Exactly beacons of our growth markers to reflect back upon and have reverence for God's grace that led us on our journey to continue to become a better man
Oh no I'm in full agreement with both quotes including yours... but you know what I don't do any longer judge them that's what I don't do any longer because of precisely what you said good friend following the footsteps of Jesus live as Love For Love seek Love Give Love speak love and your eyes shall see no evil love you
(ALL VIDS - https://www.youtube.com/c/AwakenChurchsd/videos?view=0&sort=p&flow=grid)
"The Storm (Balboa) - Ps. Jeff Forbes" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QXnkJ_9ogw
Defeating the Bully of Fear - Ps. Mike Maiden https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6CtPbUebCw&list=PLKZubmugROHLLpR-36zMiJKAv0TyPoSQn&index=9
Recession Proof - Ps. Jurgen Matthesius https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6JTTnr6uvs
The Four Faces of a Leader - Ps. Chris Hodges https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuKnYpjBoWM
The Masons are practicing kabbalists they (lower levels) just don't realize it all of the protocols are mirrored from kabbalism.
You have no idea how many people are Jews that are busy exposing them and are on this very post. You have no idea how many Jews abhor Zionists, don't assume. I was raised Jewish, dad christian, easter and Christmas we're my only exposures besides cousins catholic masses... I didn't find any connection to spirituality in these exposures just shame and judgment all the things Christ teaches the opposite of. Now I have been saved by Christ Christ is my Lord and savior. I live with forgiveness in my heart and I seek to serve and I seek to provide compassion and love and acceptance and I have witnessed more miracles than I could count just tonight I witness multiple miracle healing at my church's men's retreat with 3,000 lions all bringing about the new Earth. But when I was identifying as Jewish I absolutely was disgusted by zionists... So if I'm an exception to your absolute then there are many many others I've met many of them, I know infinitely more anti zionists Jews and maybe this is just my experience but I doubt it's unique.
C60 fine powder... Boof that shit with just a trace of borax seriously just a Trace like an eighth of a teaspoon there's a different dose for men and women then take NAC you can also boost that too I've used the above formula to cure five different girls who Heather periods f***** from just being around shutters in all cases it was a one-day immediate Care they went from having crazy weird abnormal cycles to a normal cycle in one day... Likely could have taken these things orally as well but greater results from the membrane down there and a longer release. But always consult a hippie naturopath that actually is a licensed doctor as well... If you haven't needed to actually have a real doctor over many years it's because you don't take the flu shots and all the other things that make you sick but the sooner you do the leg work and actually create a relationship with the naturopathic doctor the better you'll be prepared case there is something real that comes up for you and you're not going to in an emergency go down the road of certain destruction through hospitals or big pharmas road to hell. Also it's a really great idea to get checked up and they'll give you so many great ideas to tune your body detox the things you don't realize are lowering your energy vitality sexual vitality regulate the mood so many of these things they have awareness on and cures yeah actual cares not symptom treating but cures.... If you don't have a naturopath on your phone who kept hundreds of people out of the hospital during this state pandemic not a bad idea to find one now you probably already know people that can make recommendations or you can just start on Yelp and read the reviews
if anyone has successfully awoken an NPC PLEASE SHARE DEETS! Till then I'll just keep them in my prayers.
ToreSays has hundreds of thousands of members organized by state who are seeking and connecting with attnys and filling quo warranto's and injunctions to stop masking, vaxing, mandates and much more.... link with her and you wont waste time in finding efforts already in motion with and without legal assistance... Some of these are already hitting the dockets etc....
Down with maritime and admiralty law.... common law for the win....
I use nordvpn... That being said I have on good authority from someone who has extremely high government it clearances that the only way to really be safe is to use multiple vpns that are tunneled and to have traffic split and use tour at the same time and even then it can still be reassembled if someone really wants to know but you will do a amazing job in having cyber privacy from corporations that might be trying to spy
My personal red pill moment was when I started researching the corona and started realizing that Donald Trump was actually telling us the right thing to do and the media was lying about what he said. Soon I researched everything that had triggered me about Trump and found it all to be lies. Took me about a week to research Trump and found a man of my own heart and mind and after that I never looked back left the DNC proudly voted for Trump and did my best to Red pill every person I could
if you think hes a leftie... you havent seen his videos... you havent watched his yellowstonewolfAZ (was on YT & rumble)... find archived on tele (search viking dude is a white hat)... and no worries no judgement... but until you watch his stuff... best just admit you dont know his character... https://rumble.com/vcnxdv-chat-with-jake-aka-yellowstonewolfaz.html
Thanks for educating me I had an idea around what that concept meant but you provided the exact words for me to research I definitely see what you're saying and I think I will spend some time digging into the clips origin I'm open to being wrong
Notice they don't give a fuck about Americans headed to Cancun and Cabo via plane to party.... I have had lots of friends escape this nonsense and actually have a wonderful time down there.... This is true insanity they are turning the country into a cage...
Praying medic is not your friend... He's the operation mockingbird of the movement... Don't believe it then why does his account post the same shell BS that the other fakes do like Jordan sather... Tore exposed em both and their astroturfing... He's not a patriot... He's a PAY-TRIOT... Read her transcripts at toresaid.com don't take my word for it...
please choose that option on the actual poll link! thanks kindly!
please add that on the actual poll link! thanks kindly!
please add that on the actual poll link! thanks kindly!
please add that on the actual poll link! thanks kindly!
please add that on the actual poll link! thanks kindly!
THANK YOU OP VOATANON1984 ... I made us a poll so we can get a bigger graphical representation of our collective of Digital Soldier redpill moments! https://greatawakening.win/p/12jJificJN/
hat tip to @VoatAnon1984 for this post inspiring this poll! https://greatawakening.win/p/12jJe4jtoY/-the-great-awakening-feedback-ne/
mine too...
9/11 truth!!!! mah gawd... once you know physics at the high school level you know freefall collapse of wtc 1 and 2 is INSANE... wtc 7 with no planes = GUARANTEED PLANNING... DOMESTIC TERROR FROM THE HIGHEST LEVELS OF GOVT... THESE FOLKS NEED TO BE PUT ON TRIAL...
This link is easiest explanation in plain English that will wake you up in a heartbeat and you will see so quickly that we were being arrogant by thinking we knew better than God or thinking that God would let us bastardize his Miracle of timeless perfect creation just by playing some stories out in this drama or simulation
God's far more intelligent than to let us actually hold the Nintendo controller and let it be plugged in we're sitting next to our father on the couch like a young child well Dad plays Mario and the child thinks he's bopping every button and making every jump perfectly too. You see it was more fun that way until we were mature enough to understand it graduate till the next grade and pretty soon our father is going to let us use the full controls of this next round see you in the emerald chalice follow Jordan Peterson's/pageau "cherub decode" for more massive Matrix decoding Clues. I mean really just watch the whole thing you don't think Jordan Peterson is changing the entire world with his own genius do you of course not many are just tuning into the Christ consciousness more and more literally bringing Heaven down to earth just as our father intended us each of our missions or tasks or embodiments will look slightly different follow different routes cuz we all different interlocking purposes but in the end we all end up in the same Timeless light body of the Christ in one just like he told us making Miracles far greater than he ever did