the complaint was denied...
not that Shapiro wasn't involved
except: Andre (the father) told ABC News that his son’s first real words were about the Super Bowl...
but a hero for shielding his sister. no two ways about that.
she's a black belt...
that place is a tar baby...
but stable genius is running things, so we'll see.
it's not official yet... as far as I can find. is it posted somewhere?
now do the 5000 FBI agents involved in the J6 persecutions.
that's why I want them to learn to code.
another poor choice. LOL
that is so true fren... sadly.
they should learn to code...
AliKhan, who was appointed by President Joe Biden.
another grifter.
and to not even care if terrorists are photographed with the USAID logo stamped on the tent...
that's a giant FU to the American people.
can't do the time?
don't commit the crime.
them's the rules.
olive oil breaks down (plasticizes) with high heat. Saturated fat is not the problem. Most studies (if you can find them any more) show that arterial plaques are mostly oxidized poly-fats (trans-fats)... "the science" is that oxidized poly's then oxidize the other fats as well as damage arterial walls. (and, poly's plasticize at body temp).
use coconut oil for cooking - it can withstand high heat and acts as a antioxidant to other fats. Olive oil should only be added to food after cooking.
also... sugar (especially non-organic) greatly contributes to oxidative stress - that's why diabetics watch their A1C - the rate of glucose binding to hemoglobin, which also damages arterial walls.
are you totally off seed oils? and was the Vitamin C in the Ascorbic Acid form?
also, Vitamin C can cause plaque build up as it oxidizes fats after coming into contact with iron. I know people will argue with me on that.
have you tried proteolytic enzymes? Fenugreek and Moringa also help removes plaques. Beets and hawthorn berry help strengthen and relax the artery and vein walls - which is sometimes the cause of plaque build up. I would also recommend high dose beta carotene. You can take a shitton of it and the only side effect is a slight orange tint to your skin... it's very good for arteries and veins.
Trump go BRRRRR
except... Putin never actually said he wants Fauci extradited.
we need to punish him ourselves. his blanket pardon is useless.
like Larry Ellison a few days ago... keyboard warriors have been working him over ever since.
thanks for posting... I can't be expected to go back that many hours in the feed - I ain't got time for dat.
that will impact real estate and rental prices...
they are blindly following the pay check...
killing people haphazardly is no excuse.
nothing "to be fair" or "run-of-the-will" about incentives for killing people.
Trump says, "no"...
BTW. he has a pedo-face.