Because if a foreign company accidentally wipes it Congress can't do much about it.
Sure. That's what it is. You're the one spamming the thread about jews and the Old Testament.
Being that you capitalized neither God nor Jesus I'm either arguing with a jew or atheist. Your thoughts on my religion are meaningless.
Modern Judaism bears little semblance of what might be considered Judeo-Christian values
They've got digital Stabilizer software. They used it on that old bigfoot footage from the 60's and it dramatically changed the video.
We all know Republicans will bend over backwards to make sure democrats are accommodated.
They're busy muddying the water so that when the links to the DS is revealed it can be dismissed and ignored
And just wait and roll the dice with the other shooter? That's a huge gamble
Maybe a bullet, definitely not a simple mechanical failure.
The hubris of modern women never ceases to amaze me.
If it's on 4Chan it's a larp.
I think that 6% was a severe understatement
I often wonder if such naivety of the social collapse occurring around us as demonstrated by your comment comes as ignorance or an attempt to act as being too enlightened to notice.
Climate change has been hurting us for longer than we even realized!
Engineers have developed materials and methods to build more for less cost and have acceptable durability. Same for houses, we can build safe structures with what was once considered scraps.
I don't think modern jews are either. The tribes were lost. They don't even dare call themselves Israelites.
It didn't take
I think the average Tibetan is better off under China rule. The elites of old Tibet were cruel slave masters of the underclass.
Should have seen the writing on the wall when King Co stole the election from Dino Rossi in 2004.
None of those people carry any weight outside of DC, except big Mike. And he's so out of touch and unrelatable.
Thank you, I assumed you were getting at that. But they're all dead and it's a moot point if the war was never declared nor reconciled. The rebellion states fully abide. That goes down the same road as the US Corp stuff, I'm just not bought into that.
My point was that conservatives have fought (loosely using that term) for sixty years to preserve the American way of life and there's nothing to show for it. I'm not a conservative, but rather a traditionalist. I don't want to stop the clock, I want to wind it back.
You're insufferable
Has that happened?
Whatever is happening isn't a result of 6 decades of "conservatives" fighting to keep it the way it was
I support the exodus back to Africa 100%. It's about time we show the world what it would be like if they didn't have the talents of blacks in their communities and nations. That'll teach the racists.