The3rdKey 6 points ago +6 / -0

Must have been really good because it's gone now.

The3rdKey 2 points ago +2 / -0

I did a TinEye search on that logo and it didn't find anything. That makes it almost certain to be "New" and unaffiliated with any company or organization worldwide. Including images from movies and video games. This is likely a marker or identifier of some sort.

The3rdKey 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes I do fren. That log makes this pretty weird.

Our paths seem to cross frequently like hound dogs on the scent of their prey. Glad we're in this pond together. You always show me good stuff.

The3rdKey 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know what significance this has, but it does seem like a thing of some importance.

Why are they coming after him again when they already took everything except what he could legally protect. I don't think that he OWNS Infowars. If he did, they would have snatched it away after the trial. On top of that, Alex is fighting this. Nothing adds up. Just like Sandy Hook.

The3rdKey 7 points ago +7 / -0

WTF is that. I did a quick TinEye search and didn't find a single match. TinEye identifies company logos with ease. First my bullshit detector went off, but based on this, it may be more of a Spidey sense kind of thing. I hope we learn more about this. Thanks for sharing.

The3rdKey 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh crap. Now I fear that Trump is going to let these criminals running our country go free. I hope that is not what Q meant when they said "the ending won't be for everyone". I'll be pissed.

The3rdKey 4 points ago +4 / -0

No sign of the floating baby Trump balloon anywhere. This is a welcome change indeed.

The3rdKey 1 point ago +1 / -0

I should have bought coins like you did. I bought bars because I didn't know they were taxable when you sell them. Too late now. Maybe Texas will correct that issue for me.

The3rdKey 3 points ago +3 / -0

Me too my fren. I think we got really lucky. Historically, precious metals are good as a hedge against inflation, but a horrible investment. When this currency bomb finally goes off, stackers like us might actually realize a sizeable profit.

The3rdKey 11 points ago +11 / -0

Texas is positioning for this. We have our own gold depository and the legislature is for our own currency. This gives us the green light to proceed.

The3rdKey 8 points ago +8 / -0

Reminder. Jackson made a deal with another lady in Houston to cancel her mayoral campaign so that Jackson could run for mayor and she would support the other lady in a bid for Jackson's congressional seat. When Sheila got her ass handed to her in the mayoral race, she renigged on her deal with that lady and decided to run for reelection herself. Sheila Jackson Lee is a total and complete bitch of the highest order.

The3rdKey 5 points ago +5 / -0

I can't believe that the dems are still covering for Fauci. I can't listen to this crap anymore.

The3rdKey 5 points ago +5 / -0

This could actually have been based on science.
Our GPS satellites are accurate to within 6 feet. If we are closer than 6 feet together, it's hard to differentiate one signal from another. If we are 6 feet apart, our satellites can identify each separate signal. This might not have been a coincidence when you remember how badly they wanted to track us.

The3rdKey 6 points ago +6 / -0

Absolutely, but I can't help because I already stopped doing business with Walmart & Sams.

The3rdKey 1 point ago +1 / -0

Canned foods are always a good bet and although expensive, they're easy to come by for the time being.

The3rdKey 3 points ago +3 / -0

Advance the time on the video to 9 minutes and you'll see it fren.

The3rdKey 8 points ago +8 / -0

Congress actually has a fund that they use to pay off those accusing them of various wrongdoings, usually sexual in nature. This is how they keep it hidden from We The People.

The3rdKey 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can't imagine why Q would post again. They already woke up everyone they likely could. There's really nothing more to say than "We told you so". I don't expect them to post again.

The3rdKey 4 points ago +7 / -3

The only thing I'm not sure about is calling the people that lived where Israel is today Palestinians. I think that they were mostly Jordanians. I could totally be wrong, but I've been lied to so much, it's hard to tell the truth.

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