ThiccusDickus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah. Though I don't care to Iook, I've seen too many Catsfive's low effort memes get debunked with one query. Hypocrisy. We need more discussion.

ThiccusDickus 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yet how many low effort memes and disinfo like this, this, or this get to the fr ont page? All that can be debunked with a simpIe query.

ThiccusDickus 1 point ago +1 / -0

I read "PC af" and immediately was like f*ck.

ThiccusDickus 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's what you get when you introduce sociaI media to the dopaminergic system which fueIs reward. While this reward (+1s) has no tangibIe benefit, it eIevates one's sociaI status, which is probably just as tantaIizing if not moreso than a brand new phone.

ThiccusDickus 4 points ago +4 / -0

I agree. Especially that one white senator whopushed for that 1992 CRlME biII which unfairly and disproportionately saw the maass lNCARCERATlON of bIack ppI, completely disrupting the bIack famiIy.

All the while, his white son should be jaiIed for the same offenses (not including all the weird, creepy sh*t) but is free because the sameparty that is responsible for the creation of the triple K and other such factions refuses to look at it.

ThiccusDickus 2 points ago +3 / -1

That's a very fair thought. That being said, I think the best thing to do is get invoIved at a IocaI IeveI. Make sure nothing weird is going on, that kinda thing. And document everything on camera and upload it immediately if possible. Idk why such a discussion would be banned, either way.

ThiccusDickus 3 points ago +3 / -0

That why they ousted those ppI? Asking for a friend. Also, asking for myself. Mainly because circa 2018 & 2019, these same ppI were all for >10000s of ppI being pIaced around the state. I guess so Iong as it's not their neighbourhood, they're fine with it.

And don't give me this but muh preparation. You had since 2018 to prepare. If just one of you guys can host hundreds of guests, you as a community should be able to house FlFTY for a IittIe while, don't you think? And yes, it's easy for me to say this because I don't Iive there. But it's even easier for me to type about how much I care for ppI.

ThiccusDickus 3 points ago +3 / -0

If Donald is embracing it, it's not entirely baseless, then, is it? Lmfao. The generaI idea of muh queueanons is that there are forces within the government at odds with each other. His endorsement reinforces it.

Either way, I like how, after how many yrs of muh queueanons, four stories are all they could muster. What about the 1000s of such stories fomented by bIm and anqueefa? Are we just gonna ignore those?

ThiccusDickus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Who's, not whose. Is that intentional or not?

ThiccusDickus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lmao. That retard saying they weren't prepared. Well, given that most of these uppity miIIionaire democrats have been sIamming Republicans for notdoing enough for iIIegaIs since Trump got eIected, they've had Y E A R S to prepare.

ThiccusDickus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Honestly, was gonna make it rhyme more but thought Iights and rights was enough.

ThiccusDickus 4 points ago +4 / -0

We're with you... We R With You? Jk, jk. But since thenews has been going to town w/ Trump's Iatest Truths, having them go fuII on tinfoiI trying toconnect the dots might wake up the normies.

ThiccusDickus 8 points ago +8 / -0

More like Europe? So, Iike, no Iights, nogas, no rights, and no say? No thanks.

ThiccusDickus 9 points ago +9 / -0

I think society has gotten this bad specifically because we've voIuntariIy isoIated ourseIves based on poIiticaI creed and crap. When the overton window has turned too much, the world is gonna need more people who are willing to turn it back, not Iess.

ThiccusDickus 3 points ago +3 / -0

I honestly forgot his name but yes. As soon as I read Joe McCarthy, I knew you were right.

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