That was an amazing post!
You get an A+! I thought I was reading a report!
I then remembered that I was on the message board. 😂😂
We always have to take into consideration how much information a person can handle. As you said, certain people will never be able to leave the matrix. 👍🏼🐸
I’ve been busy and didn’t see that there was an error with my post. It’s weird. It didn’t look fake.
If it’s real, which I believe it may be, I feel terrible for the guy. Even though he made a bad decision, he is a victim of these sick doctors that are taking advantage of people.
It has been proven to have luciferase and graphemes oxide. He doesn’t look well.
My uncle visits family in Mexico and he said Hydroxyqloraquine and Ivermectin are over the counter in Mexico. You don’t need a prescription. It’s like buying cold drops.
But if you try to bring it into America it’s illegal without a prescription. Wow!
I also tried buying NAC and Taurine on Amazon and they are listed but nowhere to be found. I went to another vitamin store (Pure) and ordered them with no problem.
I’m in Texas. If you need a lawyer let me know.
You just file for the exemption. He said once you do the paperwork it goes up the chain of command. You’ll have to see chaplain for counseling.
My lawyer said that in most cases it has gone up and sat there. Nothing has happened as of yet.
Thank you for thanking us. ☺️ I not only back his serving in the military but I also back him walking away if he had to.
Never, ever submit to tyranny or traitors! We 100% believe in that and would die to protect America and our faith in God🇺🇸🇺🇸.
We have both taken the oath to defend our Constitution and take it seriously. I think every service man, woman and veteran does
It seems many military commanders are corrupt and are traitors. How can a service member serve in a military that is corrupt? You can’t…
It is a service members duty to protect the Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic. Because of this, many in the military will risk losing everything to stand up against traitors. Those that don’t leave will simply stay because they had no fight left. This is my opinion.
I can’t speak for my husband. Time will tell. It really comes down to whether things get better for the military or not. If they don’t get better soon, there will be a mass exodus and I expect it won’t be good.
Soldiers are getting mass vaccinated without consent with this gene therapy. Many are young and have no idea what is going into their bodies. This is an attack on our military. Where are our military leaders? Where are the white hats?
As for Stuart Scheller, since we don’t know his intentions we must proceed with caution. If he’s sincere and passes the smell test, then I imagine he will get many veterans that will join in his efforts.
I pray President Trump comes back really soon because it’s ugly…🙏🙏 The men and women in uniform really need our prayers.
File for a religious exemption through your chain of command. If they harass you, you can then have a lawyer through AFLD’s (one can be referred with military experience) file paperwork (Draft a138) on your behalf.
If you don’t have much money, AFLDS will still help. If you’re in Texas, I can give you the name of the lawyer we’re working with.
I spoke to a lawyer today from AFLD’s that has experience with the military. He was a JAG lawyer.
He is helping my husband. He is extremely knowledgeable.
I am feeling much better about the religious exemption after talking to a military lawyer.
He is in Texas, so I’m not sure if anyone needs his info. If so, message me back.
My husband WILL NOT get the jab under any circumstance. He has always been an excellent soldier, has deployed many times, been to Afghanistan, Korea, Bosnia, and we’ve moved our family constantly over the years. We’ve had friends die 😞 from war and suicide. We have both served and respect the Army. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 But this is a betrayal!
Now, with just 2.5 years to my husband’s retirement he’s faced with this crap! He doesn’t want to piss off anyone, but this is bull crap!
He took Anthrax when he was a young soldier because he didn’t know better. Now he does…
This sucks because he owes them 2.5 years for putting him through school (Doctorate in Family Nurse Practitioner Program). He will get full retirement and medical benefits when he retires in 2.5 years.
This sucks! The thing is, call us crazy, but it’s a no brainer! We can get the money back, but we can’t get his life back.
We’ll give them their money that we owe them and resign his commission. Screw these people!
He will apply for a religious exemption but knowing the Army, we won’t hold our breath. I have already contacted a military lawyer.
To be continued….
How is that story related to present day FDA approval of the fake vaccine?
Are you just saying that they have a history of this doing this crap?
Just wondering if you have any additional info…We are really needing all information we can get right now.
We will always be here for you. Although I never got to know you personally, we are family, and you are a friend. 🇺🇸🐸
We will fight the good fight for you. 🇺🇸🇺🇸 God will bless you for your kind heart, caring nature, and love of Christ.
I’m so sorry for the loss of your wife. I can imagine how hard that must be, since I have also been with my husband for more than half of my life. Being together for that long develops a ❤️ that is indescribable. I will pray for your healing, the renewing of your strength, and for God to watch over you. God Bless fellow Patriot!
When you are ready to return, we will be here waiting. GodSpeed!
Wow! This is amazing! I didn’t see this until just now. I must have missed it! Thanks for all of your hard work.
I’m gonna get to the emails.
Please email me at [email protected], and let me know how I can help. I can help with phone calls, organizing, etc.
We are here to help. God Bless. 🐸🐸🇺🇸🇺🇸
In “Belly of the Best” there was a historian that explained the symbology of D.C. and the monument. He was explained how there is a Bible binded at the foot of the Monument. I can’t remember how it’s binded, but the DS thinks that they can bind God’s Word from coming forth in the future. It’s under a round cement man hole cover, or similar to that.
They also do child sacrifices at a Freemason Temple in that area, and think that Osiris will rise from the dead one day. There is a Bible binded in the basement of the capital as well.
True about the monument being grounded by the lightning rod 😂😂, but these people are idiots and sick! It wouldn’t surprise me if they are using the energy from the lightning to summon some weird satanic crap! 😂🤔🤔🐸🐸
These people are sick!
I am a military wife and veteran. My husband and I have served 20+ years combined in the service.🇺🇸🇺🇸
We’ve moved wherever they have sent us, and separated our children from their friends and family. We’ve lost friends to war and suicide, and spent many holidays and years of time apart. For what?!😡😡
Oh, I know‼️ It was for America’s freedom 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸‼️
There is no time for games‼️ Or for patience..when we have traitors “out in the open,” and at the highest levels of our military. What is left to protect the people if our military leaders do not stand up?!
I know soldiers (only Army) that are walking away from their commissions, and are having to give up their retirements! They and their families have sacrificed so much for the freedoms of everyone.
It’s not about them. If it were, they wouldn’t walk away from money. It’s about the people‼️It’s about freedom‼️
If it goes through military court, we’ll have to see what happens? Hopefully service-members can keep their retirement, but who knows. I don’t think they really care at this moment. They care more about “not” following treasonous orders‼️🔥🐸
Soldiers are being told to report to get vaccines, are being mass vaccinated, and if they apply for exemption, they are being counseled and threatened with UCMJ. They are being told that they are “not following a lawful order.”😡😡
A letter from the Pentagon states that the Comirnaty and Pfizer vaccines are interchangeable, and are both FDA approved.
Most soldiers have no idea that this is false, and are therefore getting these jabs. This is sick! 😡🔥
For those in leadership positions, especially medical personnel who are knowingly lying to soldiers, you are complicit, are traitors, and are following unlawful orders‼️
My husband and I have always been proud to serve, but we cannot serve an Army chain of command full of traitors‼️🔥😡
Something must change and fast‼️