TheTroof 2 points ago +2 / -0

It has to be thorough. Yes, it's taking long, but the poster is thinking along the same lines as me. They will throw Trump in prison, seemingly. That'll wake up another 10-15%, who, after the debate performance, will see it as Biden eliminating the competition. You know, much like the left accused Trump of wanting to do if he ever took power. The poll numbers will be so ridiculous come November, and I mean Biden polling in the 20s, that when he gets 100 million votes while pooping himself declaring victory, the media will turn on him, and the rest of the people who aren't 100% brain dead will call for justice. That's when the truth about 2020 comes out. He cheated in 2024, and in 2020. Everyone involved will be taken down, or at least shown to be taken down publicly.

It's going to be alright. Truth sometimes takes time to be revealed, and even longer to be digested by some. We are almost there.

TheTroof 5 points ago +5 / -0

If they put Trump in prison now, after the debate that showed he is the only viable candidate to lead the country moving forward, there will be more outrage than people can imagine. A ton of Democrats will see it for what it is. Simply eliminating the competition so an incompetent, diaper wearing fool can rule over them 4 more years.

Even they will see the treason right in their faces.

TheTroof 6 points ago +6 / -0

I can see this all playing out a thousand different ways. What I do strongly believe is this is all under control. If they wanted Biden gone due to ineptitude, they wouldn't have waited until the debate. They all knew he was inept for years.

TheTroof 3 points ago +3 / -0

He still has more waking of normies to do before he's out of the picture. Thursday was a big step, but there is still work to be done.

TheTroof 4 points ago +4 / -0

Didn't they all stop doing live lotto drawings years ago? That should have told everyone something right then and there.

TheTroof 4 points ago +4 / -0

Man, I had forgotten that one. I do remember not seeing any tears from any of them, yet they wiped their faces like crazy.

TheTroof 5 points ago +5 / -0

I believe that IF this is the way they go, it's only to get him outed.

TheTroof 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anytime. Sorry for getting a bit chippy there. It's been a looooong 3.5 years.

TheTroof 3 points ago +3 / -0

Joe Biden making an insane decision in the coming weeks, fresh off of this debate performance, could be the precipice. No one trusts his ability to handle a major event, so when he STARTS one, it'll feel really precipicey.

Now, him declining further, Trump surging even more in the polls, and Biden winning again could very well be what gets the military involved in his removal. He will be the least popular candidate in history leading up to November 5th. No one would believe he won the election, if that were to happen.

That leads me to my last point. The good guys need Joe Biden driving the ship into the iceberg at full speed, so forget about a replacement now. I also agree with you about Trump winning against a wounded duck Joe Biden. We need the left fully exposed, not just Joe Biden's mental issues exposed. Their entire house of cards needs to be brought down, and that doesn't happen by Trump crushing Biden in an election. Something has to happen before the election, in my opinion, to really wake up the masses to the corruption. All of it.

TheTroof 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are acting like you think all of this is real. ALL of this is being done to make Biden, and the left, look completely insane and crooked. Who do you think is really in control? Obama? That boogeyman isn't anywhere near power. However, having Biden act like he's listening to something in his ear makes people THINK he's getting marching orders from Obama.

Again, every last bit of this is to wake Americans up. It's all playing out like a movie for a reason. I thought we were all past thinking all of this was real. Enjoy the damn show already.

TheTroof 1 point ago +1 / -0

Him pretending to be getting advice in his ear, so people can ask the question, "Who is talking to him?" Did he sound like he was actually getting advice? This is all for show.

TheTroof 1 point ago +1 / -0

In other words, people no longer believe what their lying eyes are telling them. People are waking up.

TheTroof 2 points ago +2 / -0

I loved his answer about it being a fair election. IF it's a fair election. Of course he will respect a fair election, because it'll be a landslide the likes of which we haven't seen since 1984.

TheTroof 4 points ago +4 / -0

I swear, when Biden was talking about sisters raping sisters, I was hoping Trump would come in with, "And fathers showering with daughters". But that's just me.

TheTroof 9 points ago +9 / -0

Think about it. Let the left melt down for a few months. They brought this on themselves when they denied the real results of 2020. They pushed the lie, enabled it, just to get Trump out. Now? Now, instead of Trump finishing up a second term, Biden has destroyed the Democratic Party, AND Trump is about to get 4 more years. The damned fools should have dealt with the fraud of 2020 instead of dragging the country through this shit for 4 years.

It's glorious, really.

TheTroof 9 points ago +9 / -0

I think this was not a setup to replace Biden, but rather a setup to have him run in November as the weakest candidate in history.

TheTroof 11 points ago +11 / -0

Joe Biden looked so bad tonight, they might just be open to listening about the 2020 fraud now.

TheTroof 25 points ago +25 / -0

I thought Trump talking about having a press conference next week to talk about election fraud was highly interesting.

TheTroof 8 points ago +8 / -0

How can anyone listen to that for 90 minutes and say, "I want more of THAT for 4 more years!" is beyond me. That was just crazy. He had marbles in his mouth, and on his chin, all night long.

TheTroof 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think it matters what any of them want. This is all theater at this point.

TheTroof 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, they should defund the entire department until he is gone. It's not like they are securing the homeland anyway.

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