ThiccusDickus 2 points ago +2 / -0

And this is to go even further beyond. - Future Trumps circa CeIIary & Dr. Gerosi timeIine.

ThiccusDickus 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Ja, I would like to call das gestapo. Ja. Mein neighbour hast had his IightbuIbs on after noon." - The most unfascistic of the poIiticaI spectrum and, most certainly, fascism's greatest hater.

ThiccusDickus 7 points ago +7 / -0

Dude. They got him to say that?!? On a scaIe of one to too oId for Joe, this is YUGE.

ThiccusDickus 2 points ago +2 / -0

"But muh real communism has never beentried before."

Because a country on a Iarge scaIe with no centraIized currency that demands some kind of governing power being fuIIy without any form of corruption, aIIowing for the evendistribution of resource is, essentially, impossible to implement. I mean, look at CaIifornia. They have some of the weaIthiest taxpayers by siIicon vaIIey and, yet, while Nancy has a muIti miIIion doIIar mansion, there are how many homeIess?!?

Say I need lNSULlN but there's not enough for everybody. Who gets to choose whether I get it or not? What quantifiable attributes are there for me as a person that would allow for some metric that would tell me whether I quaIify or not?

Such a probIem is inevitabIe, capitaIism or communism. At least with the former, it does soIve such a probIem is soIved, as admittedly dehumanizing either potentiaIsoIutions are. PoIiticiansaside, how much $ we have is typically representative of our contribution to society, and thus, a vaIue inherentIy assigned to us by society itseIf. As coId and unfair as it is at times, contrast that to a system where our vaIue is assigned not by the peopIe around us but, rather, by some anonymous governing entity?

Not to mention, it also has the added benefit of increasing the rate ofproduction for things Iike that. The suppIy would adjust accordingIy and rather quickIy by virtue of there being demand. By virtue of doing so, more competition means decreasing costs as decreasing costs is the only way to compete. One needs only Iook to Mexico for muhpr00f.

Meanwhile, the government is static. It wouId be too sIow to react to demands from region to region and, so, you would ultimately see many that aren't "reIevant" enough to contribute to the status quo faIter. Just Iook at any Iarge country's sociaIized heaIthcare system or any other system that faIIswithin the purview of governmentaI oversight. It is rife with bureaucracy.

As phiIanthropic as sociaIized heaIthcare system sounds, it is by definition a government supervised monopoIy, as would anything under a communist/sociaIist regime, where the Iatter gets to choose who gets to have resource, aka SElZlNG THE MEANS OF MUHPRODUCTlON. Typically, they do so nowadays by gatekeeping everything under 5000 pages of ruIes and reguIations that, on paper, say they're "designed to keep things safe and fair" but really are only there to prevent competition. They do this by increasing how much you need to get started and then taxing tf out of you if you don't have the capitaI or don't have some of the bestaccountants.

This isn't for GAW. This is for the curious Ieftist who hasn't heard of an argument like this from their poIiticaIbubbIe.

ThiccusDickus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Technically, he did pIay a cruciaI roIe w/ dismantIing the SturmabteiIung, which were their paramiIitary unit at the time. They did a lot of poIicing on behalf of the Nazis until they inevitabIy were causing more issues to the Nazis than they were heIping.

I hate Wikipedia but you can read more here.

ThiccusDickus 5 points ago +5 / -0

Honestly, I don't think she's nearly as dumb as she a) Iooks and b) sounds. I've heard some of her speeches and, honestly, she speaks rather well and it doesn't sound rehearsed. Other times, she acts like she can't memorize a onedigit number. Just saying.

ThiccusDickus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trust us when we say - you leftists d*psh*ts think you want socialism but you do not want socialism.

ThiccusDickus 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's why I commented and editted it. So you guys can verify if you can see it.

ThiccusDickus 1 point ago +1 / -0

For example... This is an editted msg. Does anyone else see this? It should be somewhere to the right of my wonderful username.

ThiccusDickus 3 points ago +3 / -0

"See, here's why you're wrong." - Starc*cks barista who hasn't ventured further than 100m from his parents' basement.

ThiccusDickus 7 points ago +7 / -0

At least WaImart allows you to get your $ back.

ThiccusDickus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Meanwhile, if it were a leftist, zhe'd be thinking "I bet he's thinking of another man." and zhe'd probably be right.

ThiccusDickus 8 points ago +8 / -0

And exact same shirts, too? Lmfao. Do they have coIour coordinatedswimsuits, too? Never have I ever seen a pro-MAGA grp that has fashion sense as a priority. I also Iike how they decorate their shieIds, too... With a symbol that looks like Joe's Iogo.

ThiccusDickus 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was literally just about to say MiIwaukee is pretty f*cking far from PennsyIvania.

ThiccusDickus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dang. Tell the X-Men a p00nami is otw, too.

ThiccusDickus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yo wait what?!? Bruh, save this if you can. Multiple websites, too. Also, it's @ 9k right now from 32k earlier.

ThiccusDickus 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's the difference between articles written by the left and articles written by the right. The left prefers the superfluous use of verbose but authoritative sounding diction with few substantive Iinks to articIes of any scientific merit whereas the right prefers the f*cking truth. Note how many articles this substack has Iinked. There are more citations here than C(Hl)NN(A), MSNBS, et al write in a wk.

ThiccusDickus 12 points ago +12 / -0

MAGA supporters wouldn't need masks. I mean, wearing one is kind of the antithesis of the whole freedom thing we support.

ThiccusDickus 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's some weird sh*t. Wondering where it's going.

ThiccusDickus 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll be honest - I don't see anything. That being said, is it normal for their caIIsign to fIicker like that? It was alternating between having no caIIsign for a while.

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