I find it very wierd... pretty strange when any government person shows up on a Sunday at 7:15 pm
I haven't participated in the last 2 censuses...this was about employed vs unemployed...
Just tonight fren....they actually sent her to my house!
Yes..I reposted
Reposted it..
I was sent a letter to cooperate in a census information campaign to gather information on employment vs unemployed people...I threw it away! Now 3 weeks later they send this person to my door to gather the information. I informed her I will not comply Is with anything that has to do with a corrupt government that's only purpose these days is to take away our constitutional and is constitutional and God-given rights.
I then went on to let her know that there are millions of people like me who are thoroughly fed up with the current state of affairs.. We refuse to deal with a corrupt government who wishes to strip us of our freedoms.. We had a nice conversation for about 25 minutes in which I let her know that the only thing standing between the government doing to her what they are doing to those of us who refuse to comply with their mandates whether it be on vaccine or cooperating with the government in any way shape or form or form, are people like me. They will come after you too I said.
I told her that the government should already have all the numbers they need on everyone. They can go to the IRS if they want to know where I work.. They can go to the other 3 letter agencies if they want to know anything about anybody.. So I so I choose not to comply! She said I will be getting another letter, to which I replied it will go in the trash just like the 1st one you sent. She said that she will be back...I tolder her not to bother me again I will be posting no trespassing signs
We spent time talking about the vaccine, the virus and loss of freedoms.... I told her that when when the shit hits the fan think of me and what we talked about tonight....
Had to delete and repost due to neglecting to black out the email on the card the first time...kek
Check now..
I was sent a letter to cooperate in a census information campaign to gather information on employment vs unemployed people...I threw it away! Now 3 weeks later they send this person to my door to gather the information. I informed her I will not comply Is with anything that has to do with a corrupt government that's only purpose these days is to take away our constitutional and is constitutional and God-given rights.
I then went on to let her know that there are millions of people like me who are thoroughly fed up with the current state of affairs.. We refuse to deal with a corrupt government who wishes to strip us of our freedoms.. We had a nice conversation for about 25 minutes in which I let her know that the only thing standing between the government doing to her what they are doing to those of us who refuse to comply with their mandates whether it be on vaccine or cooperating with the government in any way shape or form or form, are people like me. They will come after you too I said.
I told her that the government should already have all the numbers they need on everyone. They can go to the IRS if they want to know where I work.. They can go to the other 3 letter agencies if they want to know anything about anybody.. So I so I choose not to comply! She said I will be getting another letter, to which I replied it will go in the trash just like the 1st one you sent. She said that she will be back...I tolder her not to bother me again I will be posting no trespassing signs
We spent time talking about the vaccine, the virus and loss of freedoms.... I told her that when when the shit hits the fan think of me and what we talked about tonight....
Strange sighting fren...
I agree...sometime the risk is too great.
You cannot hold it against the person, we all have life and death choices ahead...until you have to make them judge not lest ye be judged..
Updoot for you fren..
His soul is good, he got shorted in the guts department...there was too much evil to fight so he cut and ran. You cannot blame people if they choose not to lead, not all are lions.
I hope he finds strength because he's an effective orator....who
I also cannot put FJB on my car, I drive a school bus! Plus I cart around my granddaughters.....it is a way to say FJB without actually saying it. I get the situation and agree FJB is preferred, but there should not be condemnation for an alternative that those in the know understand it represents the same sentiment.
Nor should there be condemnation on others opinion of this. I downvote noone (well unless it's a shill then I block/deport them)...I choose to allow all to share their opinions freely. This is how we should be...I get it....but at times discretion is the better part of valor..
Every prayer is heard....pray often, it is so necessary during this time we are in..
I know you feel strongly about this...this isn't the hill many choose to die on. We have bigger fish to fry. I understand your point but we are not so easily deceived by their lies...the truth lies within our souls, placed there by God...if the evil one cannot penetrate it, I doubt NBC will. Have faith.
Blessings fren
I have one rosary hanging from my rearview mirror in the car....and one around each crucifix that hang in every room in the house...the one I actually pray with was my grandmothers from Italy.
Saying the rosary is a powerful way to connect with Jesus through Mary.
Your fighting the wrong fight magasee...you have made your point about this, over and over. Move on fren, people are having a little fun with it. Is that so bad in the middle of all this chaos?? We all know what it means...so does the world.
I can put a decal that says "let's go Brandon" on my car (saw one the other day, daughter is making me one now)....and people will know what it means. I think it's funny that this took off....
I'm good....I hunt, fish and grow my own. Just got a new crossbow because they are quiet...bring it! We knew this was coming! 🖕 you all! We have the armor of God and his army of angels will guide us. We fear no man.
Your on a roll today purkiss...kek
This is my next fight at work! God is working through you fren... thank you!
You never disappoint purkiss... thank you
Amen...it is coming soon. Not soon enough for many but God knows His time for all things. Faith, prayer and humility are needed now more than ever. It's going to real ugly, real soon...
Thank you Fooly for posting this again. I have seen it before but it is a powerful reminder of our mission...God Wins. NCSWIC
BLESSINGS for all God's earthly warriors
Could you expand on this for me please?