TheFozz 2 points ago +2 / -0

I understand his sentiment, but we all need to understand that we are not as far gone as they are, YET.

Europe has jumped off the cliff, America is approaching the cliff, when we get to the edge, we'd better do what is necessary to pull our country back from the brink.

TheFozz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Other countries are also further off the edge than we are. We are not there yet, but we are getting closer.

TheFozz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same, and that 4chan post with the supposed Hollywood Insider "renegade" said that RDJ woke up to leftist bullshit, but they've been pulling him back in ever since his career exploded with the MCU. But who knows, he did defend celebrities who didn't want to go to a Biden fundraiser.

TheFozz 3 points ago +3 / -0

Love Mel, I'm leery to trust anyone in Hollywood, but the fact that he has been blackballed big time gives me some hope that he might be legit. He's also friends with Vince Vaughn and Robert Downey Jr, who are also friends with Jon Favreau. Vaughn seems pretty based, so I can only hope the others are as well.

There was one 4chan thread a couple years ago that was talking about him, and somebody brought up what a major bad-ass Mel's dad was. Apparently he went down to S. America to fight Communists and shit, and was a hardcore mother fucker. No surprise that Mel would grow up to make him proud.

by BQnita
TheFozz 3 points ago +4 / -1

Yep, tax payers will bail them out whether they want to or not.

by BQnita
TheFozz 3 points ago +3 / -0

We killed Netflix when they pushed that Cuties garbage, we haven't gone back.

TheFozz 4 points ago +4 / -0

Utah should've been overwhelming for Trump, yet his margin was much smaller than it should've ben. Also, Salt Lake County uses Dominion, we have a Communist Cunt as county mayor here, nobody likes her, and she somehow "won" re-election, yeah fucking right.

TheFozz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah my wife and I are not sure if we should mention the vax but I know that’s gotta be what’s causing it

TheFozz 10 points ago +10 / -0

I fear you might be right, I cringe getting together with her family. I don't want them shedding all over my kids.

TheFozz 3 points ago +3 / -0

What's your perception of your fellow Aussies? Are they waking up or are they continuing to be mindless sheep?

TheFozz 2 points ago +2 / -0

I grew up in Utah and was always fairly conservative politically. My mom was very active into politics, was a Major Reagan conservative, listened to Rush Limbaugh every day. I remember driving with her and listening to Rush, us kids would laugh and tease Rush and his theme song; but now I realize Rush is a fucking legend and we owe a lot to that man

Mom encouraged me to get into politics. I turned 18 in the summer of 2000 and voted for the very first time that November for George W. I was a staunch Republican. In 2001, I served a Mormon mission for two years in and around all of central Pennsylvania. I spent a lot of time in the inner cities like Harrisburg, York, Lancaster and Scranton. I saw first hand the damage caused by Liberal Democrat politics. Blacks living in disgusting Projects, having babies just to get more welfare, disgusting living conditions for these poor children. I also worked with low class people of all races, including whites. I remember hanging out with this black guy around my age and we got into politics, he didn't work, just collected welfare and sat home all day playing video games. He told me that he was raised to "Vote Democrat no matter what." I also spent time in the red Suburbs where the people were more conservative, there were also the few pathetic white Liberals living out there too. I got to see a lot of different people and it shaped my perception forever.

I always thought republicans were good until Trump came along, then I realized they're all snakes working against our interests. I had a major epiphany in January of 2021. My Mormon teachings and my research all came together and It occurred to me that we are living in a controlled system, we aren't free, we only have the perception of freedom. Marxism is here in the USA and we are on a very bad path. Then I did research on the Free Masons and how they are simply a front to the Luciferians who run the world. I was taught that even though God is in control, he allows Satan to have Dominion over this earth...and boy is that true. The world is really under the control of evil people, they have beliefs, they worship Lucifer, they do rituals to tap into the power of the evil that exists in a different realm, they love themselves, they lust after power and control, and they enjoy hurting innocents. Nobody can ascend to the heights of fame, power or wealth without joining this cult of evil. Every major celebrity and powerful person has sold their soul and joined these ranks. Those who chose not to were either bought out, destroyed, or even killed. I believe Tom of Myspace and Notch are some of these. They saw that if they wanted to continue upward into that realm of Mega Influence and power, they would have to join these sick fucks, do their rituals, and sell their souls. They chose to sell their creations, keep their souls, and live a low profile life. Mark Fuckerberg and Jack Dorsey did the opposite, they joined them....and lost their souls.

I don't know everything, discernment is so critical right now, there is a lot of good and bad info out there. Just trust in god, be humble, and pray to him for strength to see through all the lies. I'm not a huge Q believer, I find Q fascinating, I HOPE Q is legit, I hope the white hats are in control with the power of the Father.

TheFozz 3 points ago +3 / -0

So frustrating, all of my family is based and refused the jab except my one sister who's SUPER mormon (the mormon prophet took it so it's okay!) Woman, that man is old as dirt anyways and probably took a placebo jab.

My wife's family is split politically, but only her and her younger sister refused the jab. These are scary times.

TheFozz 9 points ago +9 / -0

I’ve heard this too, if they show us who are they or what they do, and we don’t stand up and reject it, then we’re basically accepting it.

TheFozz 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is extremely disappointing, I was hoping Toyota wouldn't cuck under pressure.

TheFozz 5 points ago +5 / -0

If we want to rid ourselves of this cabal, we have to wake everyone up, in order to do that, we have to take it all the way to the edge and show people just how bad it really is.

TheFozz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Salt Lake County Uses Dominion, there was ABSOLUTE fuckery going on here.

TheFozz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some people will still refuse to wake up even when their life is on the line.

Doing the right thing is never easy or popular. Trump has talked about this, there have been many examples in history of the people who stood up for the truth being absolutely castigated for it. Stay strong.

TheFozz 2 points ago +2 / -0

I remember before YT, watching street racing videos on Streetfire.net hahaha, then YT came along and shut all that down.

TheFozz 9 points ago +9 / -0

True, there was a blackout in the blade runner movie:

“The Blackout was an unprecedented electricity blackout that affected Los Angeles for ten days in May 2022.”

TheFozz 4 points ago +4 / -0

The mom has some seriously crazy eyes, I feel sorry for those kids.

TheFozz 4 points ago +4 / -0

Shit man you need to expand! You can't just leave a Cliffhanger like that! What's his name btw?

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