I'm a cop, and 99% of cops are freedom loving patriots like myself. I didn't think we lumped all into one basket here.
TSQ types on social media the way Elon Musk types. Handwriting is similar too assuming it’s TSQ’s handwriting. Thoughts??
Unbelievable question. I’m in FL. Can’t name you one cop I know who doesn’t agree with that.
With the exception of a few black Officers I met who drank the koolaid.
The 2nd amendment doesn’t regulate what kind of gun you have. See you guys are literally what you claim you’re against. You bring up this bs acting like I’m some kind of demon because God called me into the profession years ago to protect and serve, to which I have done the best possible job as. Unless any of you strapped on any of these officers belts, gone through the training and actually know how Law Enforcement works and totality of the circumstances that day, then you’re coaching from the sidelines just like the left does.
It’s called perimeter. They had cops from different agencies at this scene. Border Patrol, Texas DPS and the city and county share different radios. Border Patrol shot and killed the suspect when they got on scene. The perimeter was to determine if the shooter was acting alone and protecting the school from any further intrusion.
I’ve been a cop for years and I deal with the cussing and spitting in my face daily from the left. Now days it’s like this board here looks for anything they can to attack LEO. I’m done with GAW at this point. You all take words for gold and act like LEOs are completely overtaken by the WEF or something. I’m out. Turned into a cesspool.
A comment from an actual cop. Law enforcement was already inside the building. The officers in this video are on perimeter. When there’s already 15 cops inside the school, it doesn’t make matters any safer if 10 more go in because you’re trampling over everyone. Just another spin against the cops as always.
Literal SATAN was in the video. WTF.
Anyone remember when Alex Jones went on Piers and destroyed him, then asked him to fight him in a boxing ring? He "You think you're a tough guy? I'll wear Red White & Blue, you can wear your Jolly Roger".
Screwed with mushrooms once before. Immediately after I changed my life, stopped the sinful path I was in, re-found Jesus, he delivered my wife into my life just weeks afterwards and things changed ever since. Haven’t touched mushrooms since then. I always associated them with the darkness I went in right before the light. But I owe it to them for opening up my eyes.
As Alex Jones recently said “He says 4 great things then 1 horrible thing. “
So far, idc, I like what I see. Elon cannot be bought nor can he sell out. The only leverage that could potentially be used against Musk would be blackmail / jail etc.
I’m watching a second time (RSBN) where at exactly ??
Edit: found it and uploaded a pick for you pedes. https://ibb.co/Pc4zjj2
Second Edit: Here are notable items i've noticed.
I noticed him emphasize on "17" points when speaking of Ted Budd's polls. He highly emphasized 17 (quite noticeable)
LT Governor called him the "President of the United States of America" with no other context given.
"The creation of Space Force. Very important". > Subject change
Emphasized Hussein's name (HUSSEIN)
John Durham was spoken of
Jan 6 political prisoner's were waved into the Capitol by Capitol police. Followed by a poss warning to Pelosi / Muriel Bowser
I'll add more if I hear them.
Also, one thing I notice about Trump that really stood out to me is Trump knowingly does not use phrases/ideas/'conspiracies' given by his supporters. He pretends as if they don't exist while very sternly highlighting those phrases. I realized how this goes far beyond Q. Trump always claimed to "not know what 'Qanon' is" which is impossible (Even if Q was a psyop) the most Powerful Man In The World with all the security briefings etc didn't just 'I don't know what Q is'. I
+Train honks horn, a good amount of time if focused on the Train that loves Trump. Everyone knows 'TrumpTrain' but he didn't use that term. This also goes for phrases like Let's Go Brandon (like when he was at the Atlanta Braves game), saying "It's coming and they don't do anything to stop it". He point right at it without saying it. Makes me wonder what sort of agreements on Trump speaking in public were with the white hats. No meme references? No internet references?
I just thought this huge thing up but don't want to type it. So TLDR, what if Elon is Q?
PIZZA...Like a Pizza Party. He emphasized Pizza...hmmmm...with some hollers in the back.
I’m a patrol cop over here and we were working traffic crashes, downed trees, dealing with standing water etc all day. In my area it was probably equivalent to what Hurricane Irma did up here. It’s crazy because it was rough this morning and there was barley any reporting on it. My neighbors had a tree fall on their house.
What is interesting about this, is one of the first images TSQ posted on Truth showed those trophies in the corner for being a film producer/director.
Almost if he has the tools to make this image, somehow showing relation between Q and TSQ?
Bookmark this everyone!!
I just got in too! I was #136,708 I just checked the Q page, there’s some strange posts and a braille looking message on his cover photo but haven’t seen anything here on it yet.
Wah wah, sorry you got a speeding ticket. You must be pretty upset about it.
Fortunately, anytime a law abiding citizen tells me they have a gun in the car I always tell them “thanks for telling me, that’s your right”
And generally that’s what most patrol officers (90% of all police) in the US do.
Doesn’t everyone have a “ring” or “wyze” cam nowadays? That’s what bothers me about it too
Depends on the state. I know in FL, if there is feds in town they’ll generally send FHP or the Sheriffs Office alongside feds just as general back up.
As a cop, what made sense to me is that Highway Patrol and the SO stayed on the porch while the feds spoke to the dude, because us low level LE aren’t readily in the know about anything going on in the federal government and are prohibited from stuff like that. But then again, if this guy really has prior LE experience he’d know that and know how to drum up a fake story.
Hey I’m a active cop. And I’m a Q follower. Can I get a visit from the feds? Pretty pleaze
Every hates on Alex Jones here too. Dude is definitely not fake. Yeah, he may not believe Q is a thing, but dude is a patriot. Hell, his employee (Owen Shroyer) federally charged with Jan 6 “insurrection”. He’s been doing this since 1996. Didn’t just pop up out of no where. Dude is literally one of the only people out here exposing the deepstate. If it wasn’t for Alex, I’d have no idea about Klaus, Bill Gates real evil etc.
Umm... Have you ever heard of a video game called "Fallout"? It's my favorite video game. Google "fallout overseer" there's you're answer.