. The GOP needs new leadership in the senate ASAP.

ThaDeplorablz 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's real. I see zero reason for anybody trying to make this up, really.

Think about it, if this was some media conspiracy, what would be the purpose? This is not exactly something that is making Biden more popular with the left. Infact, much of the left are already suspiscious of Biden and this is the kind of stuff that could easily make them turn away from him.

ThaDeplorablz 21 points ago +21 / -0

This illiustrates what is wrong with democracy these days. Many people are so partisan that they will automatically think that something is bad if their opponents do it, but applaud it if their own people do it. Sad.

Everybody should do some soul searching on this. No politicians are infallible gods (not even Trump, as much as I love him). Likewise, sometimes politicians that you dislike does something good (which the MSM had great difficulty acknowledging with Trump).

ThaDeplorablz 10 points ago +10 / -0

LMAO, nice find! :-D

ThaDeplorablz 2 points ago +2 / -0

OK. If something happens, great, but I feel that some of you guys are just setting yourself up for disappointment again and again.

I'm sure there is a plan, but I am also sure that there is a struggle involving the DS. If or when something happens, pieces have to fall into place first and I feel confident that this is not set to some arbitrary date but rather to when the plan is realizable. The fact that nothing has happened yet tells me that the plan is not yet realizable. It might become so today, it might become so next month (probably NOT on the 4th though), it might become next year, or maybe the DS wins and it never happens.

If Trump had already won and was controlling everything we would know about it by now. Why do you think that Q hasn't dropped in a long time? Clearly there is a struggle. I feel some anons are closing their eyes to this because they WANT to believe that Trump is in control.

I also believe that since there is a struggle, it is up to the PEOPLE to act. Like for instance, why is Mitch McConnell still minority leader? Why is Liz Cheney still the #3 republican in the house? People should be making a fuss about this stuff.

And yeah, 2024 might end up mattering even if we don't want to give up on 2020. That's why I am fine with Trump possibly announcing that he is a 2024 candidate this weekend (still think he will hint it, rather than announce it, though).

ThaDeplorablz 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree with the fantastic and absurd part.

Honestly, this is the kind of stuff that makes certain parts of this community seem....you know. The way I look at it, is that stuff like this makes it MUCH EASIER for the left and the MSM (same thing, really) to portray us as lunatic conspiracy theorists.

I'd prefer to focus attention on the 2020 election and prove the fraud.

ThaDeplorablz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not sure I get it (infact I am sure that I don't get it). What am I supposed to read into those numbers?

ThaDeplorablz 80 points ago +82 / -2

I predict that jack all will happen on the 4th, but we'll see.

ThaDeplorablz 0 points ago +1 / -1

Wait, you think Trump won bigger than when Roosevelt won by 24 point in 1936 or when Reagan won every state except MN and DC in 1984?

That seems like a stretch.

ThaDeplorablz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nah, this is the leader of the biggest right wing populist party here in Denmark: https://ibb.co/8bxFjz7 ;-)

ThaDeplorablz 8 points ago +8 / -0


Mitch in late 2020 on election fraud: Says nothing. Mitch in january: We can't impeach Trump until after inauguration. Mitch in february: We can't convict Trump because he is no longer president. Mitch on that very same day: Trump is GUILTY and was spouting LIES about election fraud. Mitch today: I'm totally supporting Trump in 2024.

Who can take this guy seriously? He is obviously only in it for his own power. He thought he could have his cake and eat it too by trying to get rid of Trump after voting to Aquit. He failed and should be ousted as minority leader ASAP! No Trump supporter should ever trust this guy ever again.

Also, he has always seemed like a really dark guy. I wouldn't be surprised if he was cabal.

ThaDeplorablz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very interesting. Can anybody verify this? I am not seeing this reported anywhere else at present time.

ThaDeplorablz 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only person anybody cares about at this CPAC is Trump. I doubt that people will be booing other speakers as much as they just won't care much about them.

Some predictions:

  • Nobody will dare to oppose Trump in any way. They know that it won't fly.

  • I hope that Trump goes full on attack on the GOP "establishment" and on the GOP'ers voting to impeach/convict or even voting to certify the election. But I don't THINK that he will do this. I do think that he will criticize McConnell, but he won't go all in on it and will also preach some party unity.

  • Trump will send signals about 2024. He will do enough to make people ASSUME that he is running without outright saying it. It will be a "we'll see what happens" thing that he so often does. He will do this to reassert full control over the party.

  • Trump will talk about the stolen election, but I don't think it will be the main theme. I think he will focus the speech on traditional MAGA stuff.

ThaDeplorablz 10 points ago +10 / -0

Are you saying that the military are filled with leftists? I have a very hard time believing that. The military vote has pretty much always gone to the republicans AFAIK.

ThaDeplorablz 1 point ago +1 / -0

What was the reason for the long silence in 2019? I wasn't around.

ThaDeplorablz 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you are in possession of evidence, please share with us!

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