TheCrisp11 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you are in Michigan, homeschool or send them to a small trusted private school that you have vetted as parents. Problem solved for now. But mark my words, they will be showing up at my children's door when they are parents with the hormone shots at this rate. We didn't vote this in, fraud did.

TheCrisp11 2 points ago +2 / -0

The difference is, leftists at old Twitter were banning people based on political views they did not agree with while letting their chosen lefty accounts (journalists, actors, politicians, bots, etc) slide.

Leftists now are getting banned for literally breaking the rules purposely to virtue signal, and are learning a hard lesson in consequences and FAFO.

TheCrisp11 10 points ago +10 / -0

The difference is, leftists at old Twitter were banning people based on political views they did not agree with letting their chosen lefty accounts (journalists, actors, politicians, bots, etc) slide. Now, leftists are getting banned for literally breaking the rules purposely to virtue signal, and are learning a hard lesson in consequences and FAFO.

TheCrisp11 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah I just watched it. Everyone just talked about Russia is bad and side stepped talking about anything to do with bio research facilities.

by BQnita
TheCrisp11 1 point ago +1 / -0

hahahahaha, snow = winter. Prove to me the government can control the weather, wait, you can't other than by saying, "look at the weather!" . What I am saying is that it is the middle of winter.

by BQnita
TheCrisp11 1 point ago +1 / -0

What season is it?

by BQnita
TheCrisp11 -1 points ago +1 / -2

I don't want to rain on your theory too hard, but I'll tell you the same thing I tell climate change/global warming advocates who look outside and use the weather as justification.

If it's warm in the summer, it's because it's SUMMER.

If it's rainy in the spring, it's because it's SPRING.

If it's windy and cold in the fall, it's because it's FALL.

Here, you all do the last one...

If it's snowing in the winter, it's because it's ______?

TheCrisp11 1 point ago +1 / -0

dude, go on a water fast for a couple of days at some point and cut ur meals to once a day. ur body along with prayer may heal ur gut up, nob religious people when they do this have said it cured diabetes and buncha other stuff.

TheCrisp11 2 points ago +2 / -0

lol I hope ben shapiro, that establishment cuckservative, isnt leading the charge against forced vaccinations. One "real data totally not faked and trusted" source will make him mask up and get 4 booster shots.

TheCrisp11 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, and looks like I found the grammer nazi. Sry my phone skills need improvement, looks like my statement is now invalid. /s

TheCrisp11 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry dude, had a good chuckle after your author referred to God as her/him. God chose to reveal Himself to us through Jesus Christ, and the last time I checked... yup he is a dude. Not only that, but I personally enjoy the way you use symbolic bublical imagery, which tells me wherever you downloaded these beliefs was influenced by the bible in some way. Im not saying there isnt some truth to what is being said, but Jesus plainly told us the only way into heaven and to be forgiven is by believing in Him, everyone else gets judged and thrown into an eternal lake of fire. It has to be through Jesus, the bible clearly states He is the one who opens your eyes and lifts the veil.

TheCrisp11 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sounds like she needs to get herself back into the kitchen and off the internet.

TheCrisp11 9 points ago +9 / -0

Idk about you guys, but my bullets are my bullets. I don't want to use my bullets, but if the government comes to my door to take me to camp and jab me, fuck them.

TheCrisp11 1 point ago +1 / -0

Please reply with a bible verse that states that you must explicitly deny Christ to accept the mark.

I am open minded. Also note that I am not saying the vaccine is the mark, but we are seeing how the Antichrist can get people to take it.

TheCrisp11 20 points ago +20 / -0

stream is down.


^^^ Go to this link, Bannon is there and his stream is up.

TheCrisp11 2 points ago +2 / -0

pic confirms this guy is a chad

TheCrisp11 6 points ago +6 / -0

it's because people hate to read and actually comprehend why God would say things that are anti-culture. It's expected.

TheCrisp11 9 points ago +12 / -3

This is why the Bible commands woman not to lead men, and for real men to be the leaders.

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