Tironianae 1 point ago +1 / -0

And its excellent. Sad too many have the attention spans of gnats and prefer their info in 184 characters or less.

Find it here.


Tironianae 1 point ago +1 / -0

Notice its only the FAT faggot CapPol maggot.

ALCON, I am here and now. Just stand by. Nothing is as it appears.

And before you shill faggots get stupid. Don't. You have no idea.

Tironianae 4 points ago +5 / -1

I used it on 7 deployments daily for months each. Deployed all over the world.

No one listens around here. It's hard to be surrounded by morons, some you thought were "friends".

I really can't stand people these days. An utter lack of critical thought or inate, God given discernment skills is embarrassing AF.

Tironianae 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's because is is NOT President.

Article 1, Section 2, Clause 7 of the US Constitution.

Tironianae 2 points ago +2 / -0

Looking at the comments here, thought I would start a response here to hopefully cover it all.

I know people on this board are smart, but some seem.to be forgetting a very important aspect of this.

Nothing digital can ever be truly deleted from the internet, and we KNOW everything was connected TO the internet. The term "we have it all" is not a simple catchphrase.

Who collects EVERYTHING?

Tironianae 3 points ago +5 / -2

How stupid are you, shillbot? Is mommy proud?

Its time to take your meddies. And mommy wants her phone back.

by BQnita
Tironianae 9 points ago +9 / -0

I believe Hunter has also flipped and is under WH control. You gotta ask yourself why POTUS repeatedly asks "Where's Hunter"..... Repeatedly.

01/19/2021, or before with both?

Tironianae 2 points ago +2 / -0

Likely since the death of his best friend in NYC, JFK, Jr.

That's a FACT. Trump knew then.

Tironianae 3 points ago +3 / -0

410-128. Everyone knows who needs to know for now, Patriots. Stand by. No one knows all facets of The Plan.

No way creepy pedo Joe steps one foot inside the White House ever again.

I woke up early this morning thinking about the connections to and with Hunter. The Boss is always asking where Hunter is. "Where's Hunter"?

I began to get a bit concerned that if the Plan is to allow Joe to be inaugurated, and then the Team trotting out Hunter, who's life was made miserable his whole life by his dad and others, and Hunter becomes the expose', it would probably be too late then, as Joe would have been inaugurated and, theoretically be in control of the Military and have his son removed.

Remember too, that due to what the Boss and Co have done to the [DS] and [Cabal] over the last 4+ years, Trump, his family, and his businesses would be ruined forever. He will not let that happen.

Nope, this all has to come out this week and next and Joe will never step one foot inside the White House.

I did this hurriedly as I am walking into a meeting, but you should be able to discern what I am saying.


Tironianae 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly. 14th Amendment, Clause 3.

Biden will never be President, and under the same 1tth Amendment, Legs Up Harris isn't even qualified to be VPOTUS, much less POTUS. FACTS.

Tironianae 2 points ago +2 / -0

Rescheduled to 1515 today. Interestingly, Cuomo the homo happened to come on and is prattling on about something....taking up airspace.

Stand by.

Tironianae 2 points ago +2 / -0

Correct. Its always been about the 14th Amendment.

There are more nuggets in the 14th as well.

Anyone that is not versed in the provisions of the 14th Amendment should get out your pocket Constitution or even Google it.

If POTUS only did one thing, and he's done far more as most people know, it's to help people to understand history, the law, and our Great Constitution so that we start paying attention to what the elected do while they are in office, so that we never go to sleep again.

Tironianae 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are you familiar with what the real Abe Lincoln did? Only time in History.

Q has told us, and those that know real history know.

Insurrection Act of 1807. POTUS provided notice, satisfying Posse Comitatus, with his last tweet before then banned him the first time for 12 hours on Jan06.

Why do you think he posted Pics underneath the paintings of so many the last year. Everything has meaning. Once invoked, autonomous power is his, and Congress is irrelevant. What happened to the TRAITORS in Congress when Lincoln invoked it?

Now, what do you think it means?

Tironianae 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry...I use a VPN.

Go to Pompeo's official Twitter and see for.yourself.

Tironianae 4 points ago +5 / -1

No one was really in harms way. My brothers and I were here and witnessed ALL of it. No violence anywhere. Zero.

Op above is correct on how CapPol let the (P)ANTIFA maggots in prior to POTUS finishing his speech. They were staged all over the rotunda entrance and even right at the main door before the crowds that marched to the Capitol Bldg.

Once the early arrivals in the massive march down three different roads, Constitution, where we were etc., some joined on the steps and around the front of the bldg. Most were packed across the grounds. The CapPol then used some flashbacks, then tear gas many of the groups. Not all.

All of the sudden you could see the staged (P)ANTIFA maggots begin the breech. Some got inside. Then some of the early arrivals went in as well.

Won't go deeper, but to say anyone was put in harms way is incorrect. No one was. FACTS.

Much to learn incoming, but know this, NOTHING you see on the filthy Mockingbird is real.

POTUS will be inaugurated on January 20. 2021.

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