Perhaps in the "ENVELOPES" at Poppy's funeral?
Quick I RIGHT?
If so, WOW!
I most always flew comm into PACOM, but also usually most of the way into Ramstein.
You apparently don't know that DC doesn't have a National Guard element. MD and VA do, but that's irrelevant.
DC is controlled by the Head of the Joint Chief of Staff, and is also the Governor of DC. And who is he?
I believe this was just dumped last week. ALL of it.
As stated by opening below, he has to give them every chance to do the right thing before he lays down the hammer.
Many won't, and the price they pay will be have. He has all the goods. Not too worry.
You just pop up some fresh popcorn, sit back and watch, or come to DC with the rest of us. Its going to be WILD AND GLORIOUS!
All facts. The proofs are available.
It's been released. Never doubt Wood.
Some of you peeps need to brush up on your logical thinking and discernment skills....
And they do. Helpers always available now..
Highly unlikely to be Hospital pricing. As big as it is, that ain't squat compared to what's coming.
I laughed when I saw this the first time..
Military Grade Planning at its finest.
Know more than just a little about it...
Simple, for those that know REAL History.
Impeached? He will hang.
It'll be like he was never even here.........every law signed will be impeached and removed.
Actually, al Qaeda as financed and stood up by Slick Willy Clinton under the auspices of fighting Russia, Russia. Russia. Do the math.
The KenyanFRAUD stood up and funded, along with Evergreen [HRC] and [NoName] mcstain, ISIS/ISIL as the new mercenary army because after bin Laden was captured and al Qaeda irrelevance (whole other story) they needed another excuse for endless foreign wars.
So much to reveal....stand by.
Well done, Anon, except it goes far further back to the Khazars and Babylon, to the Vatican, the Jesuit Order and Illuminati, to the French Revolution, the American Revolution, and on and on.
This is a Rabbit Hole that goes back to 649AD, and you're right, Hitler was a puppet.
I will pull up my archives and try to get back here tomorrow. Night shift, take over. My days start early, even now... God Bless, Brothers.
And you post Wikipedia. Holy fuck.
Didn't say it was, so you clearly have reading comprehension challenges. The gold standard is coming back for sure. Reread my post, child, or shill, whichever.
Take your meddies.
That isn't it. Did you hear about the $500T confiscated from the Vatican over the last week? About the 650+Mil a/c flights returning our gold over the last couple of months? "Gold will destroy the Fed".
Do the math. It isn't arrests of TRAITORS. Whether civ or mil is irrelevant, and just because certain presidents and administrations haven't done it in decades is meaningless.
"Its the biggest thing no one knows about...."...
I've been on the fence with NESARA for decades, and it was signed decades ago....
Could it be?
Although some compelling evidence is presented here...
Although at first that was my initial thought, the more I analyzed the various videos, imagery, GIS data, flight aware, etc, I came to conclusion it was not a DEW, but a carefully laser guided bunker buster missile. I have personal experience with both types of weaponry in my years still supporting X and XX since leaving XX years ago.
Some things to remember.
Number one, China was sold state secrets through "private servers" during the Kenyan traitors 8 years. Some of the same during GWB as well, but not on as large a scale. And China has little space experience and truly only for the last two decades.
Number two, C_A (IXRXA) developed DEW weaps long ago, and under control of rhe nefarious forces has been using them for FF events around rhe country, in particular CA for decades. Sidenote 1) CA minimizing clearing underbrush in forested regions was intentional partially for this reason.
Number three, ALL DEWS are used from specialized airframes, NOT satellites, yet. Too many reasons to list here, BUT Space Force is changing this by design, to prevent anything like this from happening in the future. BTW, the US is light-years ahead of any country on earth in specilaized weaponry development.
Number four, China is not flying in US airspace, and C_A is effectively neutered around the World. Are there rogue small elements left, sure there are. SIDENOTE 2) - are there still chem trails in the sky? Yes. Are they as they heavy metals as they were before Trump, no. Think "washes away, washes away" in one of his early c19 pressers.
Number five, when a DEW is executed it leaves a very obvious straight line flash of light, much like a lightening bolt, without breaks like lightening, literally splitting ions in the air. Hence their potential effectiveness.
Number 6, the US has very new technologically advanced missile capabilities the world has ever seen, much like the anon pointed out below with THOR. Highly unique laser guided systems that burn to or from certain elevation and use no addititional energy to leave a contrail of any kind and can be guided to any pinpoint location on earth.
Number 7, think bunker busters that can be programmed to do nearly any depth and explosive mass programmed pre or during flight. Will there be massive damage, yes, but not as much pattern as some other missiles in our arsenal. Think pinpoint precision strike to accomplish a certain mission op.
Number 8, MIL airframes don't report to any ATC when under op. All transponders off, and and ghost mode on. Sometimes you see them, some times you don't. Element of surprise.
Number 9, our boys had a finite TOT to accomplish their data exfil goal. Think Dominion. Think set to blow with a much larger percussion had it gone off. Our guys incinerated theirs. Had it been a Chinese DEW, why did they have that TOT?
I present. You decide.
The [DS] did no such thing. White Hats (SOF) used a missile to blow up the non-disarrmable [DS] bomb after gathering the dominion data with hi-def exfil they planned to detonate as a cover up. FBI was there to cover it up for them. Think about their "24 hour investigation". Lone wolf? LOL.
Stay tuned for moar...
Harris isn't qualified as per the 14th Amendment. Read it.
Carefully read and consider the 12th Amendment. It will tell you all you need to know. I vote per state. Fact is at this time we have 31 of 50 state control. On the 6th we will have all 50 states because this election flipped every single state in America.
When is the inauguration, which is the ONLY date memorialized within the US Constitution?
[HRC]'s USSS codename was Evergreen.
[BILL] was Eagle.
The [kenyan] was Renegade. Look up thr definition of Renegade.
Don't know and don't care what michael's was.
And sadly so. I will miss it there, Patriots, Lurkers, and shills.
RIP Patriots, /BO/ and Atko.
Sorry, bro....hadn't seen this before i posted above....