TheWinningTeam 2 points ago +2 / -0

Welcome to the global banking elite and the criminal parties they install in every nation whose law and order they overthrow.

TheWinningTeam 5 points ago +6 / -1

Who refers to people who don't want Jews to take over their country as ''antisemitic''?

And wanting merit based immigration as ''stupid phobias of newcomers''

I'm not Semitic. I don't have a nation based on my Semitism. I'm pro-American, pro-Christian, pro-controlled immigration because that's the correct outlook for a non Semite who just caught Israeli spy networks overthrowing law and order in my nation.

These are the same people who have been thrown out of 109 different nations due to their never ending criminality.

Nobody's turned off by such common sense, but shills.


There's nothing toxic about NOT cheering for the country you caught overthrowing your own, the VERY people who invented COMMUNISM.

There's nothing toxic about not cheering for endless hordes of vicious criminals flooding your nation.

It's TOXIC to tell people they're OBLIGATED to act like they LIKE it.

Shill level toxic.

TheWinningTeam 1 point ago +1 / -0

1969 and 1970 when I was 8 or 9. The Klan started threatening my father's, mother's, my terminally ill brother's and my life in Louisiana.

TheWinningTeam 5 points ago +5 / -0

The weather channel people were super big on spreading the story about how ''Y'all done used ya'w sum fiar and made fire sin so the cold light blocking Nitrogen atmospheric bath, has done come a heater!'' scam.

They are among the ORIGINAL Deep State science-overthrow/mass propaganda, private media enterprises,

even though the guy who founded it and later retired, tried his best to warn everyone of what had happened to his company.

deleted 4 points ago +5 / -1
TheWinningTeam 1 point ago +2 / -1

So what this piece of shit is saying is that when there are Muslims around you need serious firearms because they're gonna be committing atrocities.

Note how he doesn't disagree with his Muslim murderer: he thinks WE SHOULD ALL BE DISARMED.

Find it.

Dox it.

TheWinningTeam 2 points ago +2 / -0

God bless the Americans.

God damn every last member of the slavery, child molester party who hate this nation and it's people.

TheWinningTeam 4 points ago +6 / -2

It's a way, weaker flu without anywhere near the deaths associated with it.

TheWinningTeam 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are they literally doing the old dance called the Cotton-Eyed Joe?

I never realized there is a real dance to the degree I now do LoL

TheWinningTeam 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know anything about ''CCP freestyle.'' If you want to explain what you mean, I'm happy to talk about what I wrote, because what I said is true.

Atheists are parasites who love the milk and honey of Christianity, they just don't want to admit how it came to them.

It came to them through people disciplining themselves under the teachings of Jesus Christ.

TheWinningTeam 1 point ago +1 / -0

He said he doesn't need God for morality. I told him he does.

by sonrisa
TheWinningTeam 1 point ago +1 / -0

It might mean a congressional investigation showed Q team not involved with any crimes.

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