It’s just timing - he’ll disavow Republicans and start a new party after 45 (more or less) Republicans vote to acquit. The GOP serves a use for about 2 more weeks then it’s time to put an end to the Uniparty. He can call the new party the Qbic Heirs.
Big Willie used to have red dots but some penicillin cleared it up.
I had a dramatic down shit the last time I went to Taco Bell.
There’s a study that was published more recently that concluded “In patients with previously treated metastatic pancreatic cancer, HCQ monotherapy achieved inconsistent autophagy inhibition and demonstrated negligible therapeutic efficacy.” No big deal, as HCQ is only being evaluated as an adjunct, not as a primary chemotherapy (it might help a little in worst-case cancer scenarios when treatment is failing; or maybe not). Cancer is a deadly serious matter and false hope is a cruel thing to dangle.
Wrong part of the movie - you want the scene where a torpedo could take out its target but somebody presses the self-destruct button.
Ugh. Are we really all the way down to “possible hopium”? Next stop: probable distractium.
Weird - this is word for word what was said at the mandatory BLM anti racism training session where I work. Talk about cognitive dissonance...
I would have guessed cerebrovascular events.
The enemy is Starbucks. Specifically the pumpkin latte (1 percent, not skim). That’s why Q wrote “beware the moderately fattening stimulant that can be found during the days of pi.”
Unfortunately you need to close out of all porn streams first. But we knew sacrifices would be necessary...
I can only afford a vector.
An INVISIBLE insurrection! I just KNEW it was happening...or vaguely sensed it, I suppose.
Nothing was more depressing than the switch from IRL protesting to typing angrily about Twitter suspensions, all based on advice from TDW mods about the scary scary antifa undercover agents and their false-flag skills.
Please stop grasping at me!
It's not because he "exercised my First Amendment right" like he says. These consequences are happening because you can't be a licensed practicing lawyer who brings cases to court on false pretenses. All of the stop-the-steal lawyers are facing these consequences because they presented cases as if they had evidence of fraudulent voting and when questioned, admitted that they only had "allegations of irregularities." It's a court of law, not a court of irregularity (go buy some laxatives). Allegations aren't proof, as we're very clear about when the left alleges that we're all a bunch of racists. Wood and Powell and others had a responsibility to fight a legitimate legal fight against the steal but they never presented the direct evidence that they claimed they had, starting months ago. Fuck all of them. They clogged the courts with bullshit and ran out the clock on Trump. They deserve what they get.
It's like the disclaimer that lawyers always insist on when mainstream TV shows or games have realistic violence: the plan is "for entertainment purposes only." The plan is entertainingly intricate, with, you know, a lotta ins, lotta outs, lotta what-have-you's. And, uh, lotta strands to keep in your head, man. Lotta strands in old Duder's head. Luckily we're adhering to a pretty strict, uh, drug regimen to keep our minds, you know, limber. But just like with Bunny's supposed kidnapping, it's all a big joke.
“I meant midnight...uh..” (checks watch) “...tomorrow! It’s definitely happening tomorrow at midnight! That’s it, that’s the ticket!”
Very true. You start raping people because you’re rich and famous and they let you do whatever you want. Duh.
It’s the False Prediction Unit of the Moving Goalposts regiment. They say their work is almost done.
It was 75 BILLION, everybody knows that, there’s a mountain of evidence that will be revealed just as soon as another round of fundraising can be completed.
From a mental health, no a good sign at all.
Seems more like a cosplay, especially Jan 6.
...We Sometimes Go 2...?
Hard "no" on this one. I support people who are focused on Q. People like MTG who sign on to every crackpot idea - like jewish space lasers - only serve undermine us. When we mindlessly support these folks it makes us look desperate.